Packing the pile


A shot of the tractors packing the pile. I am not sure how they avoided hitting each other. Sorry about the quality. I didn't realize that the windshield was so dirty.
My favorite time of year in MN. harvesting.... all machine work..Could you give us a rundown of the tractors..
I was not able to get close enough to make out the individual model #'s. There were two John Deere 4 wheel drives with triples, One with a blade and one pulling a box blade. One.Ford 4 wheel drive with triples, and a International 4 wheel drive with triples. There were trucks rolling in from every available blacktop road.
I sure do miss chopping corn!! I don"t know how nobody ever got hurt the way we did it. We had a bunk silo open at both ends and we would ramp up the silage. Drive the truck in one end, dump and then drive off the steep end of the pile 12+ feet high at the top. My favorite truck to ride in was the 48" ford(this was in the early 80"s)..After we bought a 4wd drive loader we closed in one end of the silo and just ramped the pile up from one end.I can almost smell it now...Jim
What are they doing? Here in my part of Calif I have never seen anything like that. Is that cow feed? If so, how do they get it to the cows. Stan
I'm not entirely new to farming but, I have know idea what's going on. Since the only silly question is the one not asked...What's going on? Packing a pile of what? Why?
They are chopping green corn for silage.They are packing it into a pit where it will have a cover of plastic sheeting.Most farmers use old tires to hold the sheeting over the pile.Kept air tight it will keep for feed.The cows love it.
I believe that swould be corn silage. Used to feed cattle. Aoperation that size probably has a silage loader mounted on a tractor, or a loader tractor to move it.
They are packing a pile of silage to get the air out help prevent from spoiling. This silage is chopped corn, stalk and all. It is fed to cattle by using a loader to load it in what we call feeder wagons.

Most wagons self unload and have mixers in them to mix in the nutrients and other roughage or grains as wanted.

It is usually fed in bunks or troughs.

Corn silage? Must be a big farmer!

If Cenexguy is from around here that could easily be the state or county workers that are moving dirt for new Hwy 20 that is coming through. Been hearing about it all my life but the latest expansion like that is now about 10 miles away.
The "new" Hwy 20 is creeping along like the tectonic plates crashing into Asia. I drove on a first piece of Hwy 20 near Delhi in eastern Iowa in 1958 or 59. The road equipment sat along the right of way for something like 20 years as they built from Delhi to Dubuque. I have gone to Lake City through Ft Dodge and Rockwell City hundreds of times to my sweeties folks at Lake City. The trip is 1/2 hour shorter now. Leonard
Hey I made that same drive to get my sweetie. This was in 1950/ She gratuated from LC highscool in 1948. Old fsmily in that area, My e-mail is open. Here is a picture of her home place.

<a href="¤t=Momsfarm.jpg" target="_blank">
Momsfarm.jpg" border="0" alt="Moms Iowa farm in 1950's
Does it look familiar?
Hard to imagine chopping 10,000 acres of corn, let alone 100,000 acres. AT 20 tons/A that would be 2,000,000 tons!! Not sure how much a Holstein cow would consume in a year but I do know it would take a heck of a lot to chew through that!!

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