I'll get this right someTIME


Well-known Member
When traveling to the west do you gain and hour or loose and hour...Its 8:00 am in Iowa and 7:00 am in Colorado....If I leave at 8am in Iowa and get to Colorado at 8pm(12 hours) I gained and hour of sunlight however moving the watch from 8 to 7 I loose and hour. The reverse would be going to the East coast. Confused or what???? kidding
When coming to Oregon in 1843 aunt Charlotte was told by her father that they would be traveling straight into the eye of the setting sun. Wow she thought no more sunsets and no more of those awful nights that waste so much time. It was several days before she figured out that something was wrong.
If you set your clock back you gain an hour. Going east you loose an hour so always travel west to live longer.
That's OK on the spelling charge it up to shell shock.

When we were going over there by the "USS Gen Walker"

WE were told as we crossed the international dateline that we lost a day of our lives and only some would gain it back.
Around here there's a story about an older indian(OK, Native American to be politically correct) who was watching or listining to some white folks making a fuss over having to reset their clocks when daylight savings time rolled around. Old indian turned up his nose and said "humph...white man crazy...he think time is real"....which if ya think about it, he was saying that just because our clocks tell us something, we believe it is true. That's where the saying "white man's time" came from....there's only really two REAL times- nighttime and daytime...'course, I may have those two switched around....

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