Whats this swine flu?


Im totally exasperated at the news media concerning their coverage of this so called pandemic.Not once has the media in my area told us where this flu is comming from but continues to call it swine flu leaving me with the impression that it come from swine. At the same time the news states its totally safe to eat pork and be around pigs.They report people that came to Canada from mexico had the flu when they left Mexico. Not one of those people were near a pig so where did the disease come from?
This outbrake has origins in Mexico. It is one of four Type A influenza's that pigs carry which actually mutated into a human transmittable influenza. It isn't new by any means but as someone on another forum put it - Mexico chose to ignore it and did nothing about controlling it.

Pandemic doesn't mean be afraid, just use caution. Good hygeine practice and thorough frequent hand washing. Cover your cough and sneeze, dont touch any mucus membranes with your unwashed hands.

Here's food for thought - ever wonder why they call it the Center for Disease CONTROL. Wouldn't Center for Disease ELIMINATION be more fitting?? HMMM...
I was wondering about the distinction between the words "epidemic" and "pandemic"- I had heard of the former, but not the latter. Resort to Websters indicates that a pandemic is an epidemic taking place over a wide area. So apparently pan is worse than epi. Or put differently, it it ain't one thing, it's another.

For my part, I have just resolved not to become romantically involved with pigs of any species, and I believe that will serve me in good stead through these troubled times.
Well, there's been more than one woman's called me a swine, and there's been more than one good batch of shine that's had me up on a barn roof howling at the moon. One memorable time when the ambulance guys were picking me up off the ground, my brother stood there swaying with what was left of the broken mason jar I was drinking out of, pointed up at the barn peak and then down at me face down on the ground and slurred, "Swine flew from up there to down right there".

I quit partaking after that. I only brew and sell it now.

My understanding is that at one time a virus mutated from a pig virus. That was many years ago and has mutated many time since. This one did not come from swine, but mutated from a long line of mutated "swine" flu. No way do pigs have it.
It would be a better goal. They'd have to throw out the test tubes, vials, and needles and start praying.

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