Very cold here

We are -35 and a wind chill of -43,everything is called off,schools closed etc,talking all week about this low.Location Manitoba Canada
News folks say it's headed for Ohio and beyond. We have rain & 52 here at 8:43 AM [central ohio] That kind of cold does not come here often. Try to keep warm up there !! Best Regards
We are feeling the cold blast here also,-7 w/wind chil -21. Yesterday at 7:30am I went out to feed my cats and it was +50,5 min.later it was +36 and dropping ever since. West central Iowa.
You wouldn't happen to be from the Waskada area would you Patrick. BTW it is that cold at Virden but nothing is called off.
winchill here is -44 but im a little farther north than you, and my cows have still have to be fed , im on my way out.
-33 this morning here in Saskatchewan. No school buses running today, so i guess the wind chill must be below -40. Kids in the house for another day! Maybe we'll give the sheep a bit of extra hay today.
You're making me feel like we're havin' a heat wave with a -35(C or F?). It was -15F at our place yesterday morningand then it warmed up to 5F. Fortunately we have not seen any wind to speak of.
Favorite cartoon- about a half dozen folks standing in a circle, snow up to their waists, spraying aerosol cans upward- you can just barely make out the images through the snowstorm. Caption says "The hardy citizens of Chillblane, Minnesota try to help global warming along a little bit."
When it gets this cold we have a wood stove to help out,kind of nice to have when the hydro goes out,use propane heater in my shop
Ain't as cold, but it's been in the single digits all day, floating between + and - the 0 degree mark, with winds whipping with gusts up to 40 MPH. Couple of schools were delayed that I saw this morning on the news before work.

Cold enough that I don't miss having to clean the gutters in this mess. Dad just put an auger system in the barn instead of the slide, and now that the wall is blocked in instead of having to be open for the slide it keeps it much warmer.

Plus I don't live on the farm so the daily chores aren't anything I have to deal with anymore... Just the fieldwork.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Hey, watch it! lol I'm about sixty miles south of the border and the wind chill is about the same here--cold. According to the weather gurus this cold stuff has come from wayyyyyy up north.

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