Best cold weather starting tractor


Hands down, my Massey Ferguson 240 is the best starting tractor, gas or diesel I've ever owned. Has the perkins 152 diesel'. 3 degrees below zero, no block heater, spins about 6 revolutions and fires up! Sorry I just had to brag, probably jinxed myself. Whats your best starter? Dave
Farmall A starts every time no choke just bump the throttle up, hit the swith, and its running,and ready to plow snow.
Oliver 88 and 1850 gassers.As for diesel, have an 88 diesel that amazes me in cold weather.
My White 2-135 with the Cummins 5.9l.

12 degrees the other block heater and no starting aid. Seriously - less than one revolution and it was off (just bumped the starter). Almost unbelievable.
Farmall 706 gas. Good set of points, 10W oil and a good battery and it will start no matter how cold it is.
Farmall H with a 12 volt system will always start no matter how below zero it gets without any heaters or anything.
My brother had a gas MF35 4 cylinder connentinal, that thing fired up on a half a turn it seemed like, no choke even.
Just for the record, the BS meter is reading an 11 out of a possible 10 right now. The best starting tractor is anything new. The best we got is a Kubota 6030. If you got a good battery in it and turn the glow plugs about 4 times it will start. The trouble starts when it's -10c and you decide it will start without the glow plugs and a weak battery
Jayinny,,, Will Have to agree,,, I work on'em at times and one that's rite will fire rite up,,, I will let you know if the one out under the shed will fire up with no choke come Saturday morning
Not exactly a tractor, but our Case 40XT skid-steer started this morning at -17 degrees farenheit without any starting aid at all (no ether or glow plugs). Was supposed to be plugged in, but nobody reported the plug for the block heater was missing. Had to turn the key a few times just right to get it turning over, but it did start.
If the gasser starts when it is really cold without using the choke, it may be running rich, or excess fuel is drawn in after ignition is shut off. As an experiment you might rev up the engine before cutting the spark and/or slow down the engine and kill it before shutting off the ignition.
1942 Farmall H was the best starting tractor we've ever had. 6 volt, but if the battery was charged enough to turn it over twice, you were good to go. It started many days at -25 when nothing else would start. Would use it to drag round bales to the cattle when the loader tractors wouldn't start.
my best is my 1944 Farmall H. anytime i need it i just grab the hand crank and give it a spin and fires up first crank everytime no choke, no matter how cold it is, unless it's out of gas lol. i have to crank it cause i'm to cheap to buy a new battery, but it dosen't bother me none as long as she starts.
For new--my Kubota 5740, otherwise my 12 V Farmall H or 1850 gasser. That Kubota started today at -12 degrees on the first spin. The New Holland skid steer took a little bit though. I was worried about the John Deere backhoe that I rented for snow removal, but that sucker started right up after sitting in the middle of a parking lot. My Duramax didn't even like to warm up this morning it was so cold.
Best cold weather starting tractor I ever owned was a 6V 2N Ford. It always sounded like it would Never start but always did. Down to -10/15°
Colder than that I wasn't in the mood to try.
My dads 145 White is exceptional for a diesel tractor...sports the 5.9 Cummins.

Any gas engined Oliver seems to start under any condition as well. Our Super 77 sits all winter long and can start at any time. Weird, but neat...LOL
Yep even if they have straight 30 weight they will start at -40 , they may not really like it but they will go . My Super H would start down to -30 but don't ask it to at -35 .
my dads 1270 and 2590 and my 4440 always start when its below zero. I plug them in. when u have 250 head of cattle depending on you for feed its not the time for a cold start competition, not to mention its much better for the tractors. i also run full winter covers, and i havent had to blend any fuel yet, even when its been 20- and worse.
my massey 333 and mustang 330 skid loader both very easy considering how cold it was all i needed was lots of choke.
730 diesel wouldn't didn't have block heater plugged in. i thought it would go but didn't so i didn't keep trying and run batteries down.
Best starting on this Farm in order of reliability ;
DC or SC Case gassers,
800 Case Diesel,
Yanmar 2022 , You would laugh at all the different technics I use to coax this one to start each day.Today took a aluminum dryer flex hose from Jeep exhaust pipe over to Yanmar engine manifold. for ten minutes , Wife came out ready to go to town in her now WArm Jeep .Put the flex pipe over air inlet . Whif of Ether, Lazy batterycrank , But the Yanmar fired to life .. 5+
4020 JD Diesel
1070 Case Diesel
430 Diesel , Needs pump checked out and repaired inthis one will start better than 800.., All Diesels here Improve dramatically when plugged in , I am Assumming Cold unplanned Emergency ether Must START situation ,,, Perkins300 MF combine and Dodge Cummins are very good Starting Motors ,,
1845C Case skid loader, no heater, no plug and starts if its above 0 with no ether. Below 0 I usually put a shot back there. Next is 7710 Ford with a cab (thank goodness). Push the cold start button on the pump, heat it 20 seconds, and its good to go as cold as it gets here.
Any tractor that starts in the cold is the best tractor.I had B250 and B275 IH that test you on a warm summer day.
No question it is the Al Gore brand. It generates its own hot air to warm the engine on those cold mornings. If for some reason that is not enough, it will tax all your neighbors so the owner can afford to install solar panels on the top of the newly built insulated garage, all paid for by someone else. Then if it still doesn't start, it will print off an automatic error message blameing it all on George Bush.

Gore brand tractors, our motto is "Now that's something you can bet your lock box on"

It's -30 celcius here today,-42 in the wind,which is equeal to -40 farenheit,the M125X Kubota started without being plugged in.
I have a WD Allis the starts every day. One week it was below zero all the time, the starter bendix was broke and it was too cold to fix it so I used the hand crank every morning.

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"The best starting tractor is anything new."

Farmer boy, I think you're looking for "Today's Tractor" website.
This is fact, my 706 gas starts with 15-40 in this cold. Any gas tractor has a huge advantage over deisels starting in the cold. If it wasn't for deisels, this wouldn't even be a question.
old deutz 8006 diesel -25 out sits outside all night 3 turns and is running in the morning. my deeres barely start plugged in when it is that cold. germans know how to build stuff. Also my bobcat skidloader with deutz engine will start no mater how cold it is.
My 1020 gas Deere is pretty good about it. Best starting Diesel I have is the Oliver 1850 354 Perkins. I rarely ever plug it in,never use ether. Had a 3010 diesel Deere that would start like a dream with just a little shot of ether. Only trouble with that one was,it wasn't any good for anything after I got it started.
We did chores all one winter in Manitoba with an IH MD that didn't have a block heater. Always made sure to shut it off on gas though.
None of mine start below 40 degrees because I'm not going to use them in cold weather. Course I don't live on a farm either.
I have owned lots of brands,but I did have a Massey 180 Diesel,and it wouldnt make 3 or 4 revolutions til it fired in cold weather.I never plugged it in either
Just about any Ford Genesis engine. If it'll roll properly, it will start. Generally without any preheat. Getting a heavy engine to roll with a 900 amp battery and smallish starter is another story, but I find they're generally good to about -25C.
On the truck end of things here I find that the Cummins N14 will start any time it's asked. I've never had it not start, again IF it would turn... but with a 42MT starter and 4 900 amp batteries, it generally rolls. That has no pre-heater of any kind, but does have a block heater that I sometimes use if it's close to a tether.

Have to agree with the H, 300, 350 engines.

I remember the battery getting so cold it wouldn't even turn the engine over so you'd start an H with the crank instead. My dad wouldn't start a diesel on a cold day and would leave the 300 on the Kelly Ryan silage wagon pointed down hill. Put it in 4th, let it roll 10 feet and it would start no problem - then we'd get to load the wagon with pitch forks (the loader was the the diesel tractor).

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