Dairy Farmer second worst occupation

According to the following site that rates occupations: lumberjack is currently America's worst job, followed by dairy farmer.

The site rates jobs on a number of factors none of which makes dairy farming look very inviting.

Harvey: You best delete that site, I've done both. No question they are very demanding ocupations, however if well managed they can be very rewarding.
Farmers have their own set of criteria in selecting which occupations are desirable which has little to do with how the rest of the world thinks. End of story.
I deal with allot of dairy farmers being a barn whitewasher. I would say that only about 60% or so of the farmers that I talk to hate there job. When I worked for Blue Cross and RI Medicare I dont think that I could find 6% of the people in the company that actually like there job.

My point is Dairy farmers rock and we should all be willing to pay $10 a gallon for milk so they could like there job a little more.
Woander who they asked to make the list.

Of the 200 listed, "farmer" was beter than half way down from the best.
The worst job is the one you hate to get out of bed for, has no sense of reward or accomplishment and one where what you do is not appreciated. Of all the jobs I've had--brick tender, carpenter's helper, construction estimator and draftsman, I liked the ones working with my hands best. Graduated in 1965--should have gotten in to tool and die when it was a great job.

I've been telling the kids ever since I can remember, it doesn't matter what you do, just find something you like. The money will take care of its self. Should have followed my own advice years ago.

Larry in Michigan
I wonder about how they rated the jobs too. Welder as the eighth worst job? Every welder I've known seemed to like the job. Same with Ironworkers. But I'd never want to be a Taxi Driver (or cashier in a convenience store either).
My dad milkedcows on the family dairy farm for 36 years, with few exceptions 7 days a week, twice a dat 365 days a year. I marvel at how ANYBODY could endure this bending, stooping, dirty job all those years. I'm sure there are many criminals who while incarcerated live aless miserable life than this. I've worked at a lot of different things in my life, last job being a janitor/maintenence man. This last job I retired from 2 years ago. I liked it the best. I think everyone should, for a time, experience an absolutely miserable job. By this experience they should learn to appreciate a less miserable job more, and seek to improve themselves. I've been in a couple different job situations that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I really appreciated my last job as it was so much morepleasant for me than some previous ones.
Maybe they should be getting hazard pay, and their product's should have a premiem value. Just what the 1000 cow operations want, scare off any young folks thinking bout getting into dairy, less competition for them and less chance of losing market share when there is a global shortage of milk and milk is the next oil.
The small dairymen have been waiting for the worldwide milk shortage for 40 years. It'll never happen, especially since there are now so many big operators, who have enough cash flow to increase cow numbers whenever prices fall, which exacerbates the problem. When I left Farm Credit 18 years ago, milk was $12 per hundred. Guess what it is now? $12 per hundred.
My late dad loved the farm and his cows. He was never happy when he had to give it up. The big change when my brother and I went into the military. Hal
Thanks for making me feel better for 10 best jobs.

I have a BS in Applied Mathematics, MS in Statistics. So now I have jobs 1 and 3 wrapped up!!!

But more importantly, when I am not at work I am playing a tree farmer.

Did you notice the ten best all were jobs where you set on your butt and had to go to the gym to get your exersise. No one today wants to do anything to produce a usable product. It is true a dairyman has to love his animal and caring for them. There is more to living a life than lookinf for what someone claims is the best job Ther is also self esteen. I am eighty years old and would go out and help milk today if I could..gitrib

You are so right about sitting on your butt. I had to start working out because of my "desk" job. Wouldn't trade my job I do like it. I am always outside with working on my trees, plus I work out all winter long.

I use to fight in college which kept me in shape, but after that it was amazing how fast the weight gets put on.

Ahh I still say the three toughest jobs in the world are: (1) Wheeling West Virginia; (2)Lansing Michigan; and(3) Flushing Ohio.

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