OT Mouse Trap Bait? OT


Just for grins, what are you using for trap bait? They"re not going for my old standby peanut butter. Happy New Year Evreybody! DW
Real cheese. Problem is, I don't know where to get real cheese. the stuff I buy doesn't work very good either. They seem to like my soda crackers.
Chocolate brownie pieces work the best for me.
Next best is peanut butter w/just a bit of bacon grease mixed in.

HTH....good luck....don t. .....
I've actually had good luck with no bait at all. When I use bait, I use peanut butter. I have a meese in my shop now that ain't goin' for the unbaited trap, and I'm gonna try some aerosol cheese. Don't know if it'll work or not. I think the trick is to have hungry meeses.
Use bacon. Fry it just enough to make the grease sizzle, then cut small pieces and use sewing thread to secure it to the trap. I am having best luck using the Tomcat glue pads. A little bacon or peanut butter in the center gets them every time. Nice thing is you can often get more than one on a pad. Just caught one this morning that got in my clothes dryer and got into the drum belt and knocked it off the pulley. Only had a small piece of hide from him... Gene
Like coloken I use real cheese cut from a block of cheese. Seems to me peanut butter and soft cheese they seem to lick off or something. They need something they have to tug on. I caught two in one trap once that way.
I use peanut butter in a SNAP-E mouse trap....best mouse trap ive used...similiar to the wooden ones....it has a pan with a hole that surrounds a little bait cup....no way for mouse to get at bait without tripping trap....they are made in Iowa...
My hired man tried the 5 gallon bucket with p-nut butter and got nothing. He even tried putting just a little flour on the ramp.

He went to Wally World in the grocery part and got mouse traps that you just set against the wall. He placed 5 traps in his basment. Within ten munites with the lights off he had 4 traped. That night he got 4 more. He hasn't got one since, no mice or just smart ones left.

I could hear mice knawing in my kitchen three nites in a row. I put out seven traps with p-nut butter, and no sprung traps. I have decided that I have no mice, it was only my refrigerator defrosting. Before election time I unplugged the TV. Just was never quiet in this house the last twenty five years.
At my garden shed, I just make a blind set. I use 4 ,1 gallon plastic jugs spaced about an inch apart with 3 traps set between them. The round jugs seem to funnel them into the traps.
Some moist or dry cat or dog food works good. I've always had luck with peanut butter though. I use a plastic knife and really attach it to the trip mechanism on the ole spring mouse traps. Peanut butter is what they used to make the rats attack people on the the "Willard" rat movies years ago. Mice also like any kind of ground feed for your livestock.
I forgot to mention that 10" of water in a five gallon bucket works good too this time of the year if you keep it from freezing.
This worked, but don't try if you got cats/dogs around. Couple years ago I drug an old car into the garage to strip it. Put a 5 gallon bucket under the engine to collect antifreeze. Next day, there were 5 dead mice in there. Never saw any mice after that.
I had the same problem with peanut butter until I opened a fresh jar (I had been using a jar that had been bought just for the traps and it was about 6 months old). They really went for the fresh peanut butter.

Of course, I may just have picky mice!
I couldn"t find any cheese in the fridge, so I just cut out a picture of a some cheese in one of my farm magazines, and tied that to the trap.

Next morning I caught a picture of a mouse.
Bacon fat or peanuts. They have gotten wise to the peanuts here too it seems. No way I got them all, never will.
I did a job one time for a customer where I had to crawl under desks, behind file cabinets and stuff. They had these sticky gooey sheets of something made by Victor that were like 8.5"x11" that mice were supposed to start to run across and not make it to the other side before they got stickied and gooed into one place. I didn't see them under and behind that stuff, but I sure found them. Crawled out with one stuck to my face, one on my forearm, and one on my shoulder. Brutal stuff to pull off, just brutal. Aint no mouse, rat, or kangaroo that can live through that.

Take a paint bucket fill half full of water then put a layer of black oil sunflower seeds on top. It works every time. Move it around if they're in different rooms.

Friend cleared a stable that had a bad mouse problem using this approach.

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