Pond Problem (OT)


I know this is off topic, but I thought someone might be able to tell me exactly what this green is floating on my pond. How do I get rid of it? Up close it looks like small little green beads. It just started this year and I am not sure where it comes from or how to get rid of it.

Thanks for any help, Bob

That isn't a problem!..its called duck weed and people pay money to buy it for thsir garden ponds. It is attractive and it tends to shade the water and help keep water temperature down. I have purchased it at a pond store for that purpose. It will disappear eventually as the fall comes along..skim some off if it bothers you, but like I said people pay good money to have it!.You have a nice and large pond, very attractive!
Yep - duck weed. I got into a mess of that as a kid swimming in our pond and got a HORRIBLE rash (not sure if that's common but I had hives everywhere). And the bale of barley straw thing would explain what I saw in a pond Up North last month. That's why I love coming here!

Good knowledge,

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