OT: Deer Slayer Not what you think!

El Toro

Well-known Member
A game warden in AL took these pictures of this alligator about 90 miles north of Birmingham. They killed the gator and it measured 28 feet long. Hal
Why?? If he's thining out the herd, thats more than the Game and Fish Dept will do and he did it for free!! Where can I get one of those for my pond??
Sorry guys, no way. The largest recorded American Alligator was 14' and 5/8 inches, caught in Lake Seminole in central Florida. There are rumors a 17 foot monster was caught before Florida Fish and Wildlife CC. (Our DNR in Florida)kept records. That picture is from the Everglades where a gator caught a yearling, not uncommon. The deer in that area aren't very big to start with, probably 40-50 lbs as a yearling that just lost it's spots. I'm an Florida swamp boy, biggest I've ever brought in a boat was 8', and beleive me, thats all you want. That tail, never mind the teeth will hurt 'ya.

You can send anything in a e-mail and some where along the line someone will believe your story no matter how far fetched it is.

It was reported that this photo was taken on Lake George in Ocla, Florida by a KTBS helicopter. Problem is KTBS does not have a helicopter and KTBS is in Louisiana.

It was reported that this photo was take by the Alabama Forest service over Lake Martin. But that is not true either.

There were several other reports from Tx; S.C.; and even Ga. Seems every one wants to claim or scare the local public with this gator.

If you want the true story read the link.

By the way the gator was not killed and is estimated to be 12 to 14 ft.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
If you know the right people and have the correct amount of money you could buy your own; it just might not be this big to start with.

Even a small one will clean up a pond real well if you have problems such as stunted growth from to many perch and not enough bass.
Them's cool pics but I think they are about like the one I got the other day were a huge cougar was found dead on the side of the road just out side of LBL.

There is a lady here who is the same age as my grandmother who about every two years as long as any one can remember has seen a momma bear with two cubs on the hill behind her house. Internet just makes these stories move faster.

I don't care how long it is or isn't, or whether its in AL or somewhere else, its big enough for me. So, whats that in the water to the right of it? A really really big moccasin thats headin the gator off to fight for the deer? I don't want anything to do with them guys or the waterlogged deer. I'm filling the pond in after that. Coyotes standin on a mound where the pond used to be are much easier to deal with. LOL.

No, no, no it aint. That's one of my ex-wives, Mynerva. Wasn't much to look at, but she never cheated on me though like the other 17 did. Used to take her out to dinner, she didn't order a steak, she'd order the whole cow, a pig, and a couple of chickens. I caught her the same way too and thought she was a mermaid until I sobered up. She wasn't much for conversation either. Pretty crabby most of the time as I recall, so I don't miss her much. Not very fun in the bedroom either. I quit drinkin after she moved out. These days I only sell the stuff I brew. That guy in the picture found her, he can have her.

Could be a croc, I think there are a few in the Everglades that were released there by people getting rid of pets.
Killing that 'gator is a typical ignorant redneck response to anything not understood. If it's different, ugly, etc. just kill it. That 'gator was doing what 'gators are put here and designed by nature to do, and what's wrong with that?
28 feet,..that would put it at about the same weight as a semi,.....never happen..ahhh, photo shop, what would we do without it...
CWH, How do you know that being surrounded by taters and broth ain't what a gator was put on this earth for? Lettin that gator live is like lettin a terrorist live, typical ignorant Ivy League northerner response!
If you look at the link I provided in my other post you will see the gator with the deer in his mouth was not killed. In fact the picture was taken from a helicopter in Ga.

The picture of the gator hanging from a backhoe is from Tx. It was measured at just over 13 ft and the game wardens were forced to kill it for the safety of the community because it was in a populated area.

While once on the endangered list gators have made a good come back and are even hunted now. It does take a permit to hunt them so the average Joe can not just go out and kill one but they are hunted.
snopes link
If you compare the length of the gator to the deer and the gator is 28 feet then that deer would be about 10 or 12 feet long, now that would be quite a deer! Especially in gator country where a deer seldom gets much bigger than 120 pounds.
These pictures were going around a couple years ago and were proven to be a hoax. It is amazing what a person who is good with "Photoshop" can do to a picture.

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