O.T. Global Warming?

Well,in April 1978,Time magazine had a feature article that absolutely,without a doubt,PROVED that it was getting colder and there was every indication that we were entering a new ice age. The things that were causing it were exactly the same things that are suppposedly causing global warming. The article called for immediate extreme measures,including diverting rivers,even covering the ice caps with soot so they would attract heat and melt.

So what happened? Two researchers who were studying the new ice age theory lost their government funding and couldn't get it renewed. Their solution. "wait a minute,we think we made a mistake. Polution might be causing a greenhouse effect and causing it to get warmer. We need a grant to study it".

So am I stupid enough to believe something that's only a theory and now is only something political? Well,let me put it this way. Anybody who is dependant on the weather to make their living pays attention to what's going on and knows better than believe this CRAP.
Darn,hadn't thought of that. Maybe we should feed power TO them and push it back to the north pole.
Ee should be studying the polution of our younger generation by all the trash they see at the movies, and on tv and trash songs. Stan
Major BS!!! The past 4 years we've had snow and ice storms here in south east Texas. This year we're having the same as the past 4. Global Warming, MAJOR BS!!!!!!!
Well I don't either way but its sure selling Xmas trees. It snowed last night and is 26 deg. today, the road is covered with ice and someone drove 18 miles to get to my little tree stand out here in the country to by a $15 tree.
Keep it up you guys its going to be a nice Christmas around here.
I know I had the coolest summer in many years, and the last few winters havent been any worse than the 70's when I was a kid. I think it is political and greed motivated. Those doing the preaching dont seem to be switching to bicycles and going greem themselves. What the Lord has planned, is planned. He'll take care of us. What is the point of going green, yet having a society with no morals or respect for life.
Well I just can't stand not getting it out. I teach environmental resource management, and other Environmental courses at St. Cloud State University. There is little actual change in temperature. 1 to 2 degrees is all it takes. That small change is what causes the dynamics of melt/freeze cycles to drift toward melt. I have stood on the end of a glacier that is more than a mile shorter than it was in 1970. THis is international, and where ever glaciers are located. Between Ice Sheet melting in greenland, the Arctic ocean being so reduced in ice cover that the idea of a North West Passage is being considered. The primary factor that people can actually see in their own back yard is dramatic changes in local weather. This includes freak storms, drought, warm/cold spells, and excessive rain/snow where it is abnormal. We will not feel 2 degrees when daily temp changes 20 degrees or more. It is global averaging that is the common thread. Plotting the trend is no Bovine Fertilizer. It is just very clear statistics. Good enough to convince real scientists and real regulators. Wishful thinking, Blame, Denial, and Piling on trash talk. will not make it go away. It is our only planet, risk is not allowed. Play with a clear and comprehensive knowledge base when discussing the future of this fine rock. JimN
..at least partly. Anway..

If you want to know what causes it just look up around noon. A nice little fact the powers to be don't bother to mention is Mars follows suite. If it warms here it warms there. Same for cooling. Its called the sun.

BTW - you need to get with the program. They no longer call it "global warming" its "climate change". Some green bean counter figured out they can have both ways.

Plus if you ever run across a devout greener, confound them by asking how its "mans" fault when in "one" 24 hour period of "one" major volcanic eruption, puts out more pollution than man "EVER" has in 5000+ years. Then laugh as they try to convence you that mans less than one tenth of one percent (.001) of all the current pollution is going to do us in.
With the temperature at minus 8 outside I am wondering if "Global Warming" might actually be a positive thing if it were actually real?
I've been around long enough to remember the global cooling scam, the acid rain scam, and now "shudder" global warming. I can only wonder what the next thing that will come along to scare the bejeebers out of the gullible.

It’s time to step back from hysteria about climate
A recent U.S. Senate report was titled: “Over 400 prominent scientists disputed man-made global warming claims in 2007.” These scientists were from all the physical sciences related to the environment and from prestigious institutions worldwide.
Science shows carbon dioxide atmospheric levels have an insignificant role in the modest, beneficial warming the Earth is experiencing. The height of global warming hysteria was reached in 2007 by the Bali Revival Meeting and Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize travesty. A return to reason is overdue.
Separately, a paper was recently published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal showing the global temperature rise is only half of what alarmed the United Nations. That same report also showed that global temperature variation does not match a single one of the models used to “predict” global warming.
The scientific community is indeed speaking out against the predictions of a man-caused global warming holocaust. The globe just ran out of a cycle of sun flares and heating. Cooling has already begun. The U.S. Weather Bureau reported that April 2008 in Duluth was the coldest April in 111 years.
Our Canadian friends reported that their 13 colonies of polar bears are in good shape. They also reported that the winter of 2007-08 for North America was the coldest in some 40 years. China reported similar conditions in 2008.
The scientific community is right. Short- and long-term temperature changes, up and down, are cyclic and natural. Man cannot change this. We need to move ahead and get off of energy dependence with other countries. We need to harvest our own energy in a safe and sound manner. We cannot afford to do otherwise.
Seriously, we need to put the man-caused Earth-warming environmental myth to rest. Again, a return to reason is overdue.
Ya need to go back and stand there again. Alaska reported a 6 inch increase of ice from last year. The Pacific Ocean has also cooled some and it has made a change in the sea life that is noticeable. The Farmers Almanac is also reporting that we are into a cooling cycle.

I know and understand the Gore study coarse has not caught up to current conditions. A little study, outside the close knit intellectual group, would let the true facts place some sun light on the shouted false opinions.
It is really hard on the shouters when the facts overwhelm the opinions. Seems to put the shouters under ground. Like the ice age shouters of a few years back. My money is on those shouters to crawl out from under a rock in a coupla years.
Being over 70 and not as yet having lost my memory helps to see thru the shouted smog of the more "informed" chicken littles.
There was a feature article in the 1998 Old Farmers Almanac that pretty much said that at the end of it. It was about warming and cooling cycles that said we were at the end of a heating cycle and headed in to a long cooling cycle that would "have you wishing that global warming was real".
"Global warming" is the new religion of the left.
A device for the nanny state governement to gain more control over your lives, and erode yet more of your freedoms.
Well I think AL Gore did invent this ! He opened his mouth and it got warm and now we haven't heard from him it is really cold again, go figure ?
It appears that more and more scientists are backing away from the "man made" global warming theory. And going back to the historically proven theory of sun activity affecting climate.
There are always those with an agenda (re; the 1978 "New Ice Age").
This again seems to be a step backward if the developed countries have to go stagnant while the new industrial countries are allowed to pollute until they catch up. Since they are starting with a clean slate let them start with a "clean green" slate.
YUP! you are correct I have stood on a mountain top where there were huge boulders maybe 20 to 30 feet high and round left from the receding glaciers that covered the northern part of the continent. So I guess we ares still in that global warming trend HUH!!
PS learned that in grade school many, many years ago.
When I was in elementary school in the early seventies they tought us that the world was going to run out of oil by 1985......................
There is an article on this in the 2009 Old Farmers Almanac. Pretty much the same thing that I was taught in school 50 years ago. The Earth goes through cycles of getting warmer and cooler. And they're doing a better job of mapping those cycles today. Sometimes it takes some time to get your facts together to refute the pop scientists.
Guys, there is a huge difference between climate and weather. Few would disagree we are having more violent storms more often. The issue is not so much change but the rate of change.
Global warming is a farce. Of course Scott, from San Francisco, believes in it.

There is NO CONSENSUS by scientists on global warming. Another lie of from the Left.

Click link below and become enlightened. Environmental extremism is the new home of the communists/socialists. They found something with which they can scare the public into making changes they otherwise would never stand for. They want to shut down corporations, and capitalism in general, and Cap and Trade policies will do it. external_link himself said he will bankrupt the coal industry by making it too costly to operate due to imposing fines for carbon emissions. We, humans, exhale carbon. Cattle and hogs emit carbon. And you know what? The plantlife LOVES it!!

They indoctrinate our children in school by showing them AlGore's movie, and never present the other side of the argument.

Why do the extremists never talk about the affects of the sun on climate? Why do they show pictures of polar bears floating on ice sheets and make it seem as if they are floating out to sea, never to be seen again, when in reality polar bears can swim nearly 100 miles and take breaks on floating ice.

Don't be fooled by the ridiculous arguments from the Left. God's plan for us does not include burning the earth up by our natural state of being. But then, most of the Left are godless atheists anyway, no wonder they don't get it. If you don't believe in God, you'll believe anything.

Here is the other side.
Scientist Disagree on Man Made Global Warming
yea we were also told the number people would soon exceed the ability to produce enough food.
i read this bs when in high school in mid 60s.
mrs 730 says i need to lose some weight so i guess i ain't starving. so much for not enough food.
The report says there were 10'000 delegates.650 don't agree with GW, but doesn't say HOW many scientists were at the meeting. Which fits your views.
"The Polar bears floating on ice sheets"
They are trying to explain to you that in previous years they were walking on ice which is now obviously no longer there.

Your last sentence is a load of cr3p.Keep it for Sunday's sermon..
DAHHH wasn't we in the midwest under thousands of feet of ice for millions of years. If it wasn't for the global warming we still would be under ice. What the heck more proof does anyone need?

So probably the cave men burned to much fuel, didn't think green...so all the ice melted. I've never heard how big of cars the cave men drove etc. but they sure must have been some HOT machines.

I think we all need to consider taking better care of our grandchildrens earth, even in little ways. And who realy knows? Do we trust anyone who probably gets government grants to study these things. If they say all is well, they don't get any more grants. If they can find some alarming news, they qualify for more funds.
Ya know whats even funnier.......Back in the summer, some of the same ones posting to this thread were starting to belive in global warming!
What do you say about the villages they found uncovered when the ice receeded on Greenland? Looks like it was named GREENLAND for a reason. They say those are old viking villages. They lived and farmed there like, 1500 yrs ago. This planet has been through many climate changes throughout it's existence. And the storms now are not any worse than storms from years past. The only problem now, is that we have much more denser populations on the coasts where these storms hit. So the damages are worse. As has been said before, man made climate change is Bullsh!t. This is a socialist scam aimed at destroying our ecomomy and way of life. We are the most eviro friendly country on the planet. Jeez, we detore entire highways to protect a stupid turtle. Those environuts want to make somebody clean up, go to China. They won't do that, or even talk about it. The plan is to take down the U.S. and they have plenty of sheep to help them. Jack
I believe it; however, I'm not screaming doomsday!
I can even believe that people (over) population and their activities may be the cause but I also believe there's a higher power working to keep things straight.
Not long back I was flipping channels on the tube and came on some sort of show lamenting the loss of a glacier. In it's place in this long valley was a developing evergreen forest. At the time I thought to myself, "The idiots have no clue to how the world works." They weren't seeing the big picture (or conversing with the tree huggers across the street).
In the short term we may well have hotter summers, colder winters, floods and drought. We may, in the long term, have population shifts to follow the climate changes but we will survive. In one form or the other it's all happened before.
It's only been 30 years that we have been able to see the global weather picture. You hear about storms across the globe now because we have the Weather channel to make sensations out of them. The storms have been around for millions of years and are cyclic. The same Scam was tried at the beginning of the 1900's. Climate Change is being used by some to control the habits of many. Want proof Google the warmest year and tell me how many sites proclaim 1998 instead of 1934 which is the correct one. This was all due to a tiny error on the climate model. Now tell me how many areas that they record temps from are in unpopulated areas? If they use data from ANY city then it is skewed by mans presence. Blacktop concrete and roofs all add to the daily high temp.
Temperature swings are normal. The glaciers have advanced and retreated over North America at least four times in "recent history".
Back in the time when the ALmighty walked the earth. The Saraha was not a desert but green praries. I suppose people 2000 years ago and now were/are responsable for the drop in rainfall in Northern Africa too?
We did go through a period of warming that peaked in 1998 (still cooler than several years in the 1930s). Now we are in a period of cooling (solar flare activity has dropped a lot). The world average temps have dropped more in 2007 & 2008 (predicted) than they rose in the previous 20 years.

Global cooling would be a much greater disaster to the human race than global warming.
The over 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media hyped IPCC 2007.

The same IPCC that predicted 2007 would be the WARMEST YEAR on record. Instead 2007 proved to have the greatest temp DROP on record. Combined with the projected average for 2008 and the last 20 years of "warming" have been wiped out.

The the global warming worshippers refuse to acknowledge that cooling started in 1998 and continues to this day. The facts have been observed, measured and varified by NASA and weather stations throughout the earth refuting the "warming" claim that continues to be repeated.

I know you don't believe in science or the scientific process, but I do, and will in form my opinions based on published peer reviewed studies. Feel free to inform yourself with political blogs, FOX news and reading the bible. What is important to understand about that Senate website, is that any senator can but anything in it. What is critical to understand about it is it was placed there by the minority party. The nnalert lost the last election, and they are gonna continue to lose so long as they ignore conservative principals such as fiscial responsibility, protecting the environment (EPA and OSHA were nnalert ideas)respecting privacy and a nonconfrontational foriegn policy. So long as they push all those silly social issues, and you know what they are, they will continue to lose elections. So, reguardless of the science, global warming Global Warming is a political reality. Even GW Bush said global warning is real, and the Pentagon wants funding to prepare for it. And finally, are you aware we got through WW2 without the phrase "under god" being in the Pledge of Alliegence ?
agree 100%. the ecoterrorists are costing our economy more and more every day because our politicians don't have the kohoneys to stand up to them. If it isn't regulations on drilling, it's permits to do anything near a wetland. It costs money to put those black burlap fences you see around every construction site to protect a little mud from going into a stream. It costs money to do an environmental impact study if you want to put up a building on the shore of a lake. And who benefits? The consultants, that's who. Our business is ISO 14001 certified which means we get examined annually ($$$$) to ensure that we have signs warning people to not pour stuff down the drain. We PAY to have a company pick up our light bulbs at the cost of thousands of dollars per year instead of throwing them in the dumpster.

I believe, like others on this thread, that man thinks too highly of himself if he believes he can impact the long term climate of this planet. Nature has a way of restoring balance. The volcanic eruption is a good example.

And to Mr. Nicholson, yes, studies may show a slight temp difference over time, but the conclusions as to the cause are suspect and a look at past data has no bearing on what will happen in the future. Just because it rained for four days in a row, doesn't mean it will rain on the fifth day.

It would be laughable but this hysteria is causing the banning of CFC inhalers WHICH ARE MEDICALLY BENEFICIAL TO PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET TODAY. I suspect that if a study showed that the solution was to eliminate mankind from the planet altogether, you'd get some group of tree huggers out in San Francisco who would advocate mass suicides. Of course, I would support their cause and encourage them to lead the way.
Who are we to determine the "right" temperature?
Maybe we are just a passing fad and some other high temp. loving life form will take over when we are gone?

I am not trying to preach or anything, it's just a curious thought I had.

rhouston, the circumstances you describe around urban areas are called heat islands. They are real. I am glad you agree with me that human activity can change weather and climate. Still, those are 2 different things. I find your claims that the science of meteorology, the study of the atmosphere, what we are talking about here, only goes back to 1979, somewhat odd. In 1978 I worked for a weather modification company that had been since the late 1940's. Certianly meteorologist were busy all over the world during WW2. The fact is there is hundreds and thousands of years of data, core sampeling of glacers, tree ring growth, ect about weather and climate. I do not however, expect that people that believe the world was literally made in 7 days, is 5000 years old and Satan ran around sticking those dinasour bones in the ground will ever understand that.
That's just silly, cavemen didn't have SUVs it was dinosaur flatulence, and when the cavemen discovered fire all the methane burned and melted the glaciers.

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