Blagoievich - What a Joke


Well-known Member
Well, it's only been a month but it looks like justice may be served for the "sacred" govenor of Illinois. Senate vote was close for impeachment at 114 to 1. Check for details. At least, the New York govenor did wrong, admitted it and resigned with a little bit of dignity. Now maybe we can move on!

PS Hope I don't here from MNJoe or Trucker40 about how he was setup.
Bet Madeoff gets a pardon. Wife called it right, saying he was shipping jewelry. Probably a bunch of negotiating going on so he doesn't blow in a bunch of political people. With his connections it probably goes to the top.
Figured Blagoievich was working on a pardon too.
kruser, the House voted to move the impeachment procedings to the Senate where there will be a trial presided over by an Illinois Supreme court justice. It will be at least 2 weeks before there is any hope of getting the bum out of office.

On a positive note, we won't have to evict him from the governor's mansion! Maybe he knew something we didn't!
The Governor's "crimes" are analogous to a high school boy stealing a hubcap when compared to the crimes of Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld and company!
What crimes would those be? I"ve failed to see any indictments handed down against President Bush and his VP.

Oh wait a minute, you"re one of the Pelosi-Schumer-Clinton-Kennedy- external_link the Magic Negro crowd.

I think your party holds the record for Federal indictments levied for crimes while seated in office. Slick Willy is the only impeached President to remain seated in office. That, was a miscarriage of justice if it ever existed.
I watched C Span when the interogated Burris and his connection with the govenor. Burris was asked about an unpaid 1.1 million contrubion when he ran for office in 2002. He and his lawyer tried to duck the question and finaly he claimed it was loan. I sure would like to get a loan I never need to repay. Appears to me that he is another crook headed to the Senate.
Where do the indictments come from if the crooks have the majority in congress and you rearrange the laws and justice department to either make your crooked actions legal or leave nobody to enforce them?
I dont like him.The Illinois legislature raised the speed limit 2 times to 65 mph for Tractor Trailers from 55.Blagoievich vetoed it 2 times.Nobody drives 55 especially in the country.Missouri has 70 mph,Iowa has 75,Indiana 65 mph and dumb@ss Blagoievich is 55 mph.Driving across Illinois you could always hear on the news something he was being arrogant about.A case where power went to his head and he already didnt have any brains.
All you got to do is read. Fired lawyers, little Mexico puppet attorney general, constantly ignoring or changing constitutional law, sort of on and on. Hope they run the Bushie herd through a few court houses.
I guess it's just me and this cartoonist all wrapped up in these conspiracy theories. Sorta like jobs when the boss gets caught stealing, being a ppervert, etc. they just call the employee that caught them disgruntle, so it is with Repugs when they ain't got nothing to offer it's a conspiracy theory.

Come now, stop with the generalizations and name specifics.

What Constitutional Laws have the Bush Administration re-written? Come one. Then, show us where it is recorded in the Federal Register.

Come on big mouth... put up, or shut the f#ck up.
In order to impeach anybody you have to have an impeachable offense.Clinton won.However your old Newt Gingrinch had to step down because of doing some of the same stuff.Newt Gingrich,now theres a real pillar of society.Day after day he sat in there and ran down everything anybody tried to do,shutting down the government.What a jerk!I would rather have a sleazy Bill Clinton as President than a crooked George Bush.Sleaze is a lot cheaper.As somebody tried to tell you,crooked Bush is not indicted because he controls the Justice Department and all the crooked little judges are in his pocket.
DIY Dave doesnt read anything there tlak.He knows everything so he thinks,and wont look at the truth when its right in front of him.DIY Dave is not alone at this either.
Obviously you are still watching cartoons and believe they are real.....what is worse, they allow you to vote!
I see, Al Capone wasn't a criminal all his life, he was only a criminal when they actually tried and convicted him of a crime. I see how small minds work.
Bumper stickers seldom appeal to me and it had been several decades since I put one on one of my vehicles. My new sticker asks: "WHO WOULD JESUS TORCHER?".
We alway miss Illinois when going from Okla to Madison Wisconsin for the World Dairy Expo pulling a Gooseneck with a load of Show Cattle. That speed limit just tears you up.We cur up theough Missouri then Iowa and can roll. Running Interstate most of the way. gitrib
Blago = Crook

Now the nnalert Mayor in Baltimore has been indicted for theft - Crook

nnalert Governor from New Mexico, Richardson, has to pull his name from cabinet post as Commerce Secretary for external_link due to investigation into pay for play in NM, another Dem crook.

Detroit nnalert Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, in Prision for perjury - Crook

Charles Rangel, nnalert NY and Chairman of the House Tax-Writing Weighs and Means Comittee, under investigation for not paying taxes on his resort house in the Bahamas. Claims he didn't know he had to pay taxes on it. - Crook.

Chris Dood, nnalert Senator from CT, and Chairman of the House Banking committee, under investigation for receiving a sweetheart deal from Countrywide Mortgage, right in the middle of the housing crisis. - Crook

William Jefferson, nnalert Congressman from Louisanna, in jail for bribery, caught with $90,000 cash in his freezor. - Crook

And I could go on with more.

Strange how you think it's the nnalert who are crooks, as you have said time and time again, while ignoring the nnalert. Pretty one-sided and partisian. You must only listen to the abundant media that ignores these crimes, and spoon feeds you only what they want you to know. And you eat it up!
Clinton was not convicted by the Senate because everybody realized what an idiot like Gore would have been as a President...abundant morons like Gore and Kerry are why Bush was elected and re elected.
IndianaRed,... haven't you figgered out yet how T-40's childish mind works??

He says when the nnalert do something wrong, it's a "crime",.... but when the nnalert commit a crime, he calls it a "mistake".

Anyone doubting this, can go read some of T-40's rants. LOL
The lawyers got fired because they refused to obey a lawful direct order. How long do you suppose you'd keep your job if you told the boss you were not going to do what he told you to?
You are so right TLAK. Thats another reason Clinton escaped being tossed out of office and why Barney Frank and Chris Dod have yet to answer for their role in the current mortgage problems...
You're full of it. All these firing were run through the news and nobody ever came up with your scenerio. Maybe Fox, you and IR may not be the only ones to watch it, but y'all think it's the bible.
Here's one article on it, and the best they can come up with is "There is no reason" So if it's Bushies in control it must have been for something illegal.
So, Why Were The US Attorneys Fired?
By: bmaz Sunday August 24, 2008 12:43 pm 21
digg it

For so long now we have been eagerly awaiting the results on the DOJ IG/OPR investigation into the curious and unprecedented firing of nine US Attorneys by the Bush Administration. Heh, but will it ever really arrive? Will Karl Rove and Harriet Miers ever have to testify? Eh, I don't know, you have to wonder after a while. One thing is clear though, just about all of the original explanations given by the Bush Administration have been discounted, if not disproved.

Much discussed are the cases of David Iglesias, Bud Cummins, Carol Lam and John McKay. But right now, I am more interested in three of the lesser discussed of the sacked USAs. Margaret Chiara, Tom Heffelfinger and Paul Charlton.

There have been many discussions, both here and across the blogosphere dissecting why these particular US Attorneys were fired. There have been many theories, and the bottom line is that there is probably no one grand unifying theory other than that the Bush Administration was manipulating the DOJ and the USA offices for various political hit jobs; i.e. multiple motivations. One of the ones we have gone into here is the interplay with Native American issues. And Chiara, Heffelfinger and Charlton were all, due to the nature of their physical jurisdictions, highly involved in Native American issues. Marcy has done recent posts calling into question the legitimacy of the stated basis for firing Chiara.

Over a year and a half has passed since Margaret Chiara was fired with a bunch of other US Attorneys--and we still have no good explanation why she was targeted. The apparent reason, though, is a rumor that she was having a gay relationship with an AUSA in her office, traveled with her on the government dime, and gave her preferential bonuses.

But today's Monica Goodling report includes a denial from Chiara and the AUSA--Leslie Hagen--that they were in a relationship.

So, if the stated rationale for Chiara's firing is in doubt, maybe we ought to give renewed consideration to the Native American aspects and implications. Marcy was on this early and hard with Native Americans And The USA Purge, Part I and Part II. Don't hesitate to take a look back at those posts, they are pretty interesting.

The reason I come back to this area is that today's Washington Post has a nice little article that similarly undercuts the stated rationale for the firing of Paul Charlton.

Justice Department officials have reversed course and approved a plea deal in a controversial death penalty case that may have prompted the firing of a U.S. attorney in Arizona nearly two years ago, according to court records and interviews.
Charlton had argued that the case was short on forensic evidence and was not suitable for what he called "the ultimate penalty." But officials in Washington overruled him in fall 2006, and he later became one of nine top prosecutors who were fired en masse that year. In congressional testimony last year, then-Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said Charlton's reluctance to support the administration's position on capital punishment in the case amounted to "poor judgment" and attracted criticism in the department's political ranks.

It never made sense that Charlton was fired over one death penalty case up on the remote reservation. Charlton had never himself made any public issue of the case. And now the very acts of the Department of Justice give the lie to that as a basis for the firing of Paul Charlton. This plea deal would have been cut and the case over two years ago if Paul Charlton had not have been jerked around and then fired. The exact same factors mitigating against demand for the death penalty existed then as exist now. This plea deal in US v. Jose Rios Rico, was clearly the decision by the DOJ Main, who, when it was desired to fire Paul Charlton, had said something quite different:

In congressional testimony last year, then-Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said Charlton's reluctance to support the administration's position on capital punishment in the case amounted to "poor judgment" and attracted criticism in the department's political ranks.

So he was fired according to Alberto Gonzales. Or, as has always been suspected, and as we have confirmed today by the WaPo's reporting of the plea deal, not. So, why was Paul Charlton, not to mention the others, fired? It certainly was not the reasons testified to by Gonzales, Mercer, Sampson et. al testified to; will there be any repercussions for their false testimony? Where exactly is the IG/OPR Report anyway?
Just watch something.Nobody is buying that good nnalert crap anymore.Not even nnalert.Nobody is happy with the government either,both sides of it.
Thats lame compared to rigging the stock market,driving oil to 147 a barrel,raising the price on commodities and starving a Billion people,some to death.Lame compared to lying for reason to go to war,getting us in a war in Iraq,killing lots of people,loosing 3 trillion dollars,and a list of crimes that takes a few days to list.Brag all you want,nobody is listening.If they accidentally hear you they will just laugh at you.nnalert have an approval rating worse than Bush,so does Congress.
Well Gore and by more votes Kerry won the elections,bush paid off Supreme court and rigged Florida,then tried to rig 5 states in 2004.This is not new news either,so what makes you think Bush really won?
(quoted from post at 12:36:01 01/11/09) Thats lame compared to rigging the stock market,driving oil to 147 a barrel,raising the price on commodities and starving a Billion people,some to death.Lame compared to lying for reason to go to war,getting us in a war in Iraq,killing lots of people,loosing 3 trillion dollars,and a list of crimes that takes a few days to list.Brag all you want,nobody is listening.If they accidentally hear you they will just laugh at you.nnalert have an approval rating worse than Bush,so does Congress.

I'll bet Bush even kicks your dog, kisses your wife, and raids your refrigerator when you're not home. ROTFLMAO

AND,... didn't anyone ever teach you to put a "space" after the commas, and periods, in your sentences????????????????? :roll:
Yeah well its good you laugh once in a while.Thats about to be over with when the damage of the nnalert kicks in.You will probably be cussing George Bush and the nnalert by July.I went to school,but we didnt have any computers.We did have typewriters,but I only made it through about 30 minutes of the first day of typing and switched to art.

Besides I wouldnt take anything you said as true anyway.I actually go back and take them out if I leave a space there because I dont think it looks right.
(quoted from post at 18:17:39 01/11/09) Yeah well its good you laugh once in a while.Thats about to be over with when the damage of the nnalert kicks in.You will probably be cussing George Bush and the nnalert by July.

No,... I'll probably be cussing external_link by then.

I went to school,but we didnt have any computers.We did have typewriters,but I only made it through about 30 minutes of the first day of typing and switched to art.

Computers and typewriters, don't have anything to do with learning proper "sentence structure".

Besides I wouldnt take anything you said as true anyway.I actually go back and take them out if I leave a space there because I dont think it looks right.

Sooooo,.... doing something wrong, actually makes it look right to you,... even though you know better? :shock:

Your abundant way of thinking, never ceases to amaze me. LOL
Congress is majority nnalert, you putz.

Everything else you mentioned is abundant media BS, and you eat it up plate after plate.

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