global warming demostation snowed out!


Well-known Member
Evidently the demostration in Washington fizzled because the snow and cold prevented most of the participants from making it there! I have no doubt mans activities have been detrimental to our world but what effects are man caused and what events are part of a natural cycle. The rapid melt of the glacier ice is alarming but I have also seen reports that say the melt is temporary and that in the long run cooling of the oceans due to the increased amount of ice being deposited in the ocean could actually cause a cooler climate to develope, so who knows?
That was not snow Al Gore said so. After all the earth is getting warmer and it is to hot for snow.I also hear that mars is warming up,wonder how we will get blamed for that.
Take the entire Earth. Subtract all of the oceans and other areas covered by water, subtract the uninhabited/uninhabitable areas, and subtract the undeveloped areas that have no industry and the remaining area where man MIGHT have an impact is really very small.

There was a time in the not too distant past (time is relative) when the Earth was some 14 degrees warmer than it is now, and polar ice caps didn't even exist. Global warming proponents always act like the climate on Earth was an absolute until the U.S. Industrial Age began maybe a hundred and fifty years ago. It wasn't
3rd of March, 0' F. wind chill -20' in Northeat Ohio this morning. When I was in grade school our science teacher showed us some simple experiments which we had a control group that nothing was done to it and our data group that our test where run on. If this is science where is the control group or planet that is identical with no human activity on it?
I doubt that it ever was about global warming. Wealth redistribution through carbon credits and extra taxes, that's what it's all about.
It's about increasing government control. And why do so many scientists support and promote the concept of global warming? Well, because most of those scientists rely on government grants for income and influence, so they do research that increases their income and influence, and the way to do that is to make sure their research supports what the government wants. They aren't being dishonest, just selective about their truth. They leave the dishonesty up to the politicians, who are much better at it.
The Global Warming scam would have easily been the single most expensive bill of goods (hysterical lie) the nnalert ever sold but the ""stimulus"" bill beat it out for first place.
Mar's temp has spiked 0.01 deg C since the twin Viking landers touched down in 1976.

That proves human activity is destroying the entire solar system via warming. Want more proof contact Fat Albert.

Buy carbon credits now or we are all doomed!
The president of the Czech Republic announced that a year ago. Now to the horror of the liberals in Europe he's the head of the EU
What I always wonder is, who decides what the "optimum" temperature is?

Let's say our creator is just playing with us, and actually wants the earth 20 degrees colder, or maybe 50 degrees hotter. Maybe we will adapt, plants may adapt. Who knows?

Why were there glaciers 50' thick just north of me? Maybe that was the optimum time and temp.
Why did the glaciers melt? Dinosaur farts or what?



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