Ford 4610 power steering pump

Do you have any local tractor salvage yards in your area? Look on the internet and see if you can locate some salvage yards. Around here we have a place with over 3000 parts tractors, comes in handy. good luck is one parts yard that lists stuff online. The pumps show up on ebay now and then too.
Don't waste your time with a used pump on those tractors. If a 4610 was scrapped, and it wasn't burnt, then chances are the pumps are't good on it anyway. With poor maintenance they're one of the first things to fail on a 10 series tractor.

There are several aftermarket sources of pumps for those tractors. Hy-Capacity and A&I are two of several...
It might be more than used, but at least you've got new and known good.


Alexanders in Winnsboro,Texas handles pre-owned and aftermarket Ford parts. They have decent prices. Messicks advertises they sell 10% lower than some dealers.

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
