This is in response to previous post.

I had a boss one time and I'll never forget the sign he had in his office, it read.

When choosing words , make em soft and sweet,
cause you never know which ones you'll eat.

This is true in all that we do.and sometimes I get bit also.

Good vids though. My 19 yr old Grand daughter thinks your cute. But some language turns her off,
and looses interest, and leaves the room. I watch all you post.

I was young and thought it was cool to have a bad mouth ,but I grew out of it just the same I think you will.

The one you made at the church with your sheep? this is the best place to start.

I won't preach to you.-I know what you think in your heart.
And someday, Yea.

Some of my videos arent intended to make it here. What happens on youtube stays on youtube. The ones that I post, i go through and make sure theyre entirely family friendly and worthy of YT. I will say that i plan everything out for each of my videos, im really proud of them and of my channel, its mostally a bunch of misfit kids like me. I take peoples advice and really do appriciate everything that the folks on this site have done for me. Now, if yall think im THAT bad, concider this. Weve got druggies and drunks at our school here, yet ive never been stoned, buzzed, drunk, trashed, high or baked. If i diddnt listen to anyone or take their advice, i probabally wouldnt be this far in on the tractor. I never stolen anything, never hurt anyone nor anything but out to have a little fun and occasionally raise a little......cain out there. Ask anyone that knows me in real life.

Thanks Jim :)
I think its a phase. I went through the foul mouth phase in high school. Then I decided swearing was low class, and I've since changed my ways to rarely swearing and talking more like a business professional. Some people never grow out of it and everyone is different.
Anyone that posts anything on the net, especially videos, needs to remember that these things can come back to haunt them in the future. These things can show up when people apply for a job, credit, security clearance, etc..
Watch the video of you driving around in your truck. It's not family friendly. It wasn't in the best taste as far as language. I'm surprised it wasn't pulled because if you had written what you said, it would have never even been allowed to be posted. It's good that you don't drink and do drugs but don't make excuses if you slip up a bit in other areas. How do you know what stays on you tube? Dave
> What happens on youtube stays on youtube.

Now, _that's_ funny! :)

We are in a new age as far as expression & data & info trasfer & storage. It will be interesting how it all will shake out over the next 20 years.

Yep, the internet goes on forever and the party never ends.

I know of people who have posted stuff on myspace and other places for short while and deleted the pics. Years later, they showed up in other places.

Look at the fat kid that taped himself act'n out a star wars scene. That stuff got passed round the net for years. It's a wander the kid did not off himself, bet he's still in therpy.

Lance, shoot me an e-mail. I have some pics I got in an email a while back that were pulled off the net and used to make fun of people. They are realy funny. The thing is, most of them are young people and there is a good chance every HR manager in the country has seen the same pics and will have a hard time hire'n these kids in a few years. I have a good friend who works in HR at a Nashville hospital. She says the best part of her job is take'n applications and search'n the net for their myspace, facebook, and youtube pages.

Oh, and the police here troll these sites too.

Lance, no one here is picking on you, just try'n to help you out a little. We were all teenagers at one time. The thing is a few years ago you could do something and if it made it to the next town it was a big deal. Post some'tin on the net and its round the world in seconds.

An observation, you seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands to make ridiculous videos, not all are, many of them are, the truck one for instance. It does not cast a good impression of you, yet you do have the initiative to work and tear a tractor apart and put it back togather. You need to find a job or something to make some money at and then learn to treat equipment better than you appear to. Would you horse around on you AC B as you do the Kubota? I believe you bought with your own money as you indicated in your posts? I am sure you didnt buy the kubota for yourself, and if that were mine you would not run it. Just a rant from someone who has worked for everything he has and has never been allowed to "joyride" on equipment as you appear to. Maybe you will reflect on your actions. Oh, I would never allow my kids to view your youtube material, due to behavior and language.
We are all proud you have come a long way in growing up the way you have under the difficult circumstances.

Pier pressure can be a B%@ch and you say "misfits" ?

There is no such thing as all are put on this earth and will eventually find their place.

Like the time you pulled off that roof ? To me that was scary. If that chain come undone and went over top of your bucket, you may not be reading this now, and if anyone of us would have been there woulda slapped you up side the head.
only in fear of your safety

you have chosen the right path as far as the drug scene,The stealing ,drinking and such. I want you to have fun, but please think a situation over and keep it safe.

A broken tractor can be fixed. A broken Lance may never heal.

You do chose your destiny as well. {;.)}
If i could find a job, id take it in a heartbeat. Not too many people stacking wagons or doing odd jobs in january though....

Yup, the B is all my money and parts from this site, and no i would not use it this way. If it were the other way around and the kubota was somehow mine, then id still do things like this. The B has a higher center of gravity and you can tell, it wouldnt handle like the kubota does.
Yeah, theres a reason why I don't put videos of my Mustang on there. I've thought about doing it, but it scares me to think of what could happen, such as trouble with the law or the video being stolen by posers. That happens a lot on youtube with all the cool videos. Basically, anything you put on there becomes no longer yours and is subject to intense haters.

I also have a Myspace and Facebook account, but its mostly blank and I don't have a picture on either one. I just don't really like people being in my business.
Ah....the follies of youth; as far as "living"......ever had someone love you unconditionally, not because they were your parents and had to, but just for yourself? Ever experienced the birth of your child? Ever watched a parent take their last, dying breath, knowing that when you awaken in the morning.....for the first time in your life, they won't be there for you? Ever worn a uniform and put your life on the line......for yourself and for your friends? Ever watched your child take their first step or watched them go off to school for the first time? Ever had the gut-wrenching fear that goes with knowing your job may be on the line and other people are depending on you to put food on the table? Ever watched your bride come down the aisle wearing white and knowing that she's entitled to wear the old, outdated, traditional sense? I guess it all depends on the definition of living............

"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."--Mark Twain, novelist
I would think it was illegal to deny employment because someone made a Jacka## out of themselves. I'm glad that wasn't the case 35 years ago or me and a lot of others I know would be getting hungry by now.
Any thing you put on the the net that can be seen by anyone is fair game.

Thats the thing, I am only 30 and 15 years ago I did and said things as bad or worse than Lance. We just did not have vidio cell phones and such to show it to the world.


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