Photos from the air, Yup there is a tractor

I was out baling last night when a friend flew over and took a couple photos, thought I would share with you all. It is a beautiful time of year around here!

Which one"s for sale and when can i move. Simply beautiful! One never knows how truly blessed we are until we look around at what we have.
Next time get your friend to take you up for a ride.

You will definetly get another "perspective" of how things look from the air.

Years ago in another lifetime, I was making a solo cross-county flight from Greenville, TX to Texarkana, TX.

Farm was within the flight path, so on the way back I "swooped" down and "buzzed" my parents home.

Momma told me that the dogs were barking at all the noise so she went outside to see what was happening.

She looked up and waved when I made the second pass.

Almost 40 years have passed since that day.

Agree that you have a beautiful area at your home and farm.

Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

Seriously, you need to get your friend to take you for a plane ride!
Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Trees are turning at our farm, too. Hope to get out this w/e and take some pics.
I go quite often, even have a few landings under my belt, someday would like to take it a little more seriously and get my private pilots license.
Actually this is all on the top of a big hill, quite hilly actually, not by southwest Wis. standards of course, but not flat land by any means.
That sure is pretty, wish I could visit in person. In the 1970s I took a friend and family on a vacation to Missouri. Prior to that he had never been out of the state of Kansas. I couldn't get over how pretty the Missouri farms were (north of I-70). Kind of how I feel about your photo.

If those were taken with a film camera you might suggest that he try a polarizing lens on the camera to see if it would take out some of the window reflection.

Yes, might pretty.
Very nice pictures. I live in Michigan and find the Midwest ststes WITHOUT trees gorgeous. I am awed by the sun rises and sets in Kansas and Oklahoma and I can only imagine what pioneers felt as they started off across The Great Plains. Year around, Michigan is tough to beat; October is a kolidescope of colors. Every state has its own unique beauty.

Larry in Michigan
Beautiful pics !! Thanks for sharing nice lay out of the farmland too. Nice rectangular fields , won't see that much here in Pa.
[contoured hillsides]

Our trees haven't colored that much yet maybe next week.
Fall is by far my favorite time of year. I love chopping corn on a cool morning, maybe a light frost burning off the hood of the tractor. Plowing under the manure that Dad hauled earlier and just watching the smoke roll out of the 1855's muffler.

It helps that my birthday is coming up too, so just one more reason to be happy. This year it looks like we'll be chopping corn on my birthday, which hasn't happened in a while. Atleast the last 5-10 years we've been done with our a few days to a couple weeks before hand.

Last year we were done by the 19th of September or so. Had all of the feildwork done before the end of October which hasn't happened before.



Donovan from Wisconsin

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