O/T Looking For Brahman Cattle

you could come to se new mexico and get all you want.nobody here wants any of them.they cause alot of trouble.
Really what do they do that causes trouble. I would definately like to have one but new mexico is quite a drive from illinois.
the main thing is they go where the want to go and they are hard to contain.you cant herd one anywhere.they are also a flighty breed.a hand raised young heifer might be ok if you can tame it enough.generally they dont like getting very close to a human.
traded for a young calf once sight unseen,it was deliveredlate one evening.next day it was on its way to the herd next door.could not turn it around.neighbor and i corralled the herd,loaded her up in a trailer and brought her home 15 minutes later she was headed back to neighbors to be with his herd,she's been there 3 1/2 years
bought 5 steers 30 years ago,1 was brahma.i walked into the pen one day and he bolted over the fence.tried bringing him back,that didnt work,told the guy i got it from,he could have him back,no charge.took two cowboys on horseback 8 hours to get him rounded up and in a trailer
if the drought keeps up i'll sell you a herd been raisig brahma & crosses for years never had a problem more than any other breed about 15 yr, ago seen 1 go thru the ring in marlette mich, they didn't know where he came from
Brahma doesn't seem wanted around our parts except for rodeo stock, and using the bulls to breed heifers since the calves come out like a long piece of slime causing no birthing problems.

Never heard them correctly called Brahman until your post, always knew them as Brahma all these years.
Ya well i usually just call them Brahma but i figured somebody would say there correct name is Brahman but anyways is there anybody you know i could buy a hiefer or two off of.
several around Nashville TN. Neighbor has some in his herd but not purebred. Don't know about prices but suspect same as average beef cattle.

Hi Ben,
I've got Brahma blood in my cattle, and I'm slowly breeding it thinner.

Some of them are like pets - you can walk up to them anywhere and they act like a 4-H calf.

Others are like pets out in the open, but will go nuts when you shut a gate behind them.

Others are just plain nuts, and I get rid of them quick.

I tried to load a fat Brahma cross steer once. He was an outside pet/inside nut. He wrecked five gates and was running down the gravel road when we left with the rest of the load. I hoped he'd never come home, but the next morning he'd wrecked another gate getting back into the lot. I used him for a pen tester - took five tries to load him. Finally got the pen high enough and tough enough that he couldn't get out. When we got him to the sale barn, I warned the yard men about him, and they laughed - said they could handle him. He put them all up on the fence. They finally got him in a pen with a lid on it.

I enjoyed watching somebody else deal with him.

Good luck with your Brahmas.

Ben Here in Texas Registered Brahman Cattle are as plentiful as stars in the western sky!
But I wouldn't let a Humpie of mine go North Of Dodge City Ks, The poor thing would freeze to death that far North, At the very least her ears would suffer frost bite in ya'lls cold winters , Unless you intent to let here live indoors during Dec,Jan, Feb, March. Brahmans wern't ment to live that far North, They are thin skined as far as cold weather goes.
In the 105 heat of Texas, Arizona, New or Old Mexico Summers or Floridas swamp Country Not the Frozen Tundra of Ill. LOL! LOL!
Seriously You would be better advised to get a Brahman X to get a better cold tolerant animal.
IE... Brangus, Braford, Brahman X most any English breed to get the cold tolerance you will need !!!
If any ol Cross bred cow will do Try ...
Winter-McKinley Livestck At Dodge City, Ks. The Salebarn there.
You have a Computer??? Do a search of ...
American Brahman Breeders Assa. Go to SEARCH by State...Ill.
2 hits
Double J-L Farms, Cobden ILL
E.S. Sheppelman, Bloomington Ill.
You will have to look up the # I will not be apart of sending a sweet little Texas Humpie to the frozen Northland. LOL Hope this helps
John A.
I understand they are a warm climate animal but my dad raised them when he was a boy and they never did have any die but yes i will keep her insided during the winter months our cows and horse actully live a little better than i do sometimes but if you do have any or know of anybody i could contact to buy a calf i would appriciate it
I crossed a Brown Swiss/Gurnsey cow to Brahma. She is turnign a lighter brown now and growing like a weed. Here is a couple of shoots of her. Her mom is a light cream brindle with peach skin.
You got to love the ears. They was 7 inchs each at birth.


Ben, Both of these fellows are in your back yard! Their #s are on the American Brahman Breeders Assa. web page, look at members by state.
Their Cattle will be more acculamented to the colder weather ya'll have! Hope this helps
John A.
Assuming that you wouldn't be interested if you didn't already have great fences, you need to know that they are more paranoid and athletic than english breeds. If you have good pens and facilities they will handle predictably
until there is about 3 left in the pen. Always go get some more to put with the 3 before you approach them on foot to try to run them in an alley or squeeze chute. They are more likely
to run over you or jump over you when cornered than english breeds. They are awesome momma cows.

Talk about wild brahman,years ago a boss of mine bought some buffalo,yard was made with R.R.ties 4 ft apart with full 3 by 12
planks. When they unloaded them buffalo, the bull came down the ramp into pen across the pen, through the fence and was gone. Ken
Exactly . WHY ???... Had a cow here like thatfor a few years ,, wildest dam thang !... Anytime anything was wrong out there , She CAUSED IT !Calved easily , seemed to breed just by showing her a picture of the bull ..LOL. ... last straw was when one of her horned heifer damNear GORED ME down the side, Thank GOD I had on new tough Cardharts STILL PUT a RED STREAK down mY SKIN that lasted serveral days ... {after 4 monthes of trying to get her on with a load and she always managed to somehow escape} one time going across shifter and seat steering wheel of tractor .. Another time by going under the manure spreader and nerly flipping it over as if she was wearing it and trying to discard it ,,,.. If she was with her MamA who by thenhad another calf arond 350 lbs , She was manageable ,, .. So we Gathered them ALLtogether and loaded them up .. And Sold THE WHOLE SHOOTIN 'Match...........Never gonna have another HE -MAUNEE ever on the place!~!
They didnt freeze to death on my Farm , Always busy cooking up a scheme of NO GOOD,, Yeah ,,And Them Long Ears , You Could Hang A lantern on each Ear and pull a 4 row cultivator all nite And see just Fine , That is.. if You could train the durn cow to Steer,.. THEY had plenty of Adrenaline Power.
My wife has a miniature brahma bull about a year old. She got him to breed her mini cows but he is too small (height wise) to do the deed and is for sale now. Send me an email if you want more info, we are near Horicon Wi.

I was going to try to teach him to stand on a pail but havent had time.

cjk at nconnect dot net

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