OT-Terrorist guide to the USA


Well-known Member
I've been working out of town alot lately and I guess setting in the room at night has left me with way too much time on my hands. I say this because as I have sat here at night and watched TV I've had time to really watch and listen to the TV, read the local and national papers left for guests, and in general just keep up with what's going on in this country. That said here's a little of what I've seen.

We're have an ongoing economic crisis but the new president still has time to pay attention to the entertainment industry and comment on Jessica Simpson's 'weight gain'. Some tainted peanut butter got out and now we know alot more about how poorly our food is checked. Some baseball players took steroids so now us tax payers are paying for congressional hearings about their crimes.

I titeled this Terriorist guide and I did that for this reason. Seems to me all the Terrorists have to do is watch TV to figure out how to take us down. One keep the drama going in Hollywood and keep the president's attention away from your plans. Get a few more prominent sports figures to take some kind of illegal drug and at least part of congress will be tied up. Poison one food source, kill a few people, and get the media to hype it up. Eventually you'll know where the weeknesses in the food supply chain are so you can easily poision other foods and kill more Americans.

Fortunately since the war has "fallen out of vogue", except to campaign against it, there aren't as many reports on what's going on and where. Hopefully at least a few more of the troop movments are actually done in secret now than has been done at times in the past...so maybe our soldiers are at least a little safer.

Call me crazy but when I've got nothing else to do I tend to notice things and these are just a few of them. My question is has any of the rest of ya'll noticed any of the same things, or any other similar things for that matter?...Just curious....
I've noticed that there are a number of news shows that delight in showing, telling how a crime can be pulled off. Exposing weaknesses in the system... Left wondering if some viewer might persue the directions, try to pull it off.
I pay attention. This contry's downfall is going to be caused by too few people paying attention. It's no fun paying attention. It's too scarey. We would have a different presedent if people paid attention and I don't mean McCain.
The peanut butter problem shows us that it's not just the terrorists we have to worry about; the president of the peanut product company is on record as knowing about the salmonella infection in his product, and telling his people to "ship it anyway," or something to that effect. So I'm almost as worried about being killed by "loyal Americans" like him as I am some terrorist.

Of course, maybe we can cut government expenses a little more by taking inspection and enforcement powers away from the FDA, and getting rid of those cumbersome business regulations meant to ensure that only healthy products are on the shelves in stores...and then the SURVIVORS can pocket the tax savings.

Just deregulate the food processing businesses, and the terrorists won't have to kill Americans; just let the food processors do the job for them. Apparently today's profits are more important than having [live] repeat customers. The terrorists probably watch these news programs, and probably praise Allah that the infidels are killing each other every time one of these stories airs.
Glad you had time to set and think.... Most folks have forgot about terrorists. Kinda lost their glamour in the shadow of bashing Bush and bringing in the messiah to make everything better and bring the Soldiers home (think about what that'll do to unemployment....).. There are so many ways that they can cause harm if they can just get situated. Key is to not let them get situated and gather plenty of intelligence. GW did a real good job of that. Then comes the new guy and starts wiping out policies for no more reason than "Bush made it, must be wrong".
We'll wait and see. Glad to hear you took time to think about it.

What you say is true, shortly after 9-11 some air-headed 'reporters' managed to smuggle scissors of knives onto an airplane, then proceeded to write a 'story' on how lax security was. The Federal Bureau of Incompetence NEVER prosecuted them because they were members of the media.
The arrogant sewage of the media exempt themselves from the law, because of their 'profession', just like they have access to disaster areas when law enforcement will NOT even allow those who live there back in. How much personal property does the elitist sewage steal while they are there nosing around?
I must have a sinister mind as i have thought about how easy it really would be to bring this country to her knees both locally and nationally .. ever think about our local law enforcement what would happen if they were wiped out , stop and think about it . Like in this town we have around 24-25 cops total Now how many trained terrorist would it take to take out the cop shop and the ones off duty at home ??? then hit the sheriff's dept. then the highway patrol . At times we may only have three patrolman on duty and sometimes only two , So now who is watchen your back . Take out a bridge on I 80 over in PA drop some railroad bridges into the ohio river and the mississippi river take out a couple bridges on the Pa turn pike . And the east side is cut off from there FOOD and the rest of the whole goods . Before the government could call up the army res. and the nat.guard Just who would cover your donkey just who could you trust . Have you ever been in a fire fight would you have the stones to get involved . Now think about this long and deep as this day could vary well happen .
In spite of what the anti-gun folks think, HONEST LAW-ABIDING citizens with guns, are a great asset to our national security. I think that the terrorists would never try to invade small towns and rural areas, unless they are the suicidal ones..
How do you know that ???/ how many sheep could they kill in jerkwater usa and if ya think Barne is going to protect ya best think again . Lets say that maybe that in your area there was a place that had say a large amount of explosives sorta like a wal marts with everything a growing terrorist wanted and say 30-50 of them went after it after wiping out the local protection but they were not happy with there BODY count and wanted more . Would i depend on my neighbors Not on your life I have one that talks big but i have seen him back down when he should have moved forward . For me the closest that i would trust is 5 miles away . What we have today is sheep with no back bone . But you sleep on it .
I've got to agree with Mark. An armed populance is this countries last line of defense against any "invasion" whether it's from a foreign or domestic source. Maybe 95% of the populance are too scared or have no backbone but the remaining 5% can still do ALOT of damage. Cases in point, that I can think of off the top of my head, are Vietnam, and the Resistance movements of WW2.
A few organized, determined people with weapons can do as much damage as a far larger number of soldiers that are "just following orders".
I know it's just a movie made back in the 80's, but watch "Red Dawn" sometime. I was about the same age of the characters when the movie came out and I can guarantee you that had that scenario played out back then, me and my buddies would have been doing the same thing the kids in the movie did. Now I'm in my forties, and I'd have to say given the same situation I'd still be out there fighting although now maybe not all, but most of my buddies would be right beside me.

Our forefathers knew this simple fact and passed down the right and duty to enforce it with the second amendment. Though many have forgotten it or lost their backbone to enforce it, it's still as true today as it was 20 or 200 years ago.
Well Wayne i am a Viet Nam vet i was there from first part of May 67 till almost the end of May 68 . I was with a Ranger outfit and i know what a small group of well trained guys can do in three man teams or five man teams can do . Or like my team a 15 man team we could break down to the smaller groups when needed . Now i am older i am fatter and i am a bunch slower then 41 years ago but i can still shoot as well now as back then i know the tactics and i have been in one tomany fire fights and some of them still give me bad nights of sleep . In the 41 years that i have been home in my wildest dreams i never thought that i would see the day come that we are in now. So if and when the worst case does happen ya had best know just who is going to watch your back as it will not be the guy that you could count on. It will not be like a day out hunting .
Look around you; remember the THOUSANDS that've come across the borders since 9-11, the YEARS the packages on aircraft weren't inspected, the YEARS no sniffers were at ports, and on and on; it was enough to make a conspiracy theorist think someone was HOPING for another attack.
Ask yourself if you really believe "we've stopped attacks", but "we can't tell you without revealing intel secrets". (If someone came to your door, selling crime prevention, with that line, you'd call the Bunco squad).
Al-Q's goals are being met: we're pulling out of Iraq, and after a show in Afg'stan we'll be out of there. Slow down and THINK about it a little.
It's my guess that if any attack comes here, it won't be by Al-Q, altho they'll sure get the blame.
The anti-gun imbeciles along with their leader in the White House are the terrorists' BEST friends. An anti-gunner is no better than the terrorists that they protect.
Well Wayne, for about fifty years the John Birchers and other right-wingers used to say the same thing about the communists: That all of our preoccupation with entertainment, consumerism, drugs, you name it, was all a plot by the Kremlin to rot us out from the inside. Guess what, in spite of these insidious plots, it's the Soviet Union that went belly up.

Freedom means that people are free to do stupid stuff, it that's what they want to do.
Always wondered why GWB wanted to sell our ports to the Araba's. If we actually knew why we went to Iraq we might understand more, but on the same thought we might want to exile some of our leaders from the US.

We'd have never been attacked on 911 if the NSA had let other branches know what they knew. Or did they????
Just think how many people could be killed in a day if they tainted Ronnie`s Hamburgers !!
"Seems to me all the Terrorists have to do is watch TV to figure out how to take us down."

Maybe. But that's a price I'm willing to pay to be free. Unlike a whole lot of Americans who'd rather sell their freedom for the illusion of safety.
All I can say is plan for the worst, hope for the best.
We're in a strange time...brace yourselves...even if nothing comes to pass, peace of mind comes with preparedness.
Some of my priorities have changed over recent years in order to follow-up on the above thinking.
Glad others are thinking about it...
Tractor vet talked about small groups. Just look at what was done in India with just a hand full of shooters. They had internal help. Most do. Remember the test run that was done on the twin towers when slick willie was prez. Nothing much resulted from that attack by the gov. OK City Fed building by little timmy was a classic example of internal hate groups. Just think if just had bought tags for his vehicle he would have been able to return to MI. The emergency communication net works still are not up to speed as the 911 reports deemed.
It's been proven time and again that the government can not protect us.So,success is when opportunity and preparation meet.Be like a Boy Scout,always prepared.
It's a good point, I mean look at all the information available to anyone who seeks it, just too much on the net and elsewhere, whatever happened to "loose lips sinks ships"? All the military websites, showing the organization and too much other detail, intelligence, weapons systems etc. and we all enjoy watching the tv shows, about the weaponry we have what is in development, I can't tell you how many times I've learned something that I'd otherwise not known about, things that could help an enemy or similar, just on television alone, the net is a whole other story. Are we so brazen that we can brag like this, I don't think so, we ought to be keeping to ourselves, keep our military better cloaked all around, maintaining secrecy of important technology, and stop immigration period, well the latter is a tall order, but you get the point. I do also agree that every person should be capable of firing a weapon with good skill and accuracy, as well as having the ability to use lethal force whenever necessary, you don't have time to think about these things when in the midst and you had best have the firm resolve to do what you must or have it done to you, something I sincerely hope none of us ever has to do, but are prepared nonetheless.
I have long believed that the 'journalists' and 'reporters' embedded within our military units are giving information on troop strength, unit placement, and tactics, to the insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan, in return for their own safety, or access to opium, heroin, and hashish.
JUST HOW did the western media happen to be live at the scene to film the incident when the four American security personell were drug from their vehicle, beaten to death, hung from a bridge, and their bodies set afire. KNOWLEGE aforehand, perhaps?
Last fall 9 American servicemen were killed in Afghanistan when the NEW YORK TIMES reported that their outpost did not have all its defensive measures in place, because it was still under construction.
If anyone thinks that members of the mainstream media SHOULD NOT be held accountable, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, for aiding and abetting the enemy, they are as ignorant of reality as the elitist sewage of the media is.
If local law and order were overwhelmed for any period of time,law abiding local citizens may have
the knowledge and means to protect themselves and
their families against a threat, but they may be
short on planning, organizing, and communicating effectively to protect themselves until law and order can be restored.
If this assumption is correct, how could we remedy this?
If you watched the troops kick down doors and fire their weapons for the cameras, you would get more actual facts from watching Homer Simpson because he doesn't show off as much.

New laws keep the cameras from showing flag draped cofins when they return home. This was to protect us from making decisions that war is bad.

We are already under another counrys control... China owns us, and Mexico has out smarted us as well. And not one shot was fired...well maybe a farmer near the border may indeed shoot and kill some ilegals. And if we are lucky maybe the judge that let this case go to trial in the first place.
tractor vet,

You should read Red Star Rogue. It tells of the Soviet sub K319 that attempted a nuke strike on Hawaii in the spring of "68. It"s a true story. The book also goes into great detail about how we salvaged the sub and also that the Government thinks the Scorpion was sunk in reprisal because the Soviets thought we had sunk the K319. But beyond the intrigue of the account.....is what is and was working behind the scenes in the various intelligence groups......the CIA, NSA, DIA, the Naval Intelligence Bureau and a dozen other alphabet agencies. It also goes on to tell how John Walker began his traitor work in "66 or "67 and wasn"t uncovered until "85 and what he handed the Russians. That bassard should be hung and quartered. The whole thing is.....the citizens will always be the last to know...if they ever know. There are people in high places doing all sorts of things that would cause mass panic if we the People had an inkling of what is going on. There is so much misinformation planted in order that we will always be in a state of confusion. A little bit of knowledge is more dangerous than a lot of knowledge..foremost because it creates paranoia....so, you begin to distrust anything and everything. The KGB was the most evil thing that ever existed on Earth and I am not so sure that it still isn"t.....see there, the paranoid thing! But if it isn"t them...then another force will enter in to fill the void. This book also said the Government believes that the Soviet spetsnaz spec. ops even posed as athletes so they could freely enter into foreign countries so the Russians could have cells of these men planted in key cities at any given time. Scares the schitt out of me when I think of how naive we are.
Excuse me...the Soviet sub was the K129, NOT the 319! Old age is depleting my brain cells.
You are right about that.I wonder just how many things get by an underfunded FDA.If they tell us about the peanut place,how many places paid off somebody to keep their own salmonella outbreak quiet?Also I saw where if they prosecute that guy that said ship it anyway the most he will get is one year in jail.No wonder they do that then,and that guy is so rich he probably is going to get out of that year in jail.Heck he will probably be a representative from Georgia in a couple of years.

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