Will it Grow?

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I have been planning on planting a food plot for the local critters but never went to get any seed. The other day I was driving and saw several piles of grain on the side of the highway.
I stopped and scooped up about 5 gallons of soybeans, and 5 gallons of wheat.
So the question is, Will this stuff grow?
Keep it cool and dry most will grow. You can do a small test next spring in a small container. Count the seeds so you know how many grew. All seed wants to grow in the spring when temps get watm. When you get ready for the test Put like 10 seeds in a container with soil and moist cover so it wont dry out place in a marm place it will germinate and grow in a couple days. Remember in the old days they planted their own seed used to take big ears with husk and tied the husk to hang them up in the corncrib then shelled them abd planted. No way did they yeild like todays modern seed buts thats the way they farmed.
You don't have to wait until spring. Put a few seed between two pieces of paper towel keep them moist and warm for a few days. They should sprout.
I'm sure you know better than I do whether hybrid varieties are grown in the United States, I am not a grain farmer. However, both soybeans and wheat have been commercially hybridized and are extensively grown in some parts of the world, China for one. I saw soybeans that were resistant to self pollination over 15 years ago.
Soy beans have been bred, but all I've grown (just 1100 bushels last year) reproduce just fine. The seed growers would prefer they not reproduce but they will just fine. They restrain us by contract, not by seed characteristic.

Corn has been hybridized for some 30 years and the volunteer corn in my beans was sterile. There were no kernels on the ears.

Seed from hybrid corn will grow, and make fodder, but generally makes very little corn kernels. It depends on the ancestry though.

Gerald J.
If I were you I'd not tell anyone because if Mother Monsanto finds out you replanted some of their traited beans you will be in a loosing lawsuit. Unless they are not RR traited beans and/or wheat!
Last year I planted some ruby red sugar enhanced sweet corn seed that I saved from the year before (thought it was ornamental at the time and didn't notice until it had dented). It grew well and produced well, actually one of my customers' favorites. Some stalks had white and yellow kernals on the ears, some had red or red tinted kernals that turned dusty white when cooked, but the hulls were red, so was a red cob after you ate it. I called it krazy korn....kids liked it. Sold a lot of it! Every stalk had one or two ears on it. Ears were bigger around and shorter than the parent ears were, tho. I think it reverted back to the two varieties that were crossed to get the ruby red. I've got about 2 gallons of seed left, so I will be planting more this year. I think the reason why people think hybrids are sterile is that they pollinate much better in groups, and volunteer corn is usually scattered around so there isn't much chance of good polination.
I wouls guess that wheat is winter wheat so you would not plant it till fall where beans are spring planted. Wheat do they now have a RR ready type, if not no worries then with monsanto.

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