Yippee it's raining

Starting last night it finally started raining, as of this AM I got 1 and 1/10 inches and lots more on the way by the looks of the radar. Almost too late, but if it keeps coming we may get a second crop of hay, desperately need that, as the first crop totalled less than a quarter of the normal yield. Keep sending rain folks. :>)
We got 2 in. at the farm Friday, .22 Monday and more today. Just wish we had been able to get some fertilizer on the hayfield.
GOOD for you .. ever little bit helps ... it's been raining here off and on last nite and so far this morning ... as of 10:30 am we got 4 tens ...[ middle of Iowa ]
I sow some grass seed yesterday so this will help there ...
MN Scott,I'm not far from you(West of Roch) and we got a GOOD half inch so far.Just in time too,the corn just started tassling.
We won"t see any until November here in central California; Been over 100 degrees every day for the last week and a half.
I'll celibrate with you if you'll send it across the lake to us over here in Michigan tomorrow.
Still nothing here in western Washington- about 2 tenths since May 15 in most areas- no more in the forecast. Temps in the 90's every day.

Tucson, Phoenix and Denver have all had more rain than us over the past 2 months. Not really very unusual- we almost never get a second cutting without irrigation. Whatever hay is not already put up is straw, now.
Rain in my part of Texas most of last week. Heard one county had nine inches in one day. Plus a few twisters. We need the rain but can do without the storms.
You can have every drop we have gotten since May 15 2009. According to my rain gauge 15.00+ inches. Fields to wet equipment sinks right up to the frames. Only got 223 bales so far out of 1100 needed. Animals standing in mud up to their bellies. Nothing is dry. 10 day forcast heavy rain today (Tuesday) 60% chance of thunder storms 7/22 thru 7/28 Flood watch in effect again. Rivers running right at crest.


JW (Wet)in NH

Then I'll celebrate if it makes all the way to eastern Michigan.

My trees are starting to look a little dry. Still haven't figured out an irrigation system that is in my budget.

Here near Wickenburg Arizona since 1/1/2009 we have had 1/10th some time back and 3/10th last night with partly cloudy skies right now and no appearances of more rain to come. We get no snow in the winter so no moisture from that. Range Cattle are eating Prickly Pear Cactus and Tree Limbs and Brush to survive.Grass and weeds have all dried up and blown away. High country forage is a little better shape. Not a good time to run Cattle on the Desert right now.A good setting for fires is forming. Cattle are breaking down Fences if in the way and running in the streets to get at yard grass and sprinkler water.Ranchers sit back at the Bars,drink beer and brag about thier {{Ranches}}.Life goes on in central Arizona.
Careful what'cha wish for. We were in the same boat from last September til mid June. Haven't seen enough water out of the clouds to comb your hair since. Corn's curling,pastures are looking pretty poor. Nothing but a cloud of dust when the cows were coming up across it a little while ago.
Can't believe this weather. With the exception of last year, we can't ever seem to get rain in late June and July. Usually rains in early August to save the beans. But even last year the rain stopped for a few weeks and possibly hurt the corn yields. Not this year, rain occurs every three to four days. Those that somehow got planted in late April or early May should have a phenomenal crop, if it didn't get drowned. Lawn is sure liking this weather and with only a few days in the lower 90's, the A/C has run only a couple of hours.

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