o/t timberwolf


Well-known Member
was getting ready to take my son down to the bus,when we went out the door he said what is that,it was a timberwolf chasing one of my cows that just had a calf,the cow was kicking and charging after the wolf,the cow got a pretty good kick on it but the wolf just kept after her ,so I ran in the house and grabbed the shotgun and shot up in the air,the wolf took off really fast,imagine that, hope he stays away when I turn my sheep and lambs out to pasture that would be easy pickens for him.the cow and calf are just fine.
If your child seen any of this and talks. You could have some busy body bunny hugger or miffed game warden out to charge yourself. Doesn't matter if you were in the right or wrong.
I dont think i'd have shot in the air,lambs will likely be candy to one of those.I'm glad we dont have to worry about those at least.way way back there many years ago,dad hired my older brother and i out to a freind of his to hunt a wolf that was killing his livestock and dogs.he had lights on poles all around his barns and lots.he said that wolf would stand just outside the circle of light,and would start to howl. if the dogs wouldnt come after him he would run into light and back out until dog chased them,and as soon as dogs were in the dark it was over with.then the wolf would go after his livestock.bro and i hunted and called for two days and finally got one, dads freind said he never had any more problems.Kind of sad because those were probably some of the last wolves in okla,but you do what you have to.that dang thing would make at least three of the biggest german shepards i ever saw.I was shocked at how big they were.I was used to seeing coyotes but that one was 10 times bigger.hopefully yours will move on ,,be sure your boy knows and understands these are NOT dogs!just in case.all the kid shows nowdays make wild animals look like pets and i think that causes problems sometimes ,god forbid.
you got to watch those game wardens. they think they are GOD.kill it and tell no one. you should have a right to protect your property and livestock from predators.
on my dad's sheep farm we have great pironese(not sure how to spell that) dogs they keep the wolves away but a good gun will help if you see it often. a donkey works to but dont get two because then they ignore the sheep and go away from the sheep. then the wolfs have a clear shot at getting them. dogs are the most effective if you have 2 or more. One protects and the other goes for a snack.
In Wisconsin the game warden will charge you just for talking about shooting at a wolf. Even if it was to scare it. Then you have to fight them in court, costs a fortune, I know from experience. Shoot shovel and shut up. Dont tell anyone.
Where do you live?

I live in Western Montana and we are starting to have problems with the protected gray wolves that have been introduced near here. Several ranchers have lost calves and the feds will kill off the pack but another bunch moves in and takes it's place. If you can prove a wolf kill you might get compensation but you don't get compensated for weight loss, aborted calves due to being run by wolves, general stress on the animals for having to be on a constant lookout for wolves, etc. Whoever thought it was a good idea to bring these varmints back has no idea of history. There was a reason they were eliminated in the '30's. We need to establish a few packs in D.C and New York's Central Park, etc and let those folks back East deal with them! Maybe they'd get the picture.

This country has lost it's common sense!
Until the wolves are delisted, they can come in your corral and kill your cattle and you can't shoot them because they are protected. (You can shoot only to protect yourself or your pets. Go figure.)
Talk about cockamamey thinking..... everytime they try to delist it, they get sued by various so called "environmentalists" who agreed to what the criteria was for reintroduction sucess and now are challenging those previously agreed on criteria in court! Once the critter gets listed, it's hard to get them off the list!
In Virginia the government has seen fit to (re)introduce the coyote to keep the domestic livestock population from getting out of hand. These wiley beasts have supplemented their diets with companion animals (or maybe they're for desert). A friend of mine was clearing some land and pushed over a coyote den, found 31 pet collars. All this from the same folks who gave us kudzu and multiflora rose!
Maybe if we all go shoot one then they can throw every farmer in jail. Boy now that would get some attention.
We have to fight for our rights on this one so far Coyotes are fair game and we don't have the Wolves yet here in western Oregon.
Hey didn't the experts say that they would never leave the confines of the park.
Didn't I read that they delisted them in a few states just a couple of weeks ago? or does the whole worlds a zoo folks already have that tied up?
The only way their protected around me is with a bullet pr. vest, but am d-- good at head shots. 30-06 & .243 works for me.
Shoot the goverment dog just behind ribs and in front of hind legs bullet goes through no bullet no proof. Goverment dog has bad belly pain and goes off and takes a nap. Then it is by by goverment puppy. Bob

Hey, I'm in the East, have cows, don't need any wolves. The genius game people have put some "red wolves" whatever they are on an island off the coast of SC. Hope they stay there.

I have got a catahoula dog for rounding up ornery bulls. It is rough and mean but loves my kids and will not let anyone it doesnt know around them. more then once I have seen it take on a pack of coyotes even killed a couple of them. I think one or two of these dogs around the farm would easily keep wolves away.wolves are probably looking for an easy kill and with a good dog around wolves will find an easier target somewere else.

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