Blew out my Blood Pressure Gasket


Well-known Member
Went to Twp Zoning Board meeting . After hearing for about the ninth time a politician say "we're going to let you farm with special exception-any change in your operation will require a special hearing with your attorney present and we may grant.." .Well as I exploded I said: " We're going to let you eat- but any change in your menu will require that you have a hearing with our ...." Thanks for letting me cool my cork.
I am soooo glad I live in a county that does not have zone'n laws.

It was in the local paper that county magistate brought up zone'n laws in a fisical court meeting. I ran in to him week or two later and asked him what he was thinking. He said he must not have been, his phone had not quit ring'n!

just goes back to what my dad said in 76 before he passed " they have educated some people beyond thier intelligence" he probably thinks food comes from the store. i understand your rant in the words of jeff foxworthy here"s your sign
Zoning laws have their place....mostly in town. I live in East Kentucky, between the hills. Every level peice of ground we've got is open season for contractors and there sub-divisions and apartment complexes. I can't compete with the prices that they pay for land. Only thing I can do is set back and watch everything get blacktopped over. If we had zoning laws, AND they were done correctly(I realize thats a BIG and), me and others guys like myself would have a chance at retaining some of this ground for ag...otherwise, it'll never happen. But I totally understand where you're coming from.

(quoted from post at 20:52:08 05/27/09) just goes back to what my dad said in 76 before he passed " they have educated some people beyond thier intelligence" he probably thinks food comes from the store. i understand your rant in the words of jeff foxworthy here"s your sign

Jeff Foxworthy does "you might be a redneck.."

Bill Engvall is the "here's your sign" guy.

P.S. Here's [i:cb6b8bf58b]your [/i:cb6b8bf58b]sign.
Jeff foxworthy was you might be a red neck.
Bill Engvel (yeah I know that's probably no spelled right) was here's your sign.
Wouldn't want you to get hit with copyright infringement.
Zoning will be coming to Clark county. The sest side and downtown want to merge city and county just like Lexington/Fayette..

Maybe I will die first.


If you think zoning laws will protect you,
you had better look a whole lot deeper .Zoning
is more likely to put you out of business than
to help you.
I live in a county with zoning where it was
turned down on referendum and the great
politicians shoved it down our throats anyway.
Zoning borders on being unconstitutional .

Never mind that they drive imported cars and can eat imported food, teach them a lesson. Forget about community investment and involvement in the ag sector, value added crops and eating locally produced food. Go ahead and require them to have a hearing with a lawyer before they eat. Always be beligerant and demand your rights, as I am sure that will get great traction in the courts. Never let city people on your farm, never explain to them what you do for a living and what your difficulties are. Let us know how it works out for you.
Zoning is intended to put property in the best possable financial position. The laws are slanted to allow construction of 'value added' property to the tax base ie; farmland is likely valued at 5 to 10 grand and acre. That same property with a $300,000 McMansion is now worth $350,000. Which property is more valuable to the tax base now? We've been dealing with that for years. People don't care where the food comes from, only that it keeps coming. The shock doesn't set it until it stops. But like a DWI or death, once it happens there's no turning back.
Zoning isn't all bad. The quarter section across the road from my place has just enough of a side hill and slope to be attractive for a cattle feedlot.

It didn't go unnoticed. Someone applied to the county to put in a 5,000 head feedlot. The zoning laws say no new feedlot can be started within a mile of a private residence. There are 7 residences within a mile of the quarter section. I know, it's the old "not in my backyard" syndrome, but zoning worked in our favor.

Zoning laws in our county also prevented a drag strip that would have butted against a State Wildlife Refuge on one end and a Civil War era cemetary on the other end.

Sometimes they do make sense.
We have a planning & zoning board in our little town. The wife of the president of the p/z board is the only realtor in town. Do you want to know how many special use permits have been issued by the p/z board so she could sell a piece of property to someone who wanted it for something that the land was not zoned for?
North Carolina has a State statute that prohibits zoning laws from regulating agriculture. Good. I personally would prefer that all zoning laws be abolished.
Zoning in NC is nonexistent in the western part of the state. You can do anything you want on your lot with no regard to anyone around you. I think that in years past that was not a problem because the people that lived here were mostly related even if you had to back several hundred years. Sons and daughters built houses on the family land or put a mobile home etc. Come the people moving up from Fla. for their second or third vacation homes and the first thing they did was build houses, cottages(some of the biggest gaudiest pieces of crxp<>you can ever imagine and did it on the very top of the beautiful mountain tops (ruining everyone elses view but theirs) and then in doing so cut down all the trees for five hundred feet around so they can live like city folk. Now I am in favor of land use and ridgeline legislation to stop the marring of our beatiful area, Henry

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