OT, How to get rid of snakes?


Well-known Member
What is the best way to get rid of snakes? Do not know what kind they are but they have no business in the crawl space under the house or in the bathroom. The house is 100+ years old and built on boulders for foundation and between them to close off is filled with treated planks burried in the ground and they are going under that. The pump tank and water softner is down there and I have to get down there to install some new piping and do not want to run into one down there. Couple of years ago 2 got into the bathroom somehow.
I feel your pain brother. If I found a snake INSIDE my house I'd be tempted to burn it down. What about using some of that spray can expanding foam to block where they come inside the house. AFTER that has set up, toss a few bug bombs in where the snakes are. If you leave an avenue of escape they might just go away long enough for you do your work???
Another plan would be to hire the job out to someone else.
The snakes will stick around as long as they have something to eat. Get rid of your mice and the snakes will move on down the road.
I have gravel on the floor of the crawl space and found a few 1" diameter holes at the edge where the treated planks are and could not figure out what made them, yesterday found one under garbage can lid on outside of house and while trying to get it with a shovel it dissapeared in grass and found a 1" hole against the treated lumber on the outside of house. And I have not seen any sign of mice.
Should have made it plainer they are holes in the ground, not gaps in material between boulders. Everything it tight enough the temp stayed above 55* all last winter in below 0* weather without any extra heat. Don't think the expanding foam will work in the ground.
If they are non poisonous, I would take them. They are better than a cat.
Yes they do find them selfs in places I do care for them to be, but they don't leave muddy foot prints on your truck hood.
put some hydrated lime outside the house just pour it in a line all the way around the house a snake will not cross it if they do it throws them into a premature shed witch will likely kill them but the trick is to make sure they are out of the house when you do this or they wil be traped inside
Almost ran over a puff adder when I parked the tractor in the back yard. Called my wife and we "played" with it for a few minutes. Really flattened his head out trying to look tough. He crawled up over the disk axle. I don't want snakes in the basement, but I like having them around. Keeps the mice down. Fifty years ago when I was a kid,we saw blue racers all the time.I haven't seen one in years. Snakes are just part of the food chain and nature.

Larry in Michigan
agree with Mark. Rid place of any foodsource snakes would be interested in (crickets, mice, etc) and they will leave. Three rules in dealing with snakes. 1. don't kill snakes 2. don't kill snakes 3. don't kill snakes
and they aren't under your feet all the time and aren't begging for food all the time and they don't bury stinking dung everywhere you don't want it. I'll take the snakes too. I have a old truck in my shed i have been working on, found a big like 4 foot skin shed of probably a bull snake in there....hope he stays around.
Doubtful if
they like Peppermint ,,Got a nice stand of peppermint around patio,,never see a snake near the House ,,, but they are out amogst the barns fields and pasture ,, I still jump when i see one , LOL Guess I always will ,, Thats just how I was raised I guess...
Bob mentioned Snake Away--Gemplers sells it.

From the time I was born until I was in my 20s I only saw one snake on our entire farm and it wasn't because I wasn't looking out for them.

I later learned or rather was told that a farm with a lot of cats and chickens won't have snakes. Because of granaries and barns we kept plenty of farm cats around and genrally had between 100 and 200 hens since we sold eggs.

It also didn't hurt that our early day farming was done with one-ways so I expect I sliced up a many of them.
Guinea Hens. They eat snakes, ticks, rats and mice also. I have seen mine chase coyotes and White Tail Bucks out of the yard.
What I do when I find a snake in the basement or elsewhere in the house is grab it by the tail and carry it outside. Let it go a couple of hundred feet from the house. Learn to recognize the poisonous ones, the others are doing you a favor by eating mice.
Agree 100% with Mark! They are the best "grounds keepers" you can have . They will move on when the food dissappears. Obviously your "food supply" keeps multiplying so if the snakes weren't there you would be overrun with something worse. They love toads and frogs too. Is your crawl space wet/damp ? If it is they may be there for the frogs too.
If you see the 2 puncture marks on your person then the snake is not playing the game.
My 3 rules.. 1. a long handled shovel. 2. ditto
3. ditto. 4. hang it on the fence for the Kookaburras.

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