Guess somone couldn't behave themselves


Well-known Member
And got the poof monster to remove the War Dead post..........

Hope none of you or your families/friends have to deal with the situation first hand..........

Sad thing is, with the economy the way it is, there will be SOME families out there that are not doing so well and will let the media get up close with the promise/hopes of cutting a movie or book deal to drum up some income. Maybe even get some face time with oprah and dr phil.

If someone took offense to my post, you're probably one of the village idiots I referred to and not the kind of person I'd apologize to, so don't hold your breath.

If I brought up bad memories that upset anyone, I truly apologize.

"village idiot"

Must of been you. You post a thread and try to have exclusions by calling anybody an idiot that disagrees with you. So all it was is a bash external_link thread, you even tried to make it some kind of conspiracy theory when somebody posted that the Repug Gates was the one who set it up.(even said that on TV, TV also said at family discretion)

Never posted.

You are the village idiot. goodbye.
(quoted from post at 04:36:52 02/27/09) "village idiot"

Must of been you. You post a thread and try to have exclusions by calling anybody an idiot that disagrees with you. So all it was is a bash external_link thread, you even tried to make it some kind of conspiracy theory when somebody posted that the Repug Gates was the one who set it up.(even said that on TV, TV also said at family discretion)

Never posted.

You are the village idiot. goodbye.

Never asked anybody not to disagree with me at all...... Just asked that anyone that did to keep it respectful (to the soldiers and families, I've got thick skin). Guess it's not possible to keep things civil though.
I CAN be a village idiot at times, just have enough sence to know what to say and when to say it (for the most part). Sun'll still rise tomorrow though.

Have a good day,


Well I look at it quite differently.I think each and every coffin should be on TV with the the solider's name and picture to remind everyone in this country what extreme scrafices have to be made to keep this contry free and that regular individual Americans are making that scrafice every day.Mabe some who take freedom for granted
will stop and think then.Also by calling people who have differing opinions names puts you in the class of those that attack our freedoms.As Franklin said "I may hate you for what you say but fight to the death for your right to say it"
Far too few Franklin's these days.
That's our "tlaking."

dave2 never said people couldn't disagree; he simply requested that those who did keep it under control.
Help me understand---you guys bash Bush for eight straight years. Then, you get all twisted up at anything that seems like it might be anti external_link. Why? What's your problem? You guys are the ones who are overly sensitive. You probably support "The Fairness Doctrine" too.
I agree, We should not blast the president, we won't need to he is about to blast himself. His is cutting the defense fund and pulling personal from a somewhat safe Iraq, Leaving a police force there is too much like a monster from another time Nam in the 60's. Next more troops in Afgan.with less money for defense is another mistake of the 60's and also of the Jimmy years. No need to reply only the facts.
I told everybody electing Bush was a mistake, proven right, and he got bashed on everything he did wrong.
So far external_link hasn't did anything wrong, other than theoretical conjecture by Repug, racists that I guess are hoping our country fails.
Dave2 === you can apologize all you want, when you do stupid things, it just shows your stupid, and not apologetic who is sorry for doing some thing you should have known not to do,

I'm Not Perfect, and make mistakes, so ya have to be smart enough to learn by them or suffer the consequences, so don't hold your own breath if you think those that are hurt will forget..
Dave, the only thing that will come from tlak, tom 43, and mn joe is hatred. They don't care about facts. They started hating GWB before he even took office and now they get offended if any negative comes from the other side. These people are Demon crats.
I don't have a problem with just the coffin and a picture, but invading the family's privacy during a time of grief is wrong.

One of the major channels, CBS I think, used to post pictures of our fallen soldiers at the end of their broadcast, but its not "big news" anymore and they stopped. I always watched and sent a silent thanks to each soldier.

As I said in my post, everyone on this forum has tasted the bitterness of grief and it is and should remain a private thing. We don't have to see the grief of the family of a fallen hero to know the cost of the war.

Freedom is not free. It has been purchased with the blood of men and women who were willing to do what was necessary to obtain it and preserve it.

I know that many disagree with the war, but that is NOT the point here. The point is respect for grieving families and their privacy and not allowing the media to turn such a personal, private time into a circus to advance a political opinion. As I also said in my response to Dave's post, I would be deeply offended and very, very angry if the media intruded on my family at such a time.

Regardless of your opinion about the war, the families and these fallen heroes need to be treated with the deepest respect and honor.
Incorrect. One of external_link's campaign promises was to limit lobbyists' access to politicians. Within days of taking office he signed an executive order to do this and made sure the media covered it. What he didn't make public was the "exemption clause" in that order and within 24 hours of signing the order he began evoking the exemption clause to appoint lobbyists to positions in the government. To date, he has appointed more of the people he promised to exclude than any other president. Notice the lack of media coverage on this fact.
So far external_link hasn't did anything wrong,

Really? He can't even fill his cabinet unless he lowers the bar to allow in felons and tax cheats.

During the debates he told America how important it was to reign in spending. Right now drunken sailors and neocon nnalert are watching in wide eyed amazement as he triples the deficit and tanks the economy. Then announces his plans for "fiscal restraint" the same day another $400,000,000,000 in spending is proposed to cover the massive BUDGET CUTS made by Bush. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
Dave2, as one who lost a family member in Iraq. we believe that some publicity at the funeral time is OK because most honors the fallen. However, showing bodies(caskets) arriving at Andrews AFB can demean the fallen and be used as propaganda against a true and honest cause. Our grandson truely believed in what he was fighting for and was on his 3rd tour (all voluntary) when hit by an rpg when he got out of his stryker to call in air support. I for one think you have the right idea . Henry
I agree with the reversal of this policy put in by Daddy Bush. I think he did this because he fear the WAS going to be MASS casualties from the Gulf War and he would pay the price. Daddy Bush lucked out on the number of Gulf War dead but Daddy Bush paid the price at the next election. WHY SHOULD NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SEE THE RESULTS OF THE POLICYS OF OWR GOVENMENT? ALL WAR DEAD SHOULD BE HONOURED WHETHER YOU AGREE WITH THE POLICY OR NOT. I DID NOT agree with the move into Iraq BUT I also do not agree with the @$$ hole who demonstrate at a fallen American Soldiers funeral. I also agee if the family want to remain in the shadows but I see no names on the casket so I think they should not have any problem with the pictures.

If there really are any foaming-at-the-mouth, dedicated America-haters out there anywhere, they must be getting a good laugh at our fighting among ourselves...
"If there really are any foaming-at-the-mouth, dedicated America-haters out there anywhere, they must be getting a good laugh at our fighting among ourselves..."

........couldn't have said it better myself!
Dave2; I'm 28 years USMC (RET) and to let the media
get their hands and photos on this will only promote
internet /newspaper/ and greed money to ones that
truly are greedy and will pound each case till He$$
won't even have it; for their good, and no-one(s) else's.

These military heroes are coming home to be at peace
--- not promotions ! Keep the media out ! And the
thoughts of the greiving in, our prayer's and actions !

Salute, pray and give thanks to them -- not to the
pirates... Jim
Yup. Wives and families were there too. I don't know what he said today - I usually tune out his useless drivel - the point being - just because someone cheers, doesn't always mean they agree...
Traditional Farmer, you're on the money IMO. We all need to respect others opinions. I'm Canadian, and when our troops die, our media covers it respectfully. Their families and the public want them to be honoured. The gov't was going to restrict media access to ramp ceremonies, and the military was against it.
So you are saying the Marines ordered the families to cheer for something they didn't believe in. I don't believe it. Army troopers would never go for it. Remember the ANG Sargent that slamed Rumsfield over hillbilly armour on the Humvees or the greeting that soldier gave Cheney in Iraq. When I was in the Army if some officer told me to cheer for something political I didn't believe in I hould have told him to shovel sand.
I had a relative come home in a coffin from war so I'm not speaking in theoritical terms,and the new policy makes the most sense the family gets to decide.When my relative came home from Nam no one in the media cared enough to want to cover
It's funny that nnalert pounded his fist on the podium when Bush sent in the "Surge", and the press went nuts. So now the Undercover Brother does the same thing, nnalert is all smiles in aggrement, and the mesmorized press is having another 0rgasm with their new Boy toy from Chicago.
Dave I absolutely agree with your thoughts in this situation. I don't know or care whose idea it was to make it available to the media, it is a bad idea. The media has no interest in emotionally supporting the families in greif. I have not had any military experience but my hat is off to those of you who have.
Some people can't grasp the ethics of the situation, you and I both know which ones of our fellow posters they are. The same people who won't let themselves comprehend what is required to keep us safe.
I'm sorry that's what happened for your relative. A young guy I served with a couple years ago died in Afghanistan this fall. I saw it in the news, and was able to go to his funeral. Our media is respectful and helps us honour the fallen. If they were out of line, the public would tar and feather them.

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