No wonder people scream for gun control.....


Well-known Member
This is a good argument for the gun haters....
This is only because the kid didn't know what a gun can do to a person if he was allowed to Watch the old time cowboy shows we watched he would have known that guns handled wrong will hurt someone.

And would probably shot him with a cap gun or a rubber dart.--- like we did.
So if they had of banned guns, then the little turd would have gone to the closet and gotten a baseball bat?

Guess we would have needed ball bat control also..

I heard the perfect analogy on the radio today. Local talkshow host is a abundant too.

"There isnt much you can do about shootings, There are obviously drug laws, but that doesnt stop cocaine from entering the country by the metric ton."

Same difference.
I'm here to back you up, Lance, I'm no friend of ANY anti-gunner.

There's many unwanted pregnancies around, so thusly maybe their should be w3enie control laws, It would make about as much sense. A dinner fork can be made into an effective deadly weapon; maybe they should also be banned.
Mr. Bob
I'm not for gun control either. You just gotta shake your head at some of this stuff though......

Idiot gun control liberals are legion in number, and sadly they reproduce. I'm afraid they will really grow in number now that their Anointed "Messiah" is soon to assume the throne. Pay your NRA dues, and if not a member, join ASAP. The NRA is their most powerful enemy.
Mr. Bob
Lets make sure we have everything in the proper perspective!

Guns don't shoot people, people pull the trigger on a loaded gun which will create explosions launching projectiles that kill people.

A gun alone can not kill. Period! It must have human assistance.

Responsible people lock up their guns. If they didn't, criminals would have more to steal.

Criminals don't buy guns, they take them, use them, then throw them away.

Honest people have to wait to take possession of guns, criminals have them within minutes.

For every one gun purchased legally, 17 are passed to their new owners in the back seat of cars.

The only gun control we need, is a steady hand to hold it.

What did I miss?
Every once in a while you hear about a 4 yr old driving off from 7-Eleven cause mom or dad left the car running while they went in to grab a slurpee. The blame should be focused on the "adult" who is ultimately responsible for making decisions to keep or not to keep their children safe.
Officer Dave, that 1/17 statistic sums up the gun problem. The gun haters cannot separate legal gun owners from the crooks. Is there any chance that you could quote the source of that statistic? That report would be good fodder to shut the gun haters up. Thanks.
My native state of North Dakota is reporting 2 murders last year. Neither gun related. I don't know that ND has the highest gun ownership rate, but it has to be close. Perhaps how they do it should be studied.
Yep, guns are bad, guns are bad. Nothing about stupid people leaving guns out for 4 year olds to play with.
Just buy more guns and ammo.........Join the NRA.
The point you make, and which it seems everyone else missed, is that these sorts of incident happen far too often, they happen in homes where "responsible gun ownership" is an oxymoron, and are the single best argument the anti-gunners have. How about this case which happened last week in Las Vegas?

Gun control advocates can reasonably argue that a significant portion of the population is incapable of practicing safe gun ownership.
Brother shoots sister
I'd have to do some digging. That figure is actually several years old and was part of a trivia segment in one of our classes. It was presented in South Bend IN at the Century Center.
The latest read I have states are going after the ammo. OR is one of the 17 states thats working to regs to have an inprint on the ammo looking for mid year on possible start up? 5 cents a round tax to cover fees. Paper work blizzard. All non inprinted ammo is to be destroyed in the selected states. IL has a few 100 gun related laws and one is all gun are locked up when anyone in the house is under 16 years of age. Also the state police has a record of all Legal gun owners called firearms owners identification card known as FOID card. Card is renewed every five years for a fee. Your record is run and card issued for 99%. To have a gun in home this card is required. Mistameaner sp. charge without card when caught. Must show card to buy ammo and required to buy a gun or even to handle a gun at a dealer. For private sales the FOID info is exchanged and kept for 10 years no waiting period. WS dealer requisted to see FOID card to handle a gun for I was from IL. State police stop us while deer hunting and ownly looked at FOID card nothing else we were all standing with guns in hand and orange vest on. The 500 plus murders last year in Chicago alone in 08 no FOID was reported in hand. The straw gun buyer go to MS and picks up as many hand guns as possible for gang bangers. The laws are on the books, but not enforced to the letter just add a few more to give the warm fuzzy feeling to the voters at election time. Now the new top man voting record while in IL was anti gun to the letter on every vote so fasten your seat belt. Maw Bradey is dusted off her husband for show and tell..
In Va. the biggest changes in gun control since 1970 have come not from the federal level but from the state level. It's come down from the Va. Game and Inland Fisheries.
This may be a little off topic, but one has a much greater likelyhood of dying from medical mistakes or malpractice (300,000 yr) than the use or misuse of firearms (less than 30,000 yr).
If you have ever been to Jackson Ohio you would agree people in that county should not be able to reproduce. They give the rest of Ohio a bad name....
Yup, spread the gospel gun guru. Every penny to the NRA is a slap at the stink8ing gun control, communist, liberals. I'm proud to be a part of "that powerful gunlobby" that the comlibfags whine about.
Maybe the population density is so low that most of them are out of range from each other?
That's cause the average person is a moron!

I'm all for Gun Control,... handling recoil is the only way to tighten those groups! The non-gun people don't have a clue to what I'm talking about!! : )

It's not guns, it's idiots! Every one of those accidents were in a home where they didn't keep the guns in a safe. I have had many guns in my homes and have four kids, but no accidents. We shoot together on my range, which again, is set-up in a safe mannor, and no problems. It's when dad has a gun which is in a drawer or something and he tells junior don't touch this, never taking him out to be responible with it, that's where the problem is,..... idiots!
We need idiot control, not gun control. And yes, this is just the type of ammo they will use against us.

Brian Doherty January 2009
Seven years ago, New York started a database of "ballistic fingerprints" for all new handguns sold in the state. The bill's backers sold it as a crime-solving device, arguing that the state would now have a sample of a spent shell and bullet for every new gun sold. This, they said, would help police connect future evidence from crime scenes to specific guns.

Since then, the authorities have entered 200,000 newly purchased guns into the database and spent $1 million dollars a year on the system. Yet it hasn't led to a single solved crime. The only other state with such a database, Maryland, can attribute at least one conviction to the system since it was created in 2000-more than zero, but few enough that the state's own Police Forensics Division has suggested scrapping the program because of its demonstrated lack of benefits.

This hasn't come as a surprise to gun rights activists, who pointed to several potential problems when the databases were originally debated. Among them: The markings left by a gun are not guaranteed to be the same over the long term and can be deliberately changed with simple expedients such as filing inside the barrel; the vast majority of guns used in crimes are stolen or otherwise obtained in a black market, not used by their original legal owner; devoting so much record keeping to every gun sold guarantees wasted effort, since less than 1 percent of all guns sold will ever be used in a crime.

In 2003 a report from the California Attorney General's Office recommended against launching such a program because of its likely ineffectiveness in crime solving. And a March 2008 study from the National Research Council recommended against a national version of the New York and Maryland databases. In addition to noting the obvious ways in which such a program could be easily circumvented by criminals, the study said the theory behind the ballistics databases—that every gun marks shells and bullets in specific, stable, identifiable ways—has not been scientifically proven.
Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control.

Going back to the Athenian Republic, 500-300 BC, in every instance where a republic or democracy has reverted to a dictatorship the population has been disarmed first so when the dictator moves in the population has no means to resist.

It's my studied opinion that if anyone tries to disarm the citizens of the United States, they'd better plan on putting in a pretty good day's work.
Would like to see the number of accidents with guns and the number of 'correct' use of a gun where the criminal is shot seperatated out of those numbers. Bet 'MOST' of the problems come from criminal on criminal incidents. ( Maybe we should have a 2 week criminal hunting season, cut down on the number of runins with 'em, just like deer ) If the gun controlers are so danged worried about my safty, then outlaw cars & trucks. Also, swimming pools should be banned. While we are at it, lets loose the Idiots. Test would be easy, every snow fall seems to bring 'em out around here.
Idiots, 4 year old and a loaded shotgun, tribal elders(idiots)in that home, he must have been a big kid, I could not raise a .22 rifle to my shoulder at age 5 or 6.
About 12 mile from me a few weeks ago a 4 year old little boy was killed when he accidently shot himself when he got hold of a gun. His dad is a police officer trained in guns. As bad as it is accidents happen and gun control will not change that nor will it stop crime !!!!!! I feel that people need to always be aware of safety with guns and not be relaxed about that safety and that will contol the problem, GUN CONTROL WILL NOT DO ANYTHING BUT INCREASE PROBLEMS !!!!
As I have said before I'm all for taking away guns. But we should start with taking the guns away from the secret service, and body guards for politicians, judges etc. It just makes good sence.

Something I would asume every person on this board is guilty of probably. Lack of education. This simply meaning what we would do if we lived in some of those areas where you can not go out at night.

Kids taking guns to school or knives is on the same page. Every day, if a kid gets the crap beat out of him as he walks down certian neighborhoods on his way to and from school...well what the heck is he supposed to do.

I'm not up to listining to this ..just tell a cop, or report it to a teacher. And certianly the idea they can jump thru the flower bed, over their folks limo, and get back behind the gated fence to their new home with swiming pool and butlers. No don't think so! Many of these folks are in a survival mode, and we don't get it because our life style compared to theirs is no different than a politicians compared to ours. They don't get it either. These people did not get there by choice, they have few options as most of us would suggest.

I was a plow jockey kid till I went into the service, and my gunner was a afro american who was raised in the rough part of town. He was a great person who hung around with us honkies. I won't get into detail, but None of us can understand the life styles they have grown to know.

Again I will state from us looking up at the rich politicians not understanding us needing guns...why don't we just hire body guards to protect us, and hire security police to guard our gated new homes? If we expect a troubling week end we could always take our limos to the airport and fly our new jet to a paridise till things cool off at home? See there is a simple solution.

Less we walk a mile in some one eles shoes.

A BIG AMEN, Goose!! A disarmed citizen becomes a helpless subject and no longer a citizen. There are no lower life forms for which I have any stronger loathing for than I do for these "gun control" slime. Do these MORONS ever stop to think that perhaps murder and mayhem just might have occurred before guns were in existence? Did Cain murder Abel with a .45?? H#ll would be too good of place for the anti-gunners in my view.

Join the NRA; Slap a "lib" today!!!
Don't forget the incident over in Mass., they give a kid a full auto, uzi, Ingraham, Mac 10 or whatever it was, submachine gun or machine pistol, short barrel and you know it is going to raise up on full auto, it's a signature characteristic, must never have given it any consideration, as to whether the kid knew what to expect and how to handle it, full is wrong with people, you don't give someone, kid or not, a full auto, there are some nice videos on you tube showing recoil/kickback, especially large caliber handguns used by people with no experience, real dangerous, I really like the one where the guy fired a .50 cal rifle and the bullet came back at him and took off one of the hearing protectors on his headset. I think he was shooting at something hard, or it was a freak thing, sounded like a mortar round coming in before it hit him, distinct whistle to it, people need to realize the responsibility, firearm safety education and skills that are mandatory if you want to be a responsible firearm owner, these people are fools and ruin it for others.
There are costs to be paid to live in a free society. If we are willing to forego that free society, there are several solutions to make our lives less dangerous:

1. Make it a criminal act for anyone under the age of 25 or over the age of 55 to operate a motor vehicle on public roads. Sure, we would be punishing a lot of law-abiding citizens, but like gun control, it would save many, many lives.

2. Neuter all males over the age of 25 that are not in a harmonious marital relationship. It is obvious that testosterone and single males are a danger to society. Sure, we would be punishing a lot of law-abiding young single men, but like gun control, it would serve to lower the crime rate.

3. Close down all nursing homes, because it has been statistically shown that a large number of people die while on the premises of those establishments. There must be a causal relationship.

Scrap all old tractors that are not deemed an absolute necessity to provide food for the large cities - it is obvious from this site that men who recreationally sniff gas/diesel fumes become addicted to guns and their ownership.

It should be obvious to all reasonable men and women that our nation"s problem is not guns or gun ownership - the problem is we allow a dangerous concept as free society to breed
ridiculous ideas, like a person wanting to own a gun for self-protection. Take away all of that unneccessary freedom and the guns that go with it. (Where is Pat Paulson when I need him expand on this new approach??)
I wonder how many stories like this are lies?A four year old kid who must be a weightlifter,swung a shotgun,pulled the trigger and hit a teenager?Plus he meant to do it.Yeah well plenty of times some kid shoots another one with a pistol,this one seems to be aimed at shotguns.Those anti gun people are a bunch of crooks.Should open a season on them.Im looking at a 7 seven year old kid right now and he couldnt begin to shoot any body with a 20 guage shotgun unless he had help or propped it against a wall or something.I guess if you are mad you are stronger.
Idiots like you describe are the ACCURSED gun-control SOB's BEST friends. They are responsible gun owner's worst enemies. People who misuse guns should be punished. Taking away everyone's guns would be like confiscating all cars because of drunk drivers. Punish those who misuse and leave other people the H3LL alone!
Any 4 year old I've ever seen could figure out how to shoot a
shotgun after watching one shot a couple of times. Maybe parents
should put the shells a bit higher out of reach or locked or whole
gun up out of reach.

You don't leave butchers knives laying around where kids can get
into them do ya.
Gun control in 1938 is how Hitler took over Germany and you know the rest of the story. He first had all guns registered then after that his S.S. guy just went in and took the guns, then he went after the world. So gun control only works for the evil people not for the good ones
Not beating on you, just the misguided. A flippin GUN is not the problem. Poor parenting or lack of it is the problem. We have guns, they are locked up, so is all ammunition, as are BB guns. Look at TV shows, look at video games, look at the attitudes kids are alloweed to have towards their teachers, look at how the PC crowd doesnt allow you to properly discepline your child. Look at how kids are being raised to have (TAKE) anything they want anytime they have it. Look at this "Gangsta' lifestyle that music videos and TV glamorize. I disnt read the article, and I dont need to, a life was lost do to a unsafe act, or an unsafe condition. It's a shame. What is more of a shame is little kids that are so spoiled and intense, 4 years that have been allowed to play games for older adults, because, "it keeps them busy", when these kids do not get what the want they throw, bite, hit, say nasty things, that I dont even say, and the parents don't even try to curb the behavior, because their just kids thats what they'll do, they'll grow out it.
The "PC" crowd should be HANGED BY THE NECK UNTIL DEAD, DEAD, DEAD! This should be their penalty for the worst kind of TREASON of all; ruining our country from within. They are much more despicable than ANY enemy on ANY foreign shore.
Saw it the other day. Car running, doors unlocked. Was there at least 20 minutes outside the bank. Maybe a license to have kids instead.
(quoted from post at 22:07:27 01/05/09) This is a good argument for the gun haters....

Hang the little sucker... In public... let it be a lesson to everyone else who doesn't take life or the lives of others seriously... A month in the Pillory before execution should be added so that the public can get a good look...
Make up your mind T40! Gun Control is a nnalert platform standard. You're either with them or against them, there's very little middle ground anymore.
The same logic would say to ban automobiles and alcohol because some abuse them, resulting in harm to others.
Took em 13 years to figure out prohibition did not work, people have and will get firearms regardless.
Strike the the article you want is Bush and the Gun Grabbers.Just go read it.Turns out 52 of 55 nnalert Senators voted to take guns,just glanced,read enough.Ive been in the NRA since the 1980s.You dont have to be nnalert to support the 2nd amendment.
Sound to me like the parents should be Chaeged with the shooting and stupidity, and the kid should get his but wuped. If You have a gun, LOOK THE DARN THING UP. You should have to take a test and be married before you can have the kids, and if they fail the test. SNIP SNIP.
You dont have to be nnalert to support the 2nd amendment.


I agree totally, but you can't be a nnalert and support it though.
(quoted from post at 06:44:35 01/06/09) If you have ever been to Jackson Ohio you would agree people in that county should not be able to reproduce. They give the rest of Ohio a bad name....

Where are you from? On my wife's first trip to the States, we flew into NJ, got a rental car and drove down the East Coast to FL, across FL and back up through GA to Nashville. Toured the Jack Daniels distillery, got married close to Gatlinburg and realized that someone had gone through our luggage at the Nashville motel and stole our wedding rings. Finished up the trip by visiting my family in OH. Saw the great Serpent Mound and stopped for lunch in Jackson before going on to my home. Had a great time for 3 weeks and saw more than some folks see in a life time. Ask about her trip 12 years later and her clearest memory is the stop in Jackson.................
They use family trees for electric poles in that area for sure.

Yes you can,but didnt you just read what I told Bret 4207 to read?Obviously not.There is a lot of info on that website that folks like you should read.I dont really know how to tell you other than this,and this is the truth.

The NRA keeps saying that somebody is going after your guns to get more money from you.Since the dumbest are the nnalert,well there you go.There are some big name people Sarah Brady that are nnalert going after your guns.All of the crooks take that money that you give the NRA to give to the crooks and split it up.The NRA actually takes some of that money and actually fights for the 2nd amendment.The NRA last time I checked is not the nnalert Party.

Clinton,Schumer,Barbara Boxer,are idiots for gun control.They are not the Democratic party,or even close to it.

nnalert will do anything for enough money,they prove that all the time.Its unfortunate that some particularly big mouthed nnalert are for gun control laws.Its also fortunate that all nnalert dont see things that way.Back when nnalert were desperate for votes and loosing all the time they brought up that gun control nonsense to get women to vote for them.

When anybody comes to get your guns its over anyway.By then calling yourself a nnalert or nnalert is not going to mean anything because you will just be a slave then.Either side would snatch those guns in a heartbeat if they could.If you lived in a big city you might be one of those wanting gun control.For some reason they have brainwashed a lot of women into thinking that everybody should give up their guns and the cops will take care of them.Cops will not be there when somebody breaks in their house and kills them,but you cant tell these college educated women that.
Knew a woman who used to jump out of her car, run into the Post Office and leave her car running with her 2 year old kid in the car. She caught him several times under the wheel but didn’t learn. One day she came out just as he jerked it in gear and grabbed on to the door as the car took off. It drug her several feet before she lost her grip and fell under the wheel. She was DOA. Live in a small town I know the family well. My wife observed the whole thing. The boy is grown now and is a Sheriff’s Deputy.
It seems that we should outlaw cars or at least we shouldn’t allow women to drive them.
UH, T40, Clinton, Schumer, and Boxer are the LEADERS of the Democratic party. What have you been smoking, old man?
Thanks, I was surprised that 1/17 ratio was that high.
I sure wish it was possible to teach people the difference between honest gun owners and criminals.
Would that be the Richardson, governor of New Mexico, currently under investigation for pay for play? Wouldn't that make him a crook? I don't think he'll be able to use the gun in jail!

This isn't an argument they can use anymore than car haters can use articles about kids getting run over in their home driveways. Accidents happen with all kinds of objects.
You need to open your eyes and figure out that those nnalert are going to try and get all the guns. your opinion or not. wake up
I have a friend that owns a couple of farms in that area. The land is dirt cheap, nothin there but hills and thieves. Not a place you would want to live. Over 40% of the county gets a government check of some kind. It is easier for them to steal than get jobs. The county leadership is even worse. All back woods. When ever the Columbus news stations need a laugh they go to jackson.
"Yeah, but not in MY opinion". Well there you have it folks, Trucker 40 is the new voice of the nnalert party. Thank God! Grow up and open your eyes T40! You may be the lone remaining Truman nnalert but that doesn't fix the other 99.99999% of the party. Which is blatantly anti-gun, pro-tax, pro-entitlement/corporate welfare, pro-crooked union, anti-life, anti-God.

At last, your truest colors show through. You're a hate monger pure and simple.
Don't own a gun BUT I do believe I have the right to if I want one and would get a license and learn how to USE it if needed...seems like the average citizen is getting smaller and smaller every year..only the criminals have "rights"..just my 2c...Charles
Well DIY unlike the nnalert that they catch and the Governor of Illinois who are crooks,Richardson stepped down.Doubt he is going close to a jail.So he probably is keeping his permit.Ill take somebody like Richardson any day over Bush or Cheney permit or not.
No,Im just not fooled by ones that call themselves Conservative but actually are Neo Con warmongers.
Dick Cheney lives near me, If you'd like, t-40, I could maybe get him to invite you over for a hunting trip...

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