Question for the Farmers


I need to spray for weedson a 2 acre plot. Want to use 2-4-D. There's a neighbor with a couple of acres of grapes about 1/4 mile from me.My question is. How far will 2-4-D drift and how long can it?
Really depends on the wind I would say more than anything else, once applied you shouldn't have any other problems as far as drift gots. Best bet I would say is too try to do it on as calm a day as possible and when the wind is blowing away from the grapes.

There are different formulations of 2-4D, but it can drift for miles under the wrong circumstances...

Just ask the swath of farmers along a 8 mile path that got a bunch of cotton damage last year out here. That was all from one guy spraying that didn't know what he was doing (or didn't care, and just hoped he wouldn't get caught).

A quick google search of '2-4D drift damage' comes up with this article on grapes damage high on the list... I don't know about grapes in particular, but 2-4D drift in general is a huge thing to consider.
You can limit drift by spraying at a lower pressure and using nozzles made to produce larger droplets. Use an Amine 2-4-D and spray on a calm day.
Howard's got it right; droplet size, wind direction, temperature inversions, pressure settings, UNKNOWNS, etc. I've seen some weird things happen; could be looking at some high-dollar damages.
Like Gary says. calm or a little away from the grapes. AND NEVER ON A HOT DAY OR ON HOT GROUND. It can vaporize and drift long ways. Ask me how I know and does it hurt tomatoes.
If you only have a couple of Acres to "de-weed", I would suggest looking into one of the wiping wands that attaches to ATV and use it to just rub the weeds with the 24D. Have seen several cities using this method on the highway banks. I have used this method on an 4wheeler to cover the road ditches along the road to my house. Works fine.
Use a spray oil (Lllly Miller makes one.) add it to the mix it won't hurt the 2-4-D but makes its heavy and will stick to what you spray. Spray down not out the back and in the early morning when the wind is quiet.
I went to a grape/ orchard class the ag extension put on a couple months ago. He said 2-4-D can drift as much as 20 miles. I'm sure that is in the extreme, arial aplication, on a hot windy day etc. I would say to use an approved surfactant, and do it when there is no wind, you should be safe.

All good advice but a slight wind in the good direction is better than calm, hot and humid as that is the best chance for the inversion where the 2-4-D can get up and move later.

Don't get it on you either as it can really mess up your health!
Are you using 2-4-D or Weed-B-Gon? I'm told there is a difference even though it sure don't smell like it. I use it to spray my yard and it doesn't even phase the heavily infested poison oak, poison ivy and volunteer rasberries in my back fence line.
we sell and use 2-4-d on a regular basis ---use the esther formula with a good surfactant early in the day and you will have no problem
Another problem with 2-4D is that even if the conditions are nice when spraying to keep it from moving, a warm sunny day can cause it to vaporize from the weeds and drift. With grapes 1/4 mile away you are asking for trouble to even OWN 2-4D.

Better find something else, like burn it all down with glyphosate and plant new grass seed.

Gerald J.
Hey Larry, I thought the Amine form was less likely to drift. Someone in a later reply mentions using crop oil and large droplet size so it sticks to what it hits. Makes sense.

They also sell what they term "Lo-Vol". I haven't seen the ester form around here for a while.

I have heard my dad talk about a fish oil based 2-4-D. Is that the Ester form?

I do crop insurance work and have worked in Arkansas quite a bit. 2-4-D is deadly to cotton, tomatos, and grapes. My field man down there talks about it drifting in excess of 10 miles in the wrong condtions.

Quarter of a mile is pretty close.

Thanks for all the responses. Now I have to decide if I going to use it or not take any chances and just spend the extra $ for Round up. again thanks

I've been out of farming a while and couldn't remember for sure, but I think you are right Gene, I thought it was the amine version that was less likely to drift...


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