Prairie Hay

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Just some more pictures of prairie hay. Kinda different for a change to bale in the daytime. :>)

Downside tho; walked across another 96 acres and that silly 686D now shows under a half a tank of fuel. Only 106 acres to go and I'm done with hay fer the year. :>)




I sure do enjoy your pic's Allen and I like that good old IH hardware,of which I have some too. But what I really wish you could share with me is a bit of that sunshine , My job for Monday is to hook my 966 to the forage harvester and blow 25 acers of second cut up in the air. It is as black as coal, cut now 16 days and had 12 diffrent rain events . Some small 2 tenths of a inch some 3 inch. Oh well here in southren Ontario we are in no danger of having a dry well.
Baling with duals work out OK for ya?

I see they are still on. One good thing about baling with duals. The tractor seems to ride smoother. It takes a bigger hole for the wheels to fall into.

Allan, You puttin that up on shares, or just custom. Curious what the per acre custom rate for hay is down there.

Oh Man!

Did that ever work out slick. Doubt if I'll ever take 'em off again. Darned thing rides sooooo much smoother this way.

And, only lost a "tad" of the turning radius. :>)

Thanks Gary!

THANKS for sharing your pictures... was wondering , how long are your fields ?? seem's like you never see the other end ..
Nice looking equipment, it just shows you DON'T have to have the Newer stuff to do a great job...
Must be nice that you don't have alot of SHORT rows and lots of turning..

THANKS again for the Great pictures ....

Only have two little fields with short rows and they are a quarter mile in length. Most everything else is laid out in 1/2 mile runs or better.

It's okay tho; my eyesight is getting so darned bad that I can hardly see out to the end of the tractor anyhoo. :>)

If fuel consumptionis not enough, you can always put a turbo on the 686. VROOM!!!
Sorry I couldn't resist. Always enjoy your photo's
It has been my understanding, at least in the S.E corner of the state, that the U. of Nebraska recommends July 24, as the target date to put up prairie. Their claim is that waiting too long after that it may loose as much as one-half it's peak protein. The work or cost of putting is not much different, so why not go for max feed value? and....I don't mean to throw cold water on your hay, or take anything away from your photography.
that last pic is really sweet. almost looks like it should be framed. you have a nice setup! and im glad the duals worked out for you bailin.
If he's in the same shape I was in the only way to get the first cuttings done within two months of when the should have been was to put pontoons on the tractor.
I have an Idea for you Allan us mountain folk never had the opportunity to make hay without steering and sometimes changing gears.

Think since we have small farms and get done quicker than you , you should make your place a tourist attraction for us folk.

You could sell tickets just to be able to run a lap in your fields. you could sit in an air conditioned office/ studio and make money <}:>)}
I think there's something wrong. I just saw a hill! I'm kinda jealous. Haven't done any real amount of hay this year. Also like the prairies.
Yeah.... We had one of 'those' years last year. We ceased wrapping garbage in a -10 C snow storm on Christmas eve with 40-50 acres still standing.
If you worried about doing it 'right' at that point you'd long since have been home.


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