Guantonimo Prison


Well-known Member
Curious to know what you would do with detainee's. I think it's very simple. Make it very clear to each and every one of them,they are getting a second chance at life. If they are ever caught in any kind of hostility against the USA again, they will be executed on the spot. No if's, and's, or but's.
Shoot them all. That way we lower ourselves to their standards and throw away all self respect and standards of being an American and put our standing in the world even lower. .
Barry is bringing them to this country to start help with his over throw and take over off the U.S. as we know it.Notice the talk has been about putting them in prisons in Pa.and around D.C.What about Levenworth?
Ya know what? I bet without much looking, you could find a forum that relates to your political views and rants. I think this forum is more about TRACTORS, and the good people who own and enjoy them. I would guess most of us who read and reply to this forum are old farmers like myself, and although we may think that the world has gone to hell in a handbasket, we would rather talk about tractors and equipment. What do you say. Can we do that?
I say we put 'em to sleep for a couple of hours, implant them with GPS locators, let them go back to al queda, then we send a few smart bombs to find the GPS beacons. Nah, B.O. wouldn't have the guts, cause it might violate their rights!
(quoted from post at 05:44:55 01/25/09) What do you say. Can we do that?

Sounds like a plan to me....... Seems like when the topic turns to tractors though people get upset and leave :roll: :shock:

Ask me a tractor question, I'll give you the smartest answer I can come up with, and we'll see how quick someone screws it up. I'm guilty of chiming in on te political stuff too, but am trying to get better.

I am strong supporter of capital punishment.

I say that IF they are terrorists, and most of them are. Unless there are few Arabs that were picked up by mistake. I say shoot them all right in the head---He!! I would love to be the one donating the ammo for such a great opportunity. If a US citizen in Texas kills 10 people at a Mcdonalds and is found guilty then he gets the electric chair. If nnalert terrorists are killing innocent citizens in the world they need to be executed--Period!!!

Of course the way to do it is to proclaim all over the TV that Shelik, Mohammad and Ismail are getting out of the Gitmo prison and being returned to their home land, blah, blah, blah. Then all the world will think that they are free.
Then right after their pictures are taken take them out back and shoot them. Terrorists are not able to be rehabilitated.
Okay, Okay.....First put them on a Farmall or Deere then shoot them. Kinda like the old duck shooting games at the carnival. KILL ALL THE TERRORISTS ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They should have been shot (accidently) before ever arriving at Gitmo in the first place.
I look at like this. Some one attemps to kill my family. They get stopped trying to execute a plan, or are caught trying to make the plan. They are delivered to me. There only goal in life, in their demented mind is to kill my family. They may be the killer, the planner, the supplier, but either way, they are a peice of the puzzle that will lead to the killing of my family. I hold them for 3 months in my chicken barn, feeding them, keeping them warm. One day I am ordered to let them go. Knowing that they fully intend on some day fullfilling their destiny of killing my family. What do you think I would do. What would you do.
I say make slaves of them on a government owned hog farm. The farm could supply them with meat and let them shovel out the hog pens to fertilise a garden to grow their veggies. Make them wear pigskins for clothing. All profit from this farm would go into the US treasury to help compensate for all the damage they've caused America. Give folks who lost loved ones in 9-11 first option for the jobs as slavedrivers. Show them what slavery is like in its most basic form. Oops; I fergot those people's "religion" doesn'tallow them near hogs nor pork products, oh well, I guess they could have the option of going naked and eating no meat while they slop the hogs and shovel thepiggy-poo.
Mr. Bob
I like the way you think Mr. Bob.

You should run the prison system in the USA, oops you would get in trouble for cruel and unusual punishment.
Barry Soetoro was his name while he was in school in Indoenesia before he changed it to Barack external_link.
Oh, I'm sure that will work just dandy! I'm sure they will say. "Gee! Thanks! You are such nice people to do this. Now pardon us while we head back to the middle-east to pal up with our America-hating buddies so we can plan another attack on America."

Do you honestly believe the abundant "pap" you just posted??? Or are you just trying to get some reactions? If you truly believe what you posted, you are hopeless!

Why can't we have some our snipers use them for target practice as they are being moved or released???

And we have a man in the White House who thinks the same as you do. What an insult to all of those who lost friends, family and loved ones on 9/11.
What is there about dumlibs that they can't grasp the seriousness of this whole terrorist issue??? Huh? This isn't just some kind of political debate between the muzzies and us; it's about our lives and liberties. What's the problem with you guys??
So, you're saying that right after they put a plane into a tall building, or immediately after they pull the pin on a vestfull of dynamite in a crowded train we should execute them?
These are not yer traditional terrorists.
I have to add. 9/11 was terrible. They, the terrorist want to hit us where it hurts most. Say,the Texas Children's Hospital. How would we react as a country? How would we feel if a released "combatant" was the mastermind, or one of those the execute the vile deed. Wouldnt it be a sick feeling to have to live with the fact that WE HAD THEM CONTAINED PRIOR TO 2009!
Bring em to the closed part of Stateville prison in Illinois the home of the abundant man. Plenty of out of work people in Joliet. Job stimulus programs should start in the home district. The prisoners would be close to family.

What I read they find a home in Yemen. Better move the small battle ships out of Yemen ports.
Yup! Have barry go back there a couple of days each week to try to "organize" to become responsible US citizens.
I don't think that they should be deprived the "privilege" of shoveling piggy poo onto the garden. They might develop a taste for veggies fertilised by it. I lost no one in 9-11, but I'd gladly take my turn as a slave driver for them. Swinging a 16# sledge a lot in my life has helped give me the arms that could effectively apply the ol' whip with good persuasive effect, and I'd ENJOY it!!
Mr. Bob
The highest ranking U.S. military ofificials are backing the president on this decision.They say torturing these idiots only brings torture to our soldiers when captured and only dramatizes how we treat prisoners.Personaly the terorists should be kept in solitary confinement until executed.
Cruel and unusual?? I wouldn't force them to do any form of hard, heavy, work that I've never done in my life. heh, heh, heh... BTW, I'd like to nominate Sheriff Joe Arpaio as President.
Mr. Bob
So they were already found on the battlefield fighting our boys, and now you are advocating telling them to stop and be nice, but have at it again. Foolish, foolish. Typical abundant point of view, "be nice to them and they'll be nice to us". Couldn't be more wrong.

And here's my proof. See link below.

Not to mention, there have been reports for a while now that half of those released have returned to terrorism. But you go on thinking nice warm fuzzy thoughts.

Your kind of thinking is the result of the softness of our citizenry now. The world is still a very dangerous place, and you seem to be in denial. These people want to kill you! They want to kill our children. They cut people's heads off! They are not like us, they do not value human life, they send their children off to kill themselves and others with bombs strapped to their bodies. Get a grip!
Ex Guatanamo Inmates in Al Queda Video
Do you get on the posts about watermelons, the weather, shoulder rotator cuff, electrical generators, the chicken business, Olds 95, telephone party lines, or Chevy blower motors and complain about them? All of which are currently listed on the first two pages of the forum right now? Or is it just the real world issues that bother you?
Put them in prison with the general population.Let "Bubba" bend a few of them over in the shower.
Just my view!

The president is talking and signing on closing the prison but nothin's been said about releasing the detainees!!
Open the gate and let them go. Where will they go next? Let the Cubans deal with them. They are on an island.

Or, shoot them. That is the what they do with their captives.
High ranking military people have made wrong decisions ever since the revolution war. Even George Washington lost a major battle because of a bad decision. Just because some top military officials think closing Gitmo is bad doesn't mean it is a bad decision.
we have got to be the laughing stock of the world, we make fun of the French and their lillylivered ways, yet we are guilty of the same. It was not by being lucky that we didn't have another 9/11 on U.S. soil since the attacks in NY but by Bush being strong and true to his beleif to protect his country any wich way he had to save us ( you and me ) , the torture methods, wiretaps, detainees, all worked to get info that was vital to our security. I am expecting that 9/11 type attacks will resume shortly and be a common occurrance. Then we will be able to surely say that the nnalert way was worse
The problem with that is there are already a bunch of them in our prison system and they are recruiting gang types to be home grown terrorists.
Before we start I am or was a Rep.,worship our Lord, and was in the Nam (not a clerk or pencil pusher)

Why the heck can't we understand there point of view. What the heck would any of us do if they came and invaded our country? Would we not resist? We had a bunch crying about taking our guns away right? Many of these people had good jobs, regardless what our government says. This same government we own said they would greet us like liberators. What would we do if thousands of our families and friends were killed in the rucuss?

Funny thing is we took them to prison in a place where they are not given the same rights we have. They can rot there for a hundred years and never be given a trial--of course they have to be guilty, our US government said they were, and each and every one has wepons of mass destruction hidden on them. The Geneva convention does not allow a government to go in and over throw another one---but what did we do?

We say the United Nations are a bunch of -----so we go it alone. (and borrow the money to pay for it) The United Nations should hold our government responsable for war crimes. The United Nations wanted more proof when Colon Powel went and showed them proof of the wepons. It was a computer drawn picture of a semi on one picture, and a rail car on another one. The third picture was (actual picture) of a chemical factory with a funny looking truck out in front of it (to deliver these products) oh oh turns out it was a fire station with a fire truck out front.

Date Line or 20 20 had pictures of a lady wearing a small swiming suit six months before we went to war. The picture was from 13 miles upward. In a series they kept increasing the magnification only to the point the military would allow. You could count the legs on a sand crab, you could of seen the hairs on her legs (I checked in detail there were none). Yet we screwed up and said we know there was wepons of mass destruction anyway.

We hate who they worship because they got it all wrong. What do they think about our religion? Our Lord is what in there eyes? a child born to a 13 - 15 year old unwed mother, and some how we got three Gods out of the deal. We have the same bible, but we can't all agree on the way it is percieved. Again if you don't worship in the same church I do, well it is real simple--you got it wrong.

We hate our government, and they have the power over us, imagine what they think as our government tells them what to do--or else we kill them, or lock them in a prison.

Probably got alot of you folks jumping up and down, but we only see what we want and what our government wants us to see and hear. Anybody seen a plane unload a bunch of flag draped coffins since this started? (against the new law) They did in Nam times, but they don't want us to get emotional about the war, as it is nothing but good for us.

We must remember those guys in Iraq took out the twin towers in 911. Holy cow, we mised it agin we done got the wrong country, oh well they must have something to do with it, it just has to be. (IF anyone knows this for a fact, the Whitehouse needs you to call them right away)

I've been wrongly acused in a court room, but at the last moment my exwife admited I had never laid a hand on her in any shape size or form. You should all wear those shoes for a year or so in a small town that the word is you are a wife beater.

I say take every prisoner, put them under and insert a chip inside them so we can track them in case they do try to settle the score with us so we kill just them, and not any more inocent people.

Many of us are not the fighting type, but let them bomb, kill or imprison half your family and friends and then rethink it.

I best take my meds and a nap again.
I just emailed my brother who is a General in the U.S. Army to get his take on it. I will post his opinion when he gets back to me. anyone interested if not Ill keep it to myself.
.They say torturing these idiots only brings torture to our soldiers when captured and only dramatizes how we treat prisoners.


Just wondering if you knew how they were treating our soldiers before we ever sent anyone to Club Gitmo? If only our soldiers were only subject to swirlies and good food that made them fat.
(quoted from post at 08:38:27 01/25/09) we have got to be the laughing stock of the world, we make fun of the French and their lillylivered ways, yet we are guilty of the same. It was not by being lucky that we didn't have another 9/11 on U.S. soil since the attacks in NY but by Bush being strong and true to his beleif to protect his country any wich way he had to save us ( you and me ) , the torture methods, wiretaps, detainees, all worked to get info that was vital to our security. I am expecting that 9/11 type attacks will resume shortly and be a common occurrance. Then we will be able to surely say that the nnalert way was worse

I hope you're wrong, but afraid not. Money being tight (hard to plan big targets), I worry about schools, shopping centers, and churches being targets.

Don't expect anything but a biased answer if any..Last thing he needs is opinion becoming gospel on a public forum.

the best way to close the prison is to take the number of people their and devide the number by 2 and that is the number of meals you send in with sharp knives. Every day do the same thing. soon you will be down to 1 person left turn him loose and do what you have to to stop him from escaping. JMO Bob
You did a good job of painting a picture from the other side. The key is they want to KILL US because most of us don"t believe their exact version of nnalert. There has never been an instance where Christianity or Atheism was forced on anyone with a death threat. nnalert has always been spread by the sword. There is Shia and Sunni. They don"t agree on some technicalities so they kill each other. A woman showing more than her eyes and hands in public is a death sentence, so the picture you allude to did not come from an arabic country.
You say let half your family be bombed, killed, or imprisioned, but isn"t that what happened on 9-11? Wake up from your nap and meds and OPEN YOUR EYES.
Knock them out, implant a tracking device, if involved in criminal acts, send a missile back to the nest.

Really I think it's all publicity, a Cheney/Bush mess that looks better gone. All the detainees will go to other prisons.
Bottom line: THEY can't be talked to or reasoned with becasue they don't care if they die. I care if I die, as do most Americans.
You said "The Geneva convention does not allow a government to go in and over throw another one---but what did we do?"

Do you not remember early 90's we helped Kuwait because Iraq invaded them. Iraq lost and signed a treaty. You don't remember Iraq never lived up to those terms? We had ever right to enforce that. and Iraq was given years to comply. That alone was reason. Those weapons of mass destruction, Well nearly the whole world thought they had them. All Iraq would have had to do to prevent this was to let UN inspectors see that there wasn't any. What would you think if you saw a kid by a cookie jar and his hand behind his back and won't show you his hand?
I think it was terrible Bush #1 never enforced that in the time he had left . It is even worse that Clinton didn't do it in his 8 years and he even thought they had weapons and it wasn't Bush #2 that to him.
Hmm, "Control what you say"? Which party is it that says you can't say a prayer in school? Which party says you can't have a Nativity Scene on public property? Which party says in a school or public place no religious references can be made unless they're nnalert? Which party is it that demands if conservative radio programs that have large audiences have XX number of hours, abundant programs with far smaller audiences have the same number of hrs? Remember, radio stations support themselves by selling advertising time. Why would one want to buy time on a station few if any listened to?
Controlling the news media is the first step in Communism. Communism demands that the government owns everything. Communism states "From each according to his ability. To each according to his need." Think about that when someone tells you you don't need a pickup truck, you don't need a car, you don't need that classic tractor you have, you don't need a 3 bedroom home on an acreage in the country when a 1 bedroom apartment will do.
I suppose if there was any real belief in our laws then they would be tried based on the evidence against them... and if they're guilty, then dealt with accordingly. However, if there was any real evidence agains any of them, the government would have been only too quick to hoist them up to show the world.
The reality is that now they will be released... and now you're not releasing someone who may or may not have done something, you're releasing someone who will certainly have a grudge to settle having spent the last 7 years in gitmo. Bright decision that one was, very bright.

I'm wondering how many that post on here were in the military?-----no, not the pencil pushers, nor the ones who drove the comanding officer etc. nor those in the rear?

What I knew then was squat, and probably know less now. When we sent reports of poping a bush we exagerated the numbers at a min. double.
It made our squad look good as well as the company who doubled the number, then to batalian and numbers are doubled again.

I'm sure not a person we killed was any different than me. I was there for a cause, I had a family, and I did not want to get captured, amputated, or come home in a box.

Alot of folks got alot of our tax dollars over that war, and this one as well. If we wanted to get even with the 911 ordeal, we should have went to the right country.

We all get upset if one of our family dies, but we have no problem sending off someone elses boys to die. Why not send the presidents children and congress kin folk should be next.

How many thought we got a raw deal with a cop, DNR, IRS, laws taking guns away, or any other thing?----I say shut up, you were guilty of all charges otherwise you would not have been there in the first place. You don't get a trial, you should have been beaten and shot so it would not have cost the tax payer so much. Our government does not make mistakes, you do, and we all know it. Anybody getting the drift here?

The only way we can make new friends is to shake our fist in there face when we meet them, it will make them our friends for life.

Very radical, but we are all set on them all being the bad guys, and we sure would like to have them treat our guys the same way right?

So if they are not guilty and being beaten, what will they say, the truth, or something to make the beatings go away.

My county (Clayton county Iowa) has the highest rate of meth labs in the US acording to Jay Leno. (with the least prosecutions) Our county attorney lives five blocks from me, and I went to school with him. He is a jerk from day one, and when someone gets busted for drugs, they get less if they provide names and contacts. Those guys will go down the phone book and list names. No, I was never named to my best knowledge.

This war is costing us tax payers alot of money, but I often wonder if all that money was put in a box and handed to their government every week if we couldn't buy them as friends? It works for politicians!

For those who think beating them is ok, and we are very selective, you haven't a clue. Ever see kids get the crap beat out of them in school, college, sports, or in a bar? Boys will be boys, and on the battlefiels we are as ugly as anyone else. No tell --is not just for one topic in the military. As I get older and have kids and grand kids, I ashamed of the way we acted, and proved nothing other than to our buddies what bad A$$e$ we were. Every cook and clerk got their picture taken infront of a 50, or a gun jeep to send home. A gook ear would bring nothing less than $50.00 in the rear. Anyone a expert on knowing a opposing NVA, opposed to a civilians ear as well as gender? When they rot in a bag a few days in the hot jungle they look all the same even when salted down.

Don't suppose that there could be a few of our next generation on foreign soils now maybe with the same frame of mind?

I'm a guessing if anyone of us was locked up far a year or so, guilty or not we would want to get even, or at least I would.

I'm all for going after their leaders, and wish they would return the favor and not kill all the rest of us like 911. Those people were inocent.

Turning those guys loose is not the answer, but killing them or making slaves of them certianly is not either. We have made every single person in our prison a idol, and made their friends, and family hate us even more. I'm guessing we would do likewise.

As said before I always didn't think this way, in fact just the opposite. But I have watched family fights, bar room fights, and the nnalert & Rep fights for fifty plus years, and never once do I remember a clear cut winner.

Old George perhaps should have finished a few things while we were at it. But it was in and out, and few of our lives were taken. Fighting these guys is like having to check every shadow in the woods---and every sahdow looks the same.
(quoted from post at 09:19:44 01/25/09) The highest ranking U.S. military ofificials are backing the president on this decision.They say torturing these idiots only brings torture to our soldiers when captured and only dramatizes how we treat prisoners.Personaly the terorists should be kept in solitary confinement until executed.

Plowhand you are naive. Most officials disagree with your position, only a few who can't get retirement jobs disagree with torture.

I think we should close Gitmo by killing all the prisoners. If no one has the stomach for it I will gladly go do it - and would even pay my own transport and ammo costs. I would truly relish the opportunity.
Interesting thought, tlak, though I posted much the same thing 4 hrs earlier! external_link will make all our problems with prisoners go away, he will release them, probably into areas of the country that didn't vote for him!
I understand your attatude, I'm not blind but do you know what country the 911 bad guys were from?

And like I said if you know for a fact Iraq and 911 are connected in any way, you should call the Whitehouse imediatly, cause they sure would appreciate that connection. They even admited there was no ---that is absolutly no connection. If they had any conection we would probably had a different president now as well.

I would kill the guilty folks by cutting their throats myself with a (mothers day gift) electric knife if I knew they were guilty.

But I can't help but wonder why so many other countries hate us, not all has to do with them having less freedom and rights.

So lets address their religion, I guess they are indeed the ones who worship and came to the US and killed all the indians. From there they went to Worhip the Slave Gods and took slaves from Africa to work for their sacrad plantations and gave all that money to the churches no doubt. Why.. our God thinks that is ok---see they are bad people with no repect for life.

As far as the United nations, they should have forced the inspections, not Uncle Sam---the guy was a bad guy at any description of the word bad. Now we went alone, and every body hates us.

Ok, I sure meant nothing personel on any of this, religion wise or any other way. I certianly respect your opinion. Just trying to make a point of view from the other side as they would see it. Our government isn't always right nor is theirs, but one thing for sure is they aren't done yet, and all our troups are on foreign soils so they aren't going to be alot of help. We can't control our own borders.

The draft is coming soon I would guess, and rich kids will get off the hook as in the past. No, I was not drafted, I enlisted in the Army for a good cause (at the time). By the way while I was in for a short time they came out with the lottery. Sept 14th was the very first number out of the hat--how many of you guys remember that date as well as I do?--yea you are correct it's my birthday, so I just always figured I out smarted them.

We need to convince the other countries we aren't all bad, not just the guys on YT.
I don't know the very intriquet details of this prison they shut one down in my area because it was not efficient and not secure They built a new one.Is that what is happening shifting them off to other more secure and efficient prison ? don't get me wrong I dont care how they are treated that quote came out of a local Catholic news paper.
So if these U.S. military officials don't match up to your standards even if they fought in wars they are not worthy of respect.Heck I value and respect any soldiers opinion if they could or could not get a retirement job.
I would be very interested in what a US general thinks.
If the General says they should be shot in the head then great, he should set up those terrorists as targets on the sniper training course for the US army.
Thanks, I thought perhaps I would be tared and feathered for it, but seems we jump on any wagon (including myself) that our government drives by in.

A young man told me how we were indeed doing good in Iraq--that no doubt is so, how could it be any different with that amount of money dumped into the pot.

He said he would go back if he could get the same job. He alos mentioned the pay scale he was at. Then he also mentioned he couldn't find a job here in the US, making another tour was his intent.

I did not have the guts to tell him his grandma that had died while he was away, probably died because she could not afford medications, and she was so depressed because she could not pay off her hospital bill from a long term cancer ordeal. Grandma grabed me by the sleve and begged me not to put her in a ambulance. Her and I talked alot, she had no TV, was worried about the grandson, and had sold grandpas car that she more less promised the grandson.

And we all know she paid alot of taxes over the years, sat in church every Sunday, and would pray for you rather than argue with ya.

She gave out apples for holoween and x-mas because that was all she had (her 2 little apple trees).

I have no idea of her being so poor till I offered to pick the apples for her, the kemo, and radiation had made her so weak. After holoween I went out a picked up the apples around the corner that the kids had thrown awy so she never knew.

The grandson had told me he was getting grandmas house because he was her favorite etc. I knew at the time he was telling me, that grandma had borrowed against the house, and the morgage company would own it when she died. Her medical bills had to be out of this world, and she simply gave up trying to get help that is often mentioned. She always said she fell between the cracks with the insurance comapny, and the medicare ordeal.

The cancer was hard on her, but not as bad as the embaresment, bill collectors from the hospital and doctors. She died from a broken spirit is my best guess, and I'm proud that I got to meet her, and help her as best I could. I often wonder if I maybe could have done more if I had tried a little harder.

She is at peace now,unlike the grandson is going to be in a few months when he finds out everything.

I was the first to go in when we expected troubles, and I placed her lap blanket over her face and wrapped a blanket that had fallen to the floor so she could maybe look warm as her house was almost as darn cold as she was. And mentioned to the rest of the crew that she got her wish this time and did not have to ride in a ambulance this time or ever again. Everyone rememberd the ordeal the last time we loaded her, and even a few firemen that had come to help had tears in there eyes.

Just can't help but wonder if we could do a little more good towards the less fortunate older tax payers, and less for other countries.
So is that how you get information out of prisoners shoot em dead and then ask questions.I guess thats how they get imformation out of serial killers too kill them and then try to get information out of them..That is real intellegent answer.I knew a guy in Nam who was in interegation they use to take two up in a chopper and to get information out of them they would throw one out after a time or two none would ever speak cause they knew what was to come ps.I think you owe some US military officials an apology.
Good post??? Maybe it was to you but I thought it was somewhat rambling and disjointed. follow. Not entirely sure of his point...
Geneva Convention does not apply. They must be uniformed soldiers fighting for a county, something these blood thirsty heathens are not.

You are wrong on so many levels it's not even worth commenting on. You are one of the soft Americans that just don't get it.
I have to agree 100%, and not going to do the name calling or anything violent. You are correct ....I certianly don't get it!

The reason we can have a differance of opinion is because of blood shed, and I wonder how much the average poster on this board, pro or con has actualy seen. Not counting the movies about war.

I disregard the war heros on the news as they kick in dors like John Wayne and open fire etc. Unless things have changed since 1971, those guys are more actors infront of a TV camera than blood thirsty soilders. Most soilders in my day were scared crapless 99% of the time, and seldom were hero stunts done. HEY, something else, is they do cry sometimes too. Maybe they turn their heads cause they don't want their biddies to know they are soft.

Maybe I am soft, haven't watched any sort of war movie since I got out, probably never will. I get tears in my eyes when I visit the cemetary where my good friend lays. Brought his remains home April of 1970, still to soft to visit his mother. But I'm very strong in believing he died to make others rich.

Mater of fact I'm getting on in years, and have troubles visiting his grave anymore, he never got married, kids or grandchildren. All he got was three rounds in the forehead, and his mother got a flag that I folded and gave to her.

Soft you say ---darn straight, I just am exactly that.

I hope you don't think this is personel in any shape or form, we all are products of our enviorment, and often they differ.
I appreciate what you did for our country, but you more than most should understand there are some people that are just not like us. They don't value life. They want to take over the world with thieir nnalert faith, or kill those that won't submit.

The ones in Gitmo are not US citizens, so how can you afford them rights guaranteed by the Constitution? Justify that to me. Half that have been released went back to fighting us or committing acts of terrorism. Those are facts. And in light of that, how can you justify letting them loose, or letting them into our country and our justice system.

You know, during WWII, we caught German spies here in the US, and you know what we did to them? We shot them, and no one had a problem with that.

These people are worse than spies. They would kill you, me, a child, andyone, and without a second thought and without remorse. So again I ask you, on what grounds do you justify bringing them into our justice system?
Gitmo was scheduled for closure anyway. So, big deal. Ever wonder why or how we maintain a military installation in Cuba? Yet we can't buy a Cuban cigar or sell a bushel of corn there.
I totaly understand your opinion, but just what if another country decided to call you or a loved one the same as you assume they all are?

Should they or you be beatten and killed?

If we can spent the billions to kill them, why not give each and every one some sort of trial to make sure they are guilty? And do ya realy think after we beat on them, they will actualy some day forgive us, and love us? I think that might be a long shot.

What was spent by our government theis last week or so to celebrate the new president, why not spend money for a fair trial. By some other country other than the USA. Why not in Iraq where their leader was condemed to death. Those folks might hate us less.

I know you are proud of your government and so am I, but there are falts in the system.

For us that wave our bibles and claim how we should not have abortions and all---well my bible says thou shall not kill. We as humans have changed the meaning of this to thou shall not kill unless we chose too, abortion or otherwise.

Like I have stated before I will personaly kill to get to the twin tower man, and would send my son. But I do not think our government is perfect, and we need to clean up our acts so the rest of the world likes us, and not because of our money.

These folks are guilty because our government says so--and could we all list mistakes we know our government has made in the last ten years? Or again we are wrong and our government is always right.

For crying out loud, I have kids and grndchildren, and no I don't want them dead as you might think. But for every one we kill they gather around and they get more determined to hate and kill us.

Thank you for your compliment, I'm no war hero, five of us left the same day, one turned down for flat feet, one a hardship discharge. One I returned in a box, and the other came home in a wheel chair. I came back alive, and very greatfull of my blessing.. Fact is the Nam can indeed go on without us, many of our folks got rich, and we proved what?

I relize many folks think all the bad guys line up in single file in front of the good guys. Sorry, you don't know what the heck is going to happen, when, or how much. Then is the only time you might see them in a flash of a second at best.

So the answer is to kill everyone who does not do as we say.

Crazy talk no doubt, but there is no kill kill answer, nor a let them loose answer.

I'm guessing you would like to kill all those of that religion, and never met with them to get their side of the story. Religeous wars have went on for a long time, probably will continue for along time. Because the other religeous people just plain are all wrong, and killing is what God wants us to do.

Well if nothing else this chat has been interesting, maybe not what we all wanted to hear, and if we are thinking different than what is posted we have convinced no one anyway. So now we have both wasted the better part of the day, and tomorrow we will wake up a cussing the politicians for not doing anything but arguing.

I have taken no offence to anything you have said, and if you think I'm crazy..well maybe we all are.
Thanks to NE IA for telling it now like it was and is--the desperate cruelty of the jungle war in Vietnam--and how a few wannabe war criminals gratifying themselves posting here don't care that summary executions or, what else?...enslavement at a factory hog farm??

Would the toughest patriots be sure submit these signed suggestions to your local paper, your Senator, the US Dept of Justice, and Secretary Gates at the Pentagon?
Then we can return to helping each other with tractor problems...
IR, if you're such a war monger, why don't you join, somebody would like their child back. They take somebody with a minor criminal record, they take older people, and in your case they still have, Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
I think all his points are valid, long thought out with years of being used by our government. There was nothing in Iraq that couldn't be taken care of status quo.
And his point about who did what on this board, some of the ones who yell the loudest about being in the service, the US went through the longest period of no wars that a person could join the service and retire 20 years later w/o being in a combat zone. So most are not some veteran war hero, they just had a job.
Funny how the mainstream media doesn't ever say anything about this. If Sarah Palin did something like this could you imagine all the press about it !

Big time double standard.
(quoted from post at 05:33:55 01/26/09) So most are not some veteran war hero, they just had a job.

Did you serve?????

(quoted from post at 21:32:09 01/26/09) Pardon my cynicism, but it wouldn't matter what you said. The only thing they care about is killing us.

Send them to an Iraq prison........they will be hollerin to alla to get back to Gitmo!!!!!

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