Allan in NE !!

Old Roy

Well-known Member
Allan I'm feeling pretty bad right now.
I had some of your music, that I enjoyed playing along with. Your style is so close to my nephew's lead that We could make some great sounds.

Anyway , in my sense of stupid humor, I caused you to delete this music, by letting it out to someone, and putting them up to posting as their own, just to see what you'd say, thinking you may take it as a joke as it was meant to be.

I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way. I know I lost some good music over this joke.

Ya don't have to beat on me , cause I'm kicking myself.
The same goes for me, Allan. Really sorry you took the site down.

I did book mark the new site, but sure wish you hadn't pulled the first one. Would you consider reviving it or adding the music from the original site as another page on the current site? Sure hate to loose all that good pickin!
Hi Pard,

The lightning took out my main computer last night and I'm in on a company machine.

Give me a bit to get back online.

Heck no, I'm not offended in the least. At my age, that function is a total waste of time. :>)

Good to hear that. I really felt bad about that. Let me know when the site is back up. I want to bookmark it.

P.S. really nice pic of you on the newer sight.
quote: Heck no, I"m not offended in the least. At my age, that function is a total waste of time. :>)

Dang it, Allan - with an attitude like that, how are you ever gonna qualify as a good nnalert!

(On the other hand, if you can remain unoffended, that puts you in a minority group and eligible for some sort of stimulus package!)

I enjoy your posts and your attitude - it is truly refreshing in our current society of people lost in the wilderness of self-pity and seeking something to offend them and, therefore, justify their miserable existence.
Just cause he ain't offended don't mean he won't swing a tire tool at some one. Them there's fight'n words!


Yep, would be in my part of the woods, too. (cept'n Allan ain't got no woods!)

It's kinda funny. When I was a kid, everybody around me voted nnalert. Now, the only ones you find are the young and gullible ones that believe politicians are capable of being truthful.

I wish I had a few more neighbors like Allan.
Dad burn it !! musta been my trying to figure out how to word that apology, that broke your computer Now you really made my feel bad hurt. ~~~<}:>0}

Thanks for understanding.

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