Feeling very low, please keep me in your prayers

I'm kinda having a tough time right now and alot of things are bringing me down. I would appreciate it if you would remember me. I just am having a difficult time trying to figure out whats the use of me being here.
consider it done! and remember the good Lord has PROMISED to put no more on us than we can bear!doesnt seem like it sometimes but he wont.
pryer"s your way, remember you are GOD"S child and he love"s you very much. there are many people around you that love you, i just lost a brother that took his live. he dosen"t know how many people he hurt, please think,good bless you, charlie
Sure will.EVERYONE has times like that.Better days will come.

Pretty cold,rainy and dismal here.Really brings a guy down,but looking forward to spring planting.

Hang in there 'ol pal,it'll git better!
What is the meaning of life.? Don't feel alone 'cause even tho people think they know,well nobody knows. What bugs me is these large financial entities screwing everyone over and nobodies holding THEM accountable.They won't quit untill they're taken out.

These are troubling times for many millions of good people. Please do not judge your worth here on earth by anything related to monetary issues. "Net worth" and "real worth" are 2 very different things. Your real worth is determined in part by what you can do for others, and the real worth of other people is partially determined by what they can do for you. You know that dozens of guys/gals on this board care about you and many others here....it is who and what we are.

Please do not give up, seek help from a trusted friend, priest, minister, relative, or a professional mental health care practicioner. If it seems that you do not have time, or that your mind is too crowded to deal with one more thing, then drive to any hospital ER and walk in the door. There are many people who will help.

Sometimes depression is triggered by cloudy rainy weather or falling barometer. Whatever the cause, it is a real medical problem solved with medical treatments and prescription meds. It usually has to do with a chemical imbalance in the brain which is aggrivated by alcohol comsumption. If that is the problem, get someone to drive you to the ER, they have seen it all and will do their best to put you back into "good shape". They absolutely hate to find out they were "too late". Give them a chance to help you!!

My Best Wishes for a speedy recovery!!

Paul in MN
GET PROFESSIONAL HELP RIGHT AWAY!! Those feelings are the result of a chemical imbalance going on in your brain not life's circumstances.
Your advice on here means a lot to the people it helps. Keep that in mind. You're here for a reason!
Gary, I am going to agree with mjbrown here. Life does not have to be that painful. It's hereditary, and I have been through it as has my daughter. Get some help and some meds and let us hear back from you.
Gary, do the right thing for yourself and everyone on here and go get help. There is no need for you to feel this way. Help is there for those who want it. And theres nothing wrong with needing it. Do the right thing. Good luck and God Bless you. A friend in.NY ;)
When life the rigors of life beat me down I try to find the positive in everything instead of the negative.It hard sometimes but that thought process has helped and will continue to help.
Prayer sent and may God bless you in these trying times.

Thanks so far for all the kind words and thoughts. I surely do appreciate it. My deal has been many years in the making, divorce, being alone too much, not having anything that I can do with anyone, and so on.
My family doesn't have anything to do with me and some live only 800 feet away, I've never done anything to them. I just don't fit in anywhere. I'm tired, I'm beat down and sometimes I just get tired of even wanting to try. I know I'm no different from many people who feel the same way, I'm not saying my problems are any more than anyone elses.
I'm so tired of people wanting and wanting but if its me that wants something then everyone is tied up.
Guess it boils down to the fact I feel like an outcast, someone to be forgotten unless someone is needing something. I am gratefull to have this place to vent these feelings and let some people know of these feelings and the prayers are very appreciated along with all the kind words. God bless!
As previously stated there can be medical problems that are not your fault.
A very common and often missed cause of mood problems, congestive heart failure, strokes while sleeping, diabetes and high blood pressure. Is snoring with the associated sleep apnea.
Get a sleep study and find out asap. I know of a case where. The patient is holding their breath 58 times in a 6-1/2 hr period with an average of 23 seconds, the longest 53 seconds. Blood O2 dropped from 99% to 89%. Partial waking with no memory of waking, with a jolt of adrenalin which spikes the blood pressure and breaks the sleep rhythms.
Missing stage 3 & 4 sleep is devastating. Dreaming and rem sleep only occurred once in the entire night.
Patient has been told to sleep only on their side or stomach until a cpac machine or surgery provides relief.
Patient is doing much better already.

You will be included in the prayers. Thanks in part to you good folks. The wife's cousin is making an amazing recovery after being smashed up in a snowmobile crash last Feb. Doctor’s did not expect him to even live.
Paxil saved my life. Like many others have said, it"s a chemical imbalance and hereditary in many cases.
Get help! It turns those mountains back into mole hills.

God Bless,

Just to cheer you up, go to the gun range and blast off a few rounds, or eat some yummy ice cream, or maybe look at your favorite tractors on Ytmag.com or Deere.com or Caseih.com
JayinNY said it word for word, If you have troubles seeing, you don't go to a foot doctor.

Life is to short to feel down and out, years ago it was a negative thing, like men were not supposed to cry. Get help, there is no doubt a hot line for those that are stressed out in your area. Those phone lines are busy now more than they used to be. All dark clouds pass, some are just big clouds it seems.
You are not alone w/ your battles.. There is nothing wrong with getting on some type of medication..Prozac .What works for me is to get out and get moving walking get the endorfines moving, tinkering with something reading,,talking to a trusted person. Just remember no matter how low you sink YOU have poeple that LOVE you..You are in my prayers..
You got it, Gary. I am dealing with some of lifes issues right now so I may have some idea how you are feeling. Just make sure you talk it out with some one. Dont spend too much time alone, and find something to keep your mind busy.
A check up and describe what is going on, should help rule out any medical issues, though sometimes they are tough to root out, you need a good caring doctor and or medical professional to help, best thing you can do is find a good one that you can trust and rely on to help you.

Wintertime around here does that to a lot of people, but it's amongst many other causes, take a breather and think of some activities that you enjoy, keeping busy really helps sometimes, as it helps fade out things that are bothering you, as well as exercise, seems to be a good thing to stay busy and exert yourself, so that your body needs sleep. This works well for me, though we all need some down time, pursuing a healthy routine can help. We're here for a reason, can't say it's abundantly clear all the time, so if you feel self pity, just remember things change more than not, nothing really stays the same when you think about it and some activity, meeting and interacting with others can really help, just make sure you take action, kick yourself in the butt and get some advice like you did here, get some medical help and see what you can do to shirk those depressive moods, worries you might have and or anxiety you may have about things, there is a lot of simple things you can do to help, just don't do nothing, you'll feel better once you start doing some things :) Don't worry about others, you'll need to work up some confidence, and once you do, focus on positive things you can do and see results from, really helps to reflect back on these things. Sometimes when things are in disarray, out of order, it really wears on a person, and its why keeping busy with getting checked out, activities and other things will certainly benefit you. Don't ever give up, you can do it whatever it is you need to do in this life.
Here goes from and old man that felt the same way 35 years ago. Tried to solve all the problems(very similiar to yours) by draining one bottle after another. Ran a car (66 buick riviera)heaqdon into a tree at aboout 80 MPH and walked away causing muself even more problem. Shortly thereafter,I found out that God really did care and really don't need anyone else. Find a close small church, attend regularly. People will begin to notice you and will surround you with the love of Jesus. Help do whatever you can for the church and others. Helping other is the work of the Lord and is the great healer. I have since promised to help anyone who needs it. Brings about self esteem AND TENDS TO CUT DOWN ON THE PITY PARTYS. Believe me it works. I have to prepare a dinner for 80 tomorrow nite and need to get on the ball but speaking to you is more important than anything else. Remember go find someone that needs help and give them your help and love. Makes it all worthwhile. Henry
Have you thought about specifics and do you have a plan? If so, go get help right now. If you've no one to see or call, make it a call to a hospital or a hotline. All other advice so far is good, but if you answered "yes" there's only one timeline that works and that's NOW. God loves you friend.
Gary, You are more normal than you think! I have been in your situation before... words don't do justice to the pain and confusion we have to deal with sometimes. You were man enough to bring it up here - you'll be man enough to get through it. Many times I have been kicked to the curb by friends and family and many times I have been praised by them too - it's easier to forget about the "good" and focus on the "negative". You will be in my prayers tonight... you are a person that has a lot to offer - just stick with it and follow the advice from some of the kind people that replied to your post and are genuinely concerned about YOU - GARY in Tx.
Prayers from old man who has been there. Sometimes you are on the mountain, and sometimes in the valley. Jesus is the only one who can help. But he may send you a md. or psychiatrist or just a really good friend. Helps me a lot to talk to old buddies that have gone through the same stuff I have and have same memories and life experiences. Main thing is keep functioning. Are you working? Retired? Medical problems? Are you still depressed if you are doin g something you like on a nice sunny day? Many meds will put you on a downer. God bless. Dave
I get very little sleep neither do my pet dogs, I look at them in the middle of the night when they should be sleeping and they are wide awake. I don't even see any birds around my yard anymore. Could it be an environmental factor?
Gary I know how you feel. I lost my father on 1/1/03 then alot of friends and relatives. Then my wife on 12/11/04. Twenty one funerals in four years. Things can look pretty bad at times. But you can make it. Lost my job then found out I have cancer. But I am still alive and kicking. You made the first step by letting us know times a are bad for you right now.I am new to this site but I can tell you have alot of friends here. So anytime you need to talk just let them know. If you need to talk I am here 903-536-3202.What part of Texas are you in. Maybe we could meet and swap lies. Just remember you have friends here.
Get out and find someone that can use a helping hand and get busy helping them you'll be surprised how much better you'll feel and plus its a guaranteed way to make friends.Sitting around thinking about things will only make it worse.
Gary: some time ago I tried to put my self in anothers place and sat down and wrote a long letter to a man and his wife. I told him that I imagined and felt his heartfelt pain and lonliness when most every one around his city thought poorly of him. I tried to imagine how dfficult it was for him to make decisions that he knew were painful even before he made them. His decisions and troubles were very hard on him and his family -- he made them even though he wasn't popular for it; nonetheless he did what he thought was best for others and not himself. In the letter I told him that I was praying for him and his family and that God "who knows all" was watching -- no matter what others thought of him he had to be guided by more than just people; and because of it many, many people just like me were praying for him also ! I wrote him because I knew in my heart that he as well as all of us need support at times; mostly because we think that people don't care -- but they do ! I sealed the envelope up and mailed it off, thinking I'll never know if it helped or not -- but I felt a duty to my fellow man regardless. A good deal of time passed and one day when I went out to get the mail at the road there was a reply that I never expected. I went directly into the house and sat down at the kitchen table and opened the letter response. Among many heartfelt words explaining how gladdened he and his family were that I had taken the time to write a fellow human with such kindness that he had no explantion of or expression for....... and at the very end of the letter as he signed off I sensed just how it can be to be in someones shoes that have pain and feelings that can't be explained or expressed with words. He and his family thanked me and was ever so grateful that someone way out there was praying for them, someone he had never met and probably never would.
Nevertheless, he knew I was thinking and praying for them as we are of you ! That really matters; for all the answers are in God's will and love. Keep your chin up for better day's are coming your way, you'll see. The letter was signed: with God's blessings, George W. & Laura Bush

Please no politics with this reply.... please
You have to hang in there and see it through.

Was in your shoes over 21 years ago.

Drove 100mph at a tree and all I could see were my daughter's faces.

Seems like He11 at the time, but better times are ahead.

Take care of yourself and let those that could care less about you go to He11.

Forgive them for what they have done to you; believe me when I say that's when the healing begins.

Consider all the good advise that's already been given; any or all of it will help you right now.

You are not alone in this.
I'm about 60 miles north of Dallas. I do custom hay baling, hay sales, cows, welding, dozer work, pasture aeriation, small engine repair, and the list could go on. Funny you wouldn't think I'd have time to be depressed, lol
A friend where I went away to school about 44 years ago told me once, "well, try to make the best of a bad situation." That has helped me and I think you will latch onto something that will help you.
Also, consider all the people who have it much worse than you- like the person you may see in a little wheelchair, crossing a street, and having to wear a helmet. Can you imagine what it takes for that person to get going in the morning?
Hey Gary -

Sounds like you do have a lot going on!

Well, Texas is a big state - I wasn't sure if you were up here nearer to Amarillo or not.

I get down to Dallas every once in a while - usually for the fall Texas Motor Speedway NASCAR races...

If you are ever up in the north Panhandle - like on the way to Denver - near Stratford - on highway 287, shoot me an email and I'll buy you a coke and we can talk tractors! ha...

Howard H.
howardh at opsu.edu
Gary, you sound like what you do is fun, I know you may get board doing the same thing, BUT step back and look at what you have, and not at what you dont have. Welding is not something everyone can do, or maybe dozer work. You sound more important than you may think. Remember, tomarrow is a BRAND NEW DAY, be happy you will be here to do what you are good at doing. Other people are most likely glad for what you do for them also. ie small engine work, welding, aeration,ect., if you do it for others. Good nite, keep everyone posted.
Gary you are in my prayers. Had the same problem a few years ago. Was in business for 23 years and all of a sudden things started going south. The only way I could sleep was if I was so tired would fall on my face walking. Doc put me on Paxil for a while, sold my business. Miss my customers, not the EPA.
Gary, you must live out there by the Texas Motoplex 1/4 mile dragstrip where they run the NHRA races. My sister lived in Dallas for about 10 years and one time I visited them they took me out in the country and it seems like we went about an hour north of Dallas to get to that racetrack. I'm from Michigan and I remember Texas looking a lot different than our area. I was amazed by how far you could see in any direction. Just looked very flat and very big out there. They had just built the strip when we went there. In fact I don't think it was finished yet. Would have been in the late 80's.
(quoted from post at 19:00:08 03/23/09) I'm about 60 miles north of Dallas. I do custom hay baling, hay sales, cows, welding, dozer work, pasture aeriation, small engine repair, and the list could go on. Funny you wouldn't think I'd have time to be depressed, lol

Sounds like you need to find something to occupy your spare time :roll:

Somebody mentioned a sleep disorder... Very possible and causes plenty of other problems. I was always always tired, could take a nap whether driving, watching TV, or working. Steps whipped my a$$, etc. Went to the doctor and he checked everything and found nothing except for I wasn't breathing to the full capacity of my lungs. Sent me to a lung specialist (scared to death) who asked a few questions about my habits and what was bothering me, done a couple of checks after time on a bicycle and treadmill and gave me the thumbs up and sent me to a sleep lab.

2 nights there, a little box with a mask that I wear at night and I was almost immediately better. Snoring stopped, always rested and alert, etc.

Wife can get pretty moody (being polite) in winter when the days are short and nasty, switched the lights in almost every room and outside area that she spends more than a couple minutes in to florescent (or CF bulbs) and there is a big improvement in both her attitude and the electric bill. And, if you don't have a dog to hang around with you and ride the tractor, get one.

Wish you the best of luck. Don't choose a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


I went through a divorce in 1980. It's very hard on someone,but I promise things will get better. Hang in there. Looks as if you're going to get some much needed rain today. I will pray for you also

Gary. What's a good hay crop dowm tthere? I mean tons per acre? Do you get more than one cutting? That is do you have an alfalfa type forage? You baling big rounds? Net wrap? Do you consition them? Have moisture meter in cab?
Tell us a little more. What's the mos tonnage you ever baled in one day?

Gary you said you felt like an outcast,because no one came around unless they wanted something from you.Do what I did. Tell them all to kiss your butt and go out and live your life the way you want to. It is nice to help when you can,but it works both ways. Make new friends,help out on this site. Enjoy life. Do what you want to do.Give me a call some day.
Gary , Our prayers are with you ! If you ever want to talk by phone or be a email pal , just look me up !!
Sounds like You and I have a lot of the same interests .

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