
Someone put the label; “Minnesota Goodbye” on a ritual that is very common in the state. Similar forms of it are practiced else where. Maybe more in rural than urban areas. It would take a lot of effort for me to try to describe it but the; “Letter of the Day” in today’s paper gives an example of it that may help some to understand the ritual.

Norm Coleman is doing the “Minnesota Goodbye.”
That’s when your last party guest is about to leave and finally go home but instead they linger by your half-opened front door to chat.
“Well it’s getting late, Norm,…Thanks for coming,…Yup, talk to you later, Norm, I’ll need to close the door now, Norm, because the cat might get out and there’s a cold draft coming in,…OK, goodbye now,…Drive home safely, Norm.”
Now your guest is in your driveway continuing to talk so loudly you’re afraid he’ll wake the neighbors. Tired and shivering by your open door, you wonder if this guy is ever going to leave and go home.
STEVE MARK, Minnetonka
Very well stated NEsota.

I was listening to WCCO talk radio the other day & they had people call-in to give their opinion.Not much support left out there for 'ol Norm.
Sad day when the other fella is our representitive tho.

Won't be anything settled until the next election in 5 years. This one was too close to call, the lawyers picked out the votes to count, the comedian had better lawyers to work with the abundant judges.

I've about given up on having a Congress that has any sense. Barney Frank (probably the biggest rockhead of the bunch), Chris "180" Dodd, Barbie Boxer, Nancy "the lights are on but nobody's home" Pelosi, "Dingy" Harry Reid, even my state's own lovable incompetent, Senator Patty Murray- the list goes on ad nauseum. Your man Franken will fit right in, sorry to say. . .
Not meaning to offend, but how on earth did the good people of Minnesota (who I had always thought to be relatively sane, being comprised of a goodly percentage of stalwart Germans, Swiss and Scandahoovians) ever (nearly) vote in Al Franken in the first place? Am I the only one who has always thought he's an idiot?
"Am I the only one who has always thought he's an idiot?" Most likely not but evidently you and others who think so appear to be the minority.
Bingo!! No, you are not the only one who thinks that way. I guess it"s like people in NY who voted for nnalert and Schumer. Or how about the majority of idiots who voted for O"bummer?
Got a local election coming next tuesday here...I've decided that there is no real difference between the parties any more.
To that end, i'm thinking that "professional politicians" are the real problem, so I'm going to vote NO for all the incumbants!
Here in Illinois (the cleanest political state in the union), the general reception by the IL. Legislature regarding political reform by the Governer appointed panel was that reform wasn't really necessary.....!???
Coleman doesn't come off real well on TV & the like. Not so personable in the media.

But he used to be a nnalert, now Repub. A little more middle of the road, or can see both sides.

He did make some things happen, and not as a cheerleader or big flashy 'me me me' style, but in getting some work done. He did work with both sides a little bit anyhow, better than most professional politicians.

Might not always be the work you or I wanted done, but he got things to happen and progress.

Always thoght that was worth something.

The very abundant 'Cities newspaper Star/Tribune picked him over the comedian, which I thought said a lot - Star/Trib has not picked a nnalert in a long, long time for anything.

The comidean is just such an unknown, he is such a dark individual and so in-your-face, and comes across as full of himself & with no real goals other than to be a real abundant. I just never heard what he stands for?

Obviously being conservative or abundant will color one's view of this, but I think the Dem's coulda won this race pretty easily with a better candidate. As much as I don't like MN's other senator, she has worked well with agriculture issues & seems to understand those issues rather than just yacking about them, and I give her credit for that much. I can tolerate a good politician from either side even if I don't agree with them....

The comedian doesn't seem to have any tolerance in him at all, just a very dark personality.

Yea, you are right, Franken is a baffoon who has no business being in politics, regardless of what party he represents. But I guess when you get sheeple like Jay following, there is no logic involved. I would be embarressed to have someone with Frankens character represent my state, even as dimwitted as Michigans elected are, they pale in comparison.
I know very little about Franken other than that he has a "D" after his name. That is all that is necessary to get lambasted on this site. As far as the "sheeple" reference, I would bet that to whatever degree I am a sheeple, you are a sheeple too with the only difference being that you follow a different flock.
Ditto- we should be able to do so much better, can"t stand the filthy comic, and the switcheroo is nothing to brag about. I think Norm could have had it cleanly if he had disavowed the crappy adds that outside supporter sponsored. As soon as the first one came out! We don"t need Hollywood types telling us what we think.
Lets not forget that Norm also lost an election to that guy called Jesse Ventura a while back.That should have been our 1st clue right there.Franken is a bozo also,i think this state pays them to come here.
The big problem: A large percentage of the voters live near the state's tallest buildings. These aren't necessarily the stalwart Germans, Scandahoooovians, etc.

Just wonder if some of the people who did not vote for the N.Y. export, [Norm] would have given him their vote if the sore spots generated by the eight years of the B/C administration had not been so fresh. There was a sizable vote for an independent in the Senate election.
The part that I can't understand is how you can get more votes in a precinct than you have voters! This sounds like something that would happen in Chicago!
When that happens, I think all the votes from that precinct should be used to start a fire in the stove!
Since we're naming blockheads, I'll add Ia senator Tom Harkin and governor Chet Culver. Culver announced after the gay marriage decision he had to have his legal team fully review the decision before he could comment about it. More of his "lick finger and stick it in the air to see which way the wind is today".
Well however it happened, the state is stuck with a abundant, left wing, nut job. The word idiot doesn't even do him justice. You guys will be fed up with him in a few years.

Where do these nut cases come from?


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