Lanse DeathWatch

We might as well place bets on when Lanse will actually kill himself. I watched his videos today and was horrified.

Lanse, my dad would have murdered me if I had treated one of our tractors the way you treat that Kubota.

Then there were the explosions.. The truck videos, etc. Yikes. Are you purposefully trying to destroy things and/or yourself??

Maybe this is old news around here..

Lanse, please slow down and be more careful.
Lanse I think you might want to join up with some of the guys and go to that Farm show in Kentucky,,Sounds like there is alot to see and do...not to mention theres farm equipment there too. ps. you might come back a changed man....
plow hand,
Went to sons science fair tonight.M's all over the place.Lots of cool displays also.

Maybe that is the actual viewing site they call M hunters dot com Any unusual displays or figures there. Glad you had fun !!!
Well it should be in the archives we were invited to his house, I went to see what it was all about, even booked marked it. I was proud of the way all have helped him with his build of the "B" and felt he appreciated it. I watched a few of the vids up until I saw a 10 yr old giving the one fingered peace sign to the world. I was going to mention it to him explaining next year he would be subject to a felony crime contributing to the delinquency of a minor , But the last time I tried to say something to help him he told me to "Flame out" so I cut his bookmark.
Have not seen what hes doing.When I was constable here 30 years ago there was a bunch of young fellows raising hell.They took too many risks and 6 are dead now.They would be in their 50s now.Lanse, girls want no part of wild types.Acting foolish will get you laughed at,thats all.The wild ones tend to die young.
Not sure what kinda farm you guys grew up on but myself and most boys around here did similar things when parents weren't watching.
I'm sorry you didn't have more respect for what someone other than you had to work for and depended on. Seems kind of like lanse since we all know he doesn't have the money to buy what he abuses.
Im still working on that B, and i still am proud of it. What exactially am i doing with that kubota thats got people so offended???

And the neighbor kid-he did that all by himself. Theres no way i told him to, and im always careful with him and other kids around. I even watch my language. Im positive hes never seen the one fingered wave from me
Yup, this has come up a bunch of times now. If you dont like my videos, Please just dont watch them.

That goes to everyone.
I disabled one of those videos because stuff like that shouldnt be linked to this site.

And the other one-whats wrong with driveing through a snowbank???

Look, the stuff here that has everyone up and arms shouldnt have come to this site looking back. Its stuff thats not allowed here, and the youtube and YT shouldnt be linked.

If my videos offend anyone, im sorry. Please dont watch them.
I promise not to watch your videos anymore if you promise not to kill yourself. :) Is that a fair deal?

Plus, if you get hurt, who will help me shovel out the stables??
(quoted from post at 18:37:34 02/04/09) We might as well place bets on when Lanse will actually kill himself. I watched his videos today and was horrified.

Lanse, my dad would have murdered me if I had treated one of our tractors the way you treat that Kubota.

Then there were the explosions.. The truck videos, etc. Yikes. Are you purposefully trying to destroy things and/or yourself??

Maybe this is old news around here..

Lanse, please slow down and be more careful.

Was curious about the videos myself so I took a look and one has been blocked (I guess by Lanse). The one I saw (snowbank) didn't look like he would KILL HIMSELF. Maybe horsing around a little too much and accidents DO happen but have you seen some of the behavior on YouTube? LOL. As for machinery abuse, I've hit a pile of dirt with my Ford TLB pretty hard at times trying to hurry up and get a job done. Was it the hitting of the pile that offended people? Doing "donuts" in the field? Just curious.
i dont know what it was, but apperentially
somethin. some folks diddnt like another doughnut
video. I go slow, in a flat, open field, and dont
see how it could hurt much of anything.

Youtube has everything from people blowing up
port-potties to REAL homemade bombs, things at
are extreme by my standards. Look around the
tube, im pretty mild mannered.
I'm not offended at all.
It simply seems stupid to me that anyone would ram a tractor into a snowbank like that for no purpose other than because they can.
I was secretly hoping there was a concrete curb under that snow pile. Then I could watch the tractor fold in half on impact... and it would fold in half.
I'm also curious to see how long the clutch (or hydro) will last in the poor tractor after that performance if it sees that kind of use every day.
As far as the donuts were concerned, the tractor was near to rolling on more than one occasion as it bounced through the rows in the field in the video I watched.
The whole thing being pointless as there was absolutely no valuable work being done.
I find it comical how the video of the european guy on his Zetor or Ursus (skidding logs) or whatever it was drew such disdain from nearly everyone who commented on it while this nonsense is condoned.
At least the guy skidding logs was doing something usefull.

it seemed really stable to me.

Im pretty sure no one put in a concrete curb next to the driveway in the 4 years ive lived here. Im not that dumb. Besides, the bucket isnt even on the ground. Go watch it again.

Of corse theres no work being done. You have to live a little every once in a while
Oh I didn't abuse other parents things, and lots of respect for my employers stuff. Never broke anything either.

I never watched all of Lanse's video's, I've only seen a couple of him driving a ranger around in some fields and drving a 50 hp Kubota. The stupidest thing I saw was driving over a lawn mower, seems like a good way to cause and expensive tire repair. Not gonna hurt the tractor at all, certainly not him.

Maybe I don't know the whole story on it, but as teenagers we did stupid stuff too and don't try to pretend otherwise.
A curb was an example. A frozen chunk of ice would do the job and that's quite possible.

You'll also find that after you've done some repairs on that thing and paid for them out of your pocket, you'll find that there's other (more fun) ways to 'live a little'.

Maybe he didn't get the idea from you but you were responsible to edit what every one will see.

Like I said You Invited us to your house And I was anxious to meet the fine young man that seemed to be proud of what you have learned here.

Maybe I'm just jealous I don't have a $13,000 piece of machinery I can abuse to show my stupidity , and worry where the funds would come from to fix it if it broke.

I just had to tell you this till you get more sense I'll listen to you, and {Flame Out} but don't expect me to help you when needed for what you caused acting like a Kid. when I thought you were a young man
I think the issue at hand isn't Lanse "doing cool stuff" but more so in doing it with things that aren't his.

This is the prime reason you don't let kids use equipment unsupervised, even if "responsible" in view, once you are gone, "fun" begins.

If he owned the Kubota, then he can do what ever he wants with it, even if it is stupid, if he paid, he pays.

Can ANYONE say here they've NEVER spun the tires of a truck/car at least once for fun?

The question is, does his Dad know what he is doing? (and posting for the world to see)

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