Allan !! You Chicken picker

Old Roy

Well-known Member
You just have to get off that tractor and head to Nashville before the sun takes away your true calling, ---Man I just went nuts over this one !
now you went and did it , I guess I'll make a lamp out of my early S model Yamaha.
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Hey Nancy - I'm in on buying one of Allen's CD's. Just drop off at the glennster's shop and I will pick up.

If you you and James ever get "up to and over to" Illinois/Iowa stop in and see us. Somebody will probably let you run the big tractors/combines (Green) as well as antiques. Yeah, we do have horses here too!

Jim IL
great idea!!!! i'm usually there m-f 8-5pm unless im on a secret tractor mission. and nancy, bring yer new truck, mebbe will shoot it a nice shade of pink!!!!
as mae west says, "come up and see me sometime"!!! here is a link to my shop
cmon over
PINK???!!! Uh, I don't think so.

Maybe one of these days we'll get up that way. I'd like to go to "Gatherin of the Green" sometime.

If we do, you can bet we'll drop in.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again - that's entertainment!

Started toe tapping soon as the music started.

Thanks for sharing good music.
yup nancy, i"m thinkin pink!!!! heres a pink one we did for a good customers daughter. its a house of colors candy fushia with a pearl. yup, the horses "d love yer truck in pink.
<a href="" target="_blank">
DCP02194.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
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Looks like a really nice job, but I'm afraid that's not a color I would like very much. Hmmm, mauve or rose might be nice with a silver pen stripe. Something to think about.
Gotta tell ya,and with no offense.Nashville is REALLY LOADED with So called pickers. Any one who learns three chords on a guitar thinks he or she is missing their calling. Well it aint so!!!
Alan is still in the process of learning the instrument.If he were to leave the farm and venture to Nashville to make his mark, He would surly starve to death. His efforts of playing SHOULD BE Lauded, how ever he has a long way to go, (in my opinion) to be in the company of guitar players like Jerry Reed, Chet,Roy clark and the others who knows their Instrument, takes a life time of study, practice. and devotion to the instrument.Years of sacrafice not to mention having a family who shares his or her ambition
to become a top notch player.Like the saying goes"Insporation coupled with determination gets best results".Knowing Alans expertise in tractors and farm equiptment shows his determination to solve mechanical problems, however that is like compairing apples and oranges when it comes to guitar PLAYING.
Simple constructed tunes, ie three chords doesn"t take long to master as a form of mechanical ability. If he becomes really serious about learning more, he should invest time with a truly dedicated guitar players who can show him all there is to know of the guitar. His farming just won"t allow him the time needed to accomplish the task. I truly wish him well,and all should know I appreciate his efforts so far.
Thanks for the invition to come visit with you.

Once we get everything caught up on the farm, we might just set out on a "road" trip North of the Red River.

Let me alert you, once Nancy starts talking horses, make yourself comfortable because you might be there a while.

Got to love a wife that loves old tractors.

Thanks again for the invitation; it is greatly appreciated.
Really like your web site; very professional, informative, and well designed.

Impressed me because it is strictly business; didn't have any of you YT mischievousness (whatever that means).

Just kidding; it is a good website.
In a way I have to agree with you.
I saw Tommy Cash in person telling of going into restaurants ordering a cup of hot water and used the free ketchup to make soup.

I was in Nashville on Vacation awhile back , A kid with a guitar case was sitting on a park bench looking like he lost his last friend, I started to talk to him , and ask about the guitar.
To make a long story short, he got it out and started playing songs that he had written. people started to line up, and while listening to him started to drop money in his case.
He was not begging, But the people were listening to some very good music, and didn't want him to stop.I just hope a real talent seeker found him.

The three chord thing? Allan has fantastic runs that go beyond that in other selections you may have not heard. he is also multi talented in playing at least one other instrument, without the comfort of electronic synthesizers or artificial help to make his sounds.
He also has a very nostalgic style of playing that would mix well in todays country music
Hi Roy: Well from what I read ,alan does use electronics .Most do. Cant afford studio musicians time and studio engineers and the rest of the cost involved. Playing runs does not constitute chord construction !!!!. From what I listened to ,was tunes that required no more then three chords. Makes it simple to play. Now you may ask, How do I Know? WEll after 71 years and countless Hours involved with the music and the business, I da== well should Know. Been on the road, put in my dues ,Played all over the mid west INCLUDING NE.Hard life. Didn"t do drugs, just drank heavily,and I can tell ya being seperated from my wife And children was NO PICNIC.He--uva Life.Knowing now what I know, I would Never enter the music business EVER AGAIN!!!! Great players have the ability to master their instruments and THAT my FRIEND TAKES MANY YEARS. Most folks are EASILY IMPRESSED
by NO TALENT players who shake their BOOTY, JUMP
Around ,TWANG their guitars, beat drums, etc.
That in the music industry is called HIGH ENEGERY
And requires NO TALENT, other than learnig the mechanics of 3 chords.Now I can bet you never listened to Benson, Montgomery,and the Diana Krall musicians. NOW SHE IS ONE teriffic musician. Has talent & soul.Her Guitar player is something to behold. Her whole group sells rechords and she has appeared in clint eastwood movies and is indeed successful. What I told you is pure gospell and from ONE WHO KNOWS and has been there,I will tell you Iam not easily impressed.
I have covered it all in this reply,so my suggestion to you is, dont encourage Allan to leave the farm and get into the music business. To much of a nice guy to be chewed up ans spit out. He is certainly one teriffic and talented mechanic/farmer, No one can dispute that EVER.
You sound like a miserable individual. Maybe your best wasn't good enough. But more than likely your attiude prevented your success.

IF Allan really desired a career in music he has the right demeanor to make it. But I think that at this point in his life he is very comfortable with his HOBBIES.

Keep up both Allan, and continue to share them with us often.
Well Knowin Allan I believe he is smart enough to know I'm just yankin his chain a little, at his spot in life right now, I believe he is comfortable where he is. He has too many things going right in his favor now that taking a chance at even the age factor would jeopardize all he has gained.

Nashville wants young blood anyways.

You sound like you are a hard core musician. that wanted to feel like a top star, trying to actually make it on the circle floor in Nashville.

If Allan has the same thoughts as I we just have an outlet to suppress some anxiety that may have occurred during the day. For myself I never played for money though some said I should.
I wanted to keep it fun as a hobby not as a job.
I have kidded Allan lots of times here on the forum.

Amplification of a musical instrument is not considered altering the sound other than a slight re-verb, volume, bass, and treble.

As you know most electric guitars have a tremolo bar. still within the limit of non electronic sounds like the wha wha peddle or distortion boxes and such.[ electronic enhancement ]

I seen Allan play "Foggy Mountain Breakdown"
With a banjo and his Stratt the only electronic sound I heard was the amp itself, being used for volume only, with a very light echo.
You Haven't heard all the songs I have that he plays. So you think he only plays in 3 cords.

"Foggy Mountain Breakdown" modulates into six with a fourth cord both ways.
do not underestimate him, he is a fine musician.

By The way he gives lessons too.
FWI Roy ,Nashville has never been in my mind as a successful atribute.Playing foggy Mountain breakdown is STILL A THREE CHORD CONSTRUCTED DITTY, as is all country music, and thats all
it"s ever going to be be. period. While playin Vegas in 1957 I ran into a truly genious man(GEORGE CARDOBA) who couldn"t speak english,had his wife translate for him but he could play "The flight of the bumble bee on his 12 string acustical guitar. Caught his performance on the strip before a Packed house .No one yanked his chain.I"m certain you truly enjoy ALANS endeavors and should you ask him if he is strugling with his music he will in all honesty tell ya he is. So that being said, I know I can"t educate you beyond what I have already told to you. In the music field, I was well Known
and still have a reputation as a good player even though I gave it up when the rockers hit the scene. I"m far from angry as some has indicated,and to them I can state. Ya can"t cure stupid.
Miserable ? Not on your life.You sound like you judge a book by it"s cover.You don't know me from adam so my question to you is ,Who are you to judge? You probly play a swinenet.
Miserable ? Not on your life.You sound like you judge a book by it"s cover.You don't know me from adam so my question to you is ,Who are you to judge? You probly play a swinenet.

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