OT/your stimulus money at work


Well-known Member
Just thought you might like to see where it's proposed that your money be spent here locally. Probably not more than 3 of you even know where these places are,so to the rest of you,I'm sure the folks who'll control these millions thank you for your tax contributions.
The (barely a) City of Belding Michigan,$14,004,587.Belding area schools $52,786,016. (even smaller)City of Carson City,$5,200,000. Carson City-Crystal Area Schools,$1,475,000.Central Montcal Public School, $1,771,729. Village of Edmore,$4,300,000. (small)City of Greenville,$50,000,000+. Village of Howard City,$7,030,000. Lakeview Community School,$1,385,000. Tri County Area Schools,$15,140,000.Vestaburg Community Schools,$9,180,000. And the list goes on. Yes,they're all as big of entity as they sound like they'd be. Can't wait to see what kind of jobs they think this is going to create.
That stimulus bailout is sickening.
If uncle sambo and his clowns wanted to do something for the economic woes of the country then give ALL of us that work a massive tax cut.....Like 50% off for this year and next year. Now that would stimulate growth......Oops I forgot that makes sense and.......The inner city folks dont work.
That's some serious money- guess maybe it will be a stimulus, if all these entities hire up to fill vacancies they couldn't afford to fill, buy stuff, build stuff, etc. Everybody spending money like drunken sailors. Maybe if I stand around with my hand out, they'll mistakenly give me some $$$.

"But," (says Brocko, looking grave, and somehow keeping a straight face) "There'll be no more of this reckless spending like during the past 8 years, and we'll cut the deficit in half over the next 4 years."

Yeah, dream on- After authorizing more spending in your first 30 days than since the dawn of the Republic, you're sure not off to a very good start on that one.
A proposed emergancy spending CUT of a trillion dollars would do a lot more for the economy than spending a trillion dollars of borrowed money.

Count on interest rates doubling in the next 4 to 8 months. When the Chinese say they want PAID a real return for funding our economy (instead of 1% or less) the brown waste product will hit the fan. Most of the US dept is financed at fixed rates with 2-4 year terms.

A run up in interest rates will be felt immediately by the nation government. Interest on the US debt is 8% of the budget - a return to "normal" interest rates (say 5%) increases the interest on the national debt to MORE THAN WHAT WE SPEND DEFENSE. Thats if interest rates only go back to mid 1990s levels - hardly high but still crushing to a high debt country addicted to borrowing. If they actually get "high" (in 1980 they were 15%) the federal debt explodes like a college kid's credit card debt.
Where did you get those figures? Where can I find out what our little corner of the world is getting? Why on earth would they give the city of Vader, Washington anything, since it would just encourage them, at a time when we have them so close to throwing in the towel?

So many questions. . .
The little cities and towns are the ones most hurting for repairs and replacement of their 50 to 100 year old infrastructure. These small towns have crumbling water and sewer systems. The jobs created will be through contractors that work these projects throughout the entire state. Have you priced replacing a 8" water main lately? Its not free. The government provides our infrastructure, that is among its most important tasks. 100 years ago our leaders had the foresight to build this. By not repairing it for the sake of saving each taxpayer a few bucks we are robbing future generations. We can"t just sit around and reap the benefits of our great-grandfather"s hard work and tax money. Our current public works spending is no different than spending $100 to baling wire together what should be $5000 worth of repairs to a $50,000 tractor.

What is the question here? You guys are intelligent enough to know this stuff.
One must remember that "brown waste product hitting the fan" is really just "Vigoro hitting the ventilator."

Remaining unsaid is the theory that hyper-inflation from printing money without backing will simply counteract deflation from collapsing economy, resulting in everything being OK. Are we all on board with that?

Don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time with it. I am real glad that I have enough land (at the end of a dead end road, surrounded by forest land) to not only raise food for myself, but also some additional to barter with, and that I've begun a regimen of buying a little ammunition each week.

Family was having a discussion on defense of the homeland the other day, and extremely attractive daughter-in-law opined, in a voice that would melt your heart, that "I could never actually shoot someone- unless, of course, he was a threat to my baby, then I'd blow that sumbitch away." I'm patting myself on the back for raising a son with such acuity in choosing a mate, and for having had the forsight to buy that backhoe.
Well, I know where they are Randy. Just curious where you got your information. Also very suprised any is going to filter down to these entities. Hope it will be well spent!

Hey, what is a corn rake?
I do not support going way into debt however. What we need to do is raise water rates, gas taxes, etc into line with the actual costs of providing a high quality infrastructure system. No infrastructure provider can continue to operate in the red. Lets jack water bills up about 10 times and hear people whine. If they don't like paying for the service then they can walk 2 miles down a dirt path to the river to take their morning showers.

Americans treat public infrastructure like they treat credit cards, they want want want but don't want to pay for.
He wants to create jobs , how about adding a couple thousand more guns on the south boarder
I'm not even getting into "HYPER INFLATION", I'm talking about plain old regular inflation (3%-4%) that's countered by having T-bills that run 2 or 3 points higher. Even "normal" inflation and interest rates wipe out this fragile economy - let alone 1979-1983 style inflation and interest rates, much less hyper inflation like external_link's cousin in Zimbabwe has created.

Running printing presses 24/7 would actually be less inflationary than the current method of "creating" billions with the stroke of a computer key.
Problem is we are paying higher taxes than anyone ever dreamed of paying 100 years ago. The government (state or federal) can't even maintain what was built with lower tax rates decades ago.
Thats for people that don't know how math works (IE nnalert voters). They don't realize that if you triple the deficit then cut it in half its still a 50% increase.
It actually started with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac making bad loans to unqualified borrowers, as they were told to do by the Clinton Administration.
The Bush administration several years ago warned of impending doom if these policies weren't looked into and changed.
Congressman Barney Frank, D-Massachusetts and head of the Banking Committee, assured Congress and the Administration that there were NO problems with these companies.
These occurrences I cite are documented on video and can be found on the net.
I don't believe that I used any raw words as a matter of fact I always write my post in Microsoft Word, so I can check the spelling and I have the original statement. Here it is: The present regime is not interested in solving the economic problem because they cannot destroy the free enterprise system as long as the economy is good and that is there intent. Please point out the Raw word and I will refrain from using it.
That is true.
Clinton in 1999 signed into law the "loan money to inner city losers order" And ALL of us are paying for it.
Yeah, but have you seen his "Approval" rating so far (40 days (+/-)! Hope my young, wite daughter doesn't have to pay for all this after I'm gone - still hope that's another 20+ years!
I hear all of you financial geniusus crying and moaning about this stimulus,but I have not heard a single one of you offer up an intelligent alternative. This all started when your great god Ronnie decided that regulation was bad and that the markets and industries would police themselves. That worked out real well did'nt it! Remember;If you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem.
Nobody dreamed of $$ numbers this big a hundred years ago, in taxes or spending. So what? Would you rather go back to the infrastructure we had in 1909? Almost no paved roads for example? A little over 100 years ago, people were screaming about the cost of the Panama Canal.
I don't like stacking additional debt on my children and grandchildren; fighting the Iraq war off the books was bad enough. But SOMETHING has to be done to get investment, spending, and employment trends back on track. There will be mistakes made in this adventure, but the days of de-regulation and voodoo economics may finally be coming to an end.
The thing that gets my shorts in a bind when I think of stimulus or bail out money is how they just allow it to go unregulated.

Citigroup has gotten over 300 billion so far and is looking for more
<a href="http://seekingalpha.com/article/107514-citibank-bailout-300-billion-doesn-t-sound-like-a-lot-anymore">Citibank Bailout</a>
yet they still have enough money to support a nascar.
<a href="http://akamai.edeal.com/images/catalog3951/folder26776/img7781563.jpg">car picture</a>

Can someone please explain what I am missing here or is this just down right ludicrous.
Yes Pitch, it did work out well, at least until the wrong people started getting gov't involved in places they shouldn't have and changing things so that FM?FM HAD to make loans to the unqualified among other things. You are the type that keeps forgetting it's your abundant nnalert that ran these outfits that are screwing us over.
I didn't say dollars I said TAX RATES.

A hundred years ago no one ever heard of "sales tax" and no one paid income taxes. 50 years ago sales tax RATES where usually 1% or less. The innerstate highway system was bought and paid for with 2 cent per gallon gas tax or 7% of the cost of a gallon of gas. Today the tax rate is over 15% and they can't even keep the pot holes filled in.

The fact we have more dollars means that 1% is a lot more dollars today then it was 50 years ago, but it isn't enough - sales tax rates are now 6% to 10%. In the 1950s SS taxes weren't even paid by the "working poor" since they didn't kick in on the first $1000 and the maximum rate was 4% on the next $4800. Now the tax rate is 4 times higher on all wages under 100,000 and the system is still going broke.
It was in the Daily News. Saturdays edition I think.

You've gotta see that corn rake! It's just a square tube frame with 2 augers,about 8' long. They turn opposite directions. It has a 4 hp Briggs and Stratton engine with a centrifigul clutch. There's a winch on it to hold it up in the doorway of the crib. It pulls the corn right out into the auger on the feed grinder without shoveling.
We should all be concerned about this. The area that rrlund has discribed is Montcolm Michigan. I know that some of this mony will go to needy project but if this kind of spending is all accross the US where do we get all the materal required nation wide to construct these projects. I doubt that this rush to get these programs complete could be done in 10 years. Some of the mony will go for new school buses (Being funny. This will leave lots of little used buses for storage all around the county after the schools get rid of them,) Nation wide this will cause a huge spike in inflation and a huge depression when it ends. Just my thoughts.
this was at auction couple weeks ago. for unloading ear corn out of a crib into the sheller drags
<a href="http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o234/glennster_01/?action=view&current=DSCF1689.jpg" target="_blank">
DSCF1689.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
<a href="http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o234/glennster_01/?action=view&current=DSCF1690.jpg" target="_blank">
DSCF1690.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
Untitled URL Link
words are tools of the liar

Like, I did not have $ex with that woman, Monica Lewinski. and, this is my favorite, "It depends on your definition of is"

Lets see some action.

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