How did you hurt yourself today?

37 chief

Well-known Member
This after noon someone had a pressure washer going at our place. I thought it would be good to clean my truck wheels. While pulling the starter rope I held the motor down by putting my hand on the muffler shield. The motor had just been shut off. Let me tell you it was hot. After 5 hours of ice it finally stopped hurting. Another lesson learned, don't put your hands on hot things.Stan
I was showing my 13 year old son a little bit of diggin dirt tricks on the ol backhoe and desided to leave it with him and view his actions from the side lines , well I stepped off the hoe and forgot I sat the hoe up a little higher than usual and had a little fall on the dirt . didnt hurt or break anything but it was funnier than heck .
BTW , I am glad you are ok Stan !
OUCH! Sorry to hear of your pain, but it sure reminds me of my days in the equipment rental business. We had Honda power washers and the heat shield over the muffler had "HOT" stamped into the metal. It was amazing how many customers would return the machine with HOT branded into their hand.
On Saturday while working on the gehl wagon I stood up too early under the top beater (bottom 2 were out) and I ran one of the spikes down my back, right down the middle. My 4 yr. old nephew was helping me in the wagon so I couldn't do much, just bite my lip.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Didn't hurt myself at all yesterday--finally healed up from the pulled hamstring I got Tuesday. Slipped climbing off the tractor after discing. Gittin' older is SO much fun! I'm 66 today.
In a discussion on whether or not the wifey should take on a part time job, I accidentally told the missus that sometimes it was nice to have time to myself...

Rule No. 1. If your gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough...

Last week I was nailing down some metal roofing which had loosened on the chicken pen. It was getting dark, and I was having trouble getting the metal to do what I wanted, so I decided to just shove it in place. Well, when I took one hand off it to grab the hammer, it snapped back and gouged my right arm just above the elbow. Didn't bleed much, wasn't hanging open, I'm current on my tetnus shots, but it really hurt! My son was helping me, so I told him that that is what people get for being stupid.

Early last week I trimmed up the trees around the yard so I could mow under them again. While mowing the yard on friday with the rider i was looking down trying to get really close to one of the tree trunks my head hit and got caught by a low hanging branch. It gave my neck and back an adjustment it did not need. Felt fine after doing it but was sore yesterday and hurt today. That branch will be gone before the next mowing!
Amazingly enough I made it all day Sunday without hurting anything and Saturday only had a raspberry on the inside of my arm. We shall see how today goes.
Just a slight cut on the back of my hand, from reaching under the shielding on a small engine to adjust something. The edges of the sheilding are usually pretty benign, but those corners will get ya!

Took the loader tractor over to a friend's place to lift rotten timbers out so he can rebuild a bridge over a small creek. No injuries there, although there were plenty of opportunities! Funny to watch a guy who isn't used to having a loader tractor to do the heavy work- He's trying to pull the chain out from under a heavy timber after lowering it onto the ground- "No, Fred- we've got a tractor- We just lift the loader, and the chain comes out!" Then he's trying to push the timbers together to bunch up the pile- "Fred, let me just push them together with this handy loader thingee we have here."

I had volunteered for the job (took all of a half hour), but he didn't want to "put me out", so he had called some contractors- got a real education there! One wanted to make sure we had all the permits in place (Fisheries, Army Corp, Ecology, on and on), and would have to install a net over the creek so no debris would fall in. Another would do it for $125 per hour, 4 hour minimum. I charged him breakfast.
I stayed out in the hot sun to long without my hat, Bummer burn my poor old bald head. But on the good side i caught two nice Black bass from my pond.
I guess I hurt myself, at least my wife thinks it was my fault.

Last week I had an abcessed tooth jerked out and the dental assistant happened to be my wife's sister. It was badly abcessed and had been that way for awhile.

Yesterday my wife was talking to this sister on the phone and I overheard my wife ask her sis if she assisted with the tooth pulling. Then I heard my wife say "yeah, men are that way". Then I overheard her saying "Jim's so stubborn he won't go to a doctor until it's too late".

In other words, she told my wife I should pay closer attention to my dental health, but she didn't tell me that directly. Jim
Hurt my back last week, so been kinda not doing much, but had to open garage door to get something in. Door is heavy, and last foot or so is not spring loaded, so it must be pushed up by hand, so, to save the back, i left it just a bit below head clearance! And also, didn't turn my billed cap around, and first time going in--clunk--hit the door. Thankfully, it is wood, not metal--the door, not my head---or is it??
I plowed ground today.... I MEAN I PLOWED GROUND TODAY... Roped a horse that was running by me (yes at the time it was a good idea) Next thing I know I'm a cartoon..being jerked up in the air and then dragged. Don't really know why couldnt of just let go..principle of the thing i guess. Just broke my pinky finger..ouch
Great topic Chief! Here I thought I was the only idiot when it comes to doing something goofy TNTM (too numerous to mention) but as a young pup I was helping push ear corn out the back of a false endgate silage wagon while my brothers were using hook forks to pull the corn into the elevator drag chain when one brother stabbed my shoe thought it was funny and I did too until it started hurting like heck limped around for a couple days until it got infected mom took me to the doctor and got a tetnus shot. Scar is still there brothers are gone the incident seems minor now.
My mother fell on Saturday and broke her leg again. It is about the 10th break in as many years. No alcohol ever involved.
real good friend seperated his pelvis from his spine last week, skydiving,that and broken ribs ankle and lacerated liver,many many hard days ahead..and we just buried another good friend who died kayaking..good thing I smacked my head in January skiing(Still got ringing in my ears) or I'd a been with them boys!!

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