USA vs CHINA (good news)


Well-known Member
I'm sure a lot of you allready know this but for the thousands that don't yet , listen up and pass it on. If you wear blue jeans , bib overalls , coveralls etc , did you know that the "American" sounding names like Dickey , Liberty , Big Mac , Big Smith and most all the brands you see at Tractor Supply , Wally World , Penneys etc are made in China?? Sure you did. So why do you buy them? Cheaper you say? NOT!!! Check out "Round House Bibs" on the ole puter. American factory in Shaunee Oklahoma with American workers been making this stuff for 100 yrs. Much better quallity than the "imports" and the SAME price delivered to your door!!! I just bought two pair of their bibs delivered to my door for $60! Guess what the three "import" brands down at TSC were? You guessed it , $30 a pair ,$60 NOT inc. tax. That makes the American made Round House brand actually cost LESS!! Quallity is top drawer. I love them. You all owe it to America to at least check out their web site and pass this on to anyone you know that wears denim. Another one to check out is Pointer Wear , located in Tennesee. There is absolutely NO reason to buy this clothing from China or anywhere else but America! (no I don't own stock in these)(wish I did , don't know if they are public traded companies or not).

yes--I've worn round-house coveralls for years--find them available in zipper or button up--$26-28.00 on sale here sometimes--[but i am in okla.] friend used to pick them up @ shawnee, dozen or more pair @ a time--looked for work boots in same store i buy this & other U.S.A.-made products & couldn't find one pair that wasn't made in china, even the $159.00- They may be ok & all you can get anymore, but i recall a thread on here a while back with some recommended brands-will search archives.
Here is another one. Aalfs in Sioux City, IA makes many different brands of denim products, jeans, jackets, etc.

I don't want to list them all, but click on the link and you'll see a scroll.

Note, if you live near Sioux City, or happen to be there, they have one of the best factory outlets right there in the plant.
Aalfs Sioux City, Iowa American Made Jeans
I was going to mention Pointer jeans, but you got that one. You can also Google "Texas" jeans, made in North Carolina.
Try Red Wing boots, They may be a tad expensive, but they have always lasted me a good long time. I don't know the situation where you live at, but the dealer around here can even resole them if the uppers are in good enough shape.
Ya know, I like carpenter jeans, that darned pocket on the right is good to keep your cell phone, well um JC Penney, sells LEE, $24/pair on sale, and LEE was always good, got 3 pairs in May, and all three, belt loops started to tear apart, one pair ripped down the inseam of the left leg, sheesh, old navy crap lasted longer, a lot longer, makes you start to wonder who makes something decent, reasonable.

Maybe I'm a fool, but sooner or later isn't this china crap just going to go full circle, whereas people want quality again and will pay for it, thus eventually eliminating this foreign crap, jeans, tools what have you, sooner or later, people always want to do better, it's human nature, you would think at some point after realizing everything you buy is crap, people will smarten up and there will be a renaissance of what used to be common in the U.S. which was the best made.
Amen to Red Wing boots - I just bought a new pair to replace the previous pair that wore out after THREE YEARS! And I wear them almost every day! If you amortize $150 boots out over 3 years that's not bad in my book.
Billy, I just tossed 2 pairs of Lee carpenter jeans,, Same story, belt loops tore out, rip started at left side of zipper and ran all the way to my knee on both pairs. I guess I put a dozen patches and sewed a dozen places on them in the few months I wore them.. The cloth was just rotted, it seemed.
Where do you think Red Wing is made now?? US? sorry but they left and went someplace else.
Mason shoes are good and still made in USA.
RedWing was top of the line but thats history.
Carharts and Redwings both flew the coop last year. Made me sad as I've worn both for 40yrs.

needed to re-plumb water lines so went to the local hardware. All Chinese fittings. Bought them & brot'em home. The street "L" had undersize thread on the end & inside was cross-threaded. Another trip to town. Morale of the story? Put it together in the hardware store or make numerous trips to town. Best place to get fittings is at the dump: the 50 yr. old American stuff people tear out & toss is better than Chinese new! No reason this stuff couldn't be made here in small scattered factories where quality is assured by SAE standards. Its a SHAME!
what really raised my hackles was the difference in thread sizes of hydraulic hose fittings on a JAPANESE compact tractor. the most common fittings available are made in CHINA but, the original on my japanese tractor are NOT MADE IN CHINA. I had a heckuva time getting the correct fittings and finially had to buy the original hose with fittings from the dealer and it fit like a glove. the aftermarket china made will not work. a very big difference. another product from the land of 'almost right'.
Unless congress and the American companies decide to do something for Americans they won't come back. They say they'll just move to the next third world slave shop.
I believe the top-of-the-line Red Wings and Merrills are still made in the US. The cheaper lines are made in China. Quality is one thing, but the market for $300 american-made boots is limited. Especially when Red Wing has to compete with the 50 buck Chinese-made boots sold at the chain stores.
There is a company in the USA called (ALL AMERICAN CLOTHING) These guys actually makes clothes in the USA.......Jeans, shirts, etc.

Mfg. in the several states.

I will be buying my clothes from them now.

I hate supporting the Chinese.
Something must be up with the fabric, it fails at the seems, and of course a few months down the road, leaving you no comeback, but it sure is doing nothing for LEE's reputation, they and LEVI were always fine, no way the old stuff would do this at least. I liked the price, the style, the fit was perfect, and don't you know it the material is crap, what the heck, it is sad if you can't get that kind of satisfaction out of a pair of jeans any more !

I've always done that too, patch, repair etc. especially any kind of work clothes, just seems worth it vs tossing em out, when they've got plenty of miles left in em !
We've been making uniforms here in Greenville, Il since 1892 (Demoulin Bros & Co.) backbone of the business is marching band uniforms for high schools and universities, reason we're still here is that each school has it's own colors, designs,etc. 50 - 150 kids in the band, too small for overseas, plus we'll make you one exact copy if the dog eats your uniform PLUS just bought the Protexall Uniform Co. so we're now making uniforms for John Deere, Case IH, Trane and a whole host of other USA companies.
I've noticed that the Chinese (Home Depot) right angle fittings are not tapped at 90 degrees to one another.
Not all Red Wings are made in the USA. I got a pair about a month ago and on the inside of the shoe is a tag that says stock #950 made in China.
Not all Mason shoes are U.S. made anymore, either. I've quit going to their store where the clerk brings out shoes for you to try on... go to Farm and Fleet now, where I can pick out my own, and look for the 'Made in the U.S.A.' tag. (have to look there too - some are, some aren't)
My Mom bought a Hoover vacuum in 1978 and gave it to me when I graduated college in 1985 as I was dirt poor. I still used that vacuum until last year when my wife decided she wanted a new vacuum because she though the old one was too heavy to push around. Bought a new Hoover-made in China of course.

The new Hoover lasted 13 months when the bushings on the roller wore through the housing.(maybe that is why the new Hoover was lighter). Of course it is now out of warranty.

Guess what? We are back to using our 1978 Hoover...and it works just fine
Buy American Made while you can...when "Cap & Trade" is passed, it will be the final nail in the coffin of american manufacturing.
The majority of them are made in Mexico. Check the labels.
Yup,and did you hear Orion Samulson this morning? He was telling how the greenies and Limbaughs pals at HSUS just might finally get their way in shutting down animal ag in this counrty. Seems they filed a lengthy lawsuit a few weeks ago to use the clean air act to turn us all into vegans unless you can get meat here from Argentina. This one sounds serious folks. Doesn't make it illegal to have livestock,just impossible to meet the standards.
As well as agriculture. We will get all meat from Argentena, grains from the former rainforests of Brazil. We can't meet the regulations to grow anything here, only food stamp people can afford to eat then.

What I did is went to TSC and tried on Dickey and Liberty and found the size I took and took a shot , plus their site gives very good info on sizing. Mine fit perfectly. Just have to get rid of the "denial" about your weight and belly size and go by their instructions. At least for bibs , go a size larger than jean size on waist (if 36 go to 38) and if your gut hangs over 36,s then you may want 40,s cause you are cheating with 36 jeans anyway. Point is , there is no reason for TSC and others to ever sell another pair of these. These companies are doing their part to help us , it's hi time we helped them out. You can't even use cost or convenience and definately not quallity as a reason for buying imports! Quallity , USA made , delivered to your door and at the same price! It don't get any better than that! This country has to help itself , the "government"? isn't going to!
red wings were good boots now they make them in china. I recently bought a pair thinking they were still made well and made here.was i disappointed! made in china quality at made in U.S.A. prices. some friends of mine have purchased stuff from harbor freight and had to basicly re build the stuff to make it useable we call it made in china made functional in the U.S.A.
My current Red Wings are the 2408's. Mine say made in the U.S.A., but they are a couple of years old. Hang on to your wallet though, Msrp is $218.00, but they have lasted me a long time, and may have another year or so in them yet.
Yeah it is going to be interesting in a few years when everybody is driving foreign cars, wearing clothes made in foreign countries and our dairy products and produce will be coming from foreign countries. It is a dog eat dog world out there and I used to have hope but now I believe that we are going to lose out.
(quoted from post at 02:47:22 10/03/09) I'm sure a lot of you allready know this but for the thousands that don't yet , listen up and pass it on. If you wear blue jeans , bib overalls , coveralls etc , did you know that the "American" sounding names like Dickey , Liberty , Big Mac , Big Smith and most all the brands you see at Tractor Supply , Wally World , Penneys etc are made in China?? Sure you did. So why do you buy them? Cheaper you say? NOT!!! Check out "Round House Bibs" on the ole puter. American factory in Shaunee Oklahoma with American workers been making this stuff for 100 yrs. Much better quallity than the "imports" and the SAME price delivered to your door!!! I just bought two pair of their bibs delivered to my door for $60! Guess what the three "import" brands down at TSC were? You guessed it , $30 a pair ,$60 NOT inc. tax. That makes the American made Round House brand actually cost LESS!! Quallity is top drawer. I love them. You all owe it to America to at least check out their web site and pass this on to anyone you know that wears denim. Another one to check out is Pointer Wear , located in Tennesee. There is absolutely NO reason to buy this clothing from China or anywhere else but America! (no I don't own stock in these)(wish I did , don't know if they are public traded companies or not).
Made in America matters to me!
I just had $12,000 worth of flooring installed in my home and I demanded American Products. The ceramic tile was actually made locally!
Sad that the owner of the store said that only occasionally will a customer ask for American products.
As you have stated, the price is basically the same.
When are people going to WAKE UP?

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