you just got to grin,


Well-known Member
i try not to post politial stuff on here but you just have to laugh at the news pic on yahoo, of bush dodging the pair of shoes thrown at him during one of his speaches over seas, do you think he's getting the idea that more than just us folks arn't just real fond of him?

Ever wonder why the media would even post something like that when there is so much more important things in life?

It's cause the idiots of the world have been quiet the last couple of weeks and they wanted to stir them up a little.

Worked didn't it???

Have a good day,

Allot of us feel the same way, but no one has the balls to throw anything at him, or, can't get that close !! Well, he still deserves better than that, after all, he is our president, good or bad. I think he has had some bone headed advisers.
Do not gloat too much just yet. Obammie is not shead of the Il gov. I hope he is not involved but being from Il and knowing about the "Machine" no one can be sure.
Did anyone ever think about the fact that because of Bush and the US, that idiot reporter was able to throw his shoe? Do you suppose anyone would have been able to show disrespect when Saddam was in power? Every one was scare to look crossways at another for fear of being beheaded in those days. Some people are too stupid to know when they have it good! Pitiful!
I'm a long ways from laughing! The Iraq people are calling the shoe throwing jerk a hero. Those ungrateful infidels deserve what they get when we leave, which won't be soon enough for me. Any US President deserves more respect here and abroad!
This Iraqi has George to thank for the FREEDOM to be able to throw those shoes in protest and NOT be executed on the spot !
Yeah, that's funny, We lost over 4000 of our own. Delievering that sh#thole to them on a silver platter. And thats the thanks we get, our President embarassed on a world stage. I don't see any humor in it at all. But I'm sure everybody will instantly love us when the one who's name you can't say here, gets in office. Jack
Well,I hate to reply to political stuff here,but do you think just maybe the problem is with the US,meaning all of us,and that Bush is just a symbal of the US? Guess we'll find out,if something gets hurled at Balack Osama. That's if he has the guts to leave the country and show himself in public on foreign soil again. Don't give me his "European tour" crap. He was a candidate then. Now he's elected and represents this country.
I did not vote for Mr.Bush but he is my President and if I was there when that guy threw his shoes at him I would of beat that guys pansy a$$ to a pulp and then threw him outside by the other pieces of $hit.
Oh here we go again, ascribing character flaws to external_link that don't exist.

Oh boo-hoo. Looks like our current President isn't liked the world over, so you got to throw some mud at external_link to make yourself feel better. Typical. Like this current incident had anything to do with external_link. Guys like you always find a way to link it back to him. Childish, actually.

By the way I agree that throwing a shoe at the man largely responsible for freeing your country is definitely wrong!
Throwing your shoes at a person is the ultimate insult in Iraq, not what he said after. Here we just toss insults but not there they throw shoes or slap you with the sole of the shoe.
He most likely won't get much punishment for it as its a custom there and you can't really punish one for being unhappy.
OL! George thought it was funny afterwords and laughed about it.
The media has destroyed Bush, all that he did good has been made to look bad or wrong. As time goes on I beleive he will go down as one of the most productive presidents ever, at least for what he did before the democratic majority took over. The show thrower was only (1). Probably a guy that was yelling USA when we took Saddam out of power. People soon forget what it could still be like over there. I also believe many of our problems now, economically and militarilly are from Clinton"s policies. Critics of Bush are like young teenagers who"s dad caught them smoking or drinking and took it away and scolded them, dont appreciate that it is in your best interest!
I'm just saying,let's wait and see what happens when he represents this country instead of himself. That's all. No anamosity,I'll keep nn open mind. We'll all find out after January 20th. The election's over,you win,you can stop campaigning. Hope you're right. I really do.
The closest thing I remember people throwing things at a President or Vice President overseas was Nixon was in a car they busted the windows out of when he was Vice President.If they didnt report this they would have been censoring the news.Now as I remember it,Bush lied about the reason for us even being there.Its a miserable mess Bush has us in.Lying to yourself does not make it any better.However lots of Iraqis are dead,million or more.Sure lots of them were fighting,but let Russia roll a tank down your street or across your field,run you out of your house and take your guns,and you might get a little mad yourself.Just because you think you are right,does not mean you are.While we like to think what we are doing over there is helping these people,and it may be,its not why we are there.You wouldnt like Russia tearing down New York,Los Angeles,even if you dont live there,you wouldnt like living under martial law,and you wouldnt want anybody invading your country.You wouldnt like not having electricity,water,roads you could drive on,your kids being shot at in schools,or hospitals being used by terrorists.Bush and his people blundered every step of the way,and he is lucky they only threw a couple of shoes at him.Also instead of fighting them over there,so we dont have to fight them here,he has made lots more terrorists,and given them more reasons to come here.Because he is stupid.Even if you lie and get us in a war,you should at least know how to fight the war.It would have been over years ago if they had not disbanded their army and had twice as many boots on the ground to start with.This a half @ssed mess and thats why we are in a financial crisis,at least some of it.
Yeah buddy, without "Bush" that reporter would not be throwing any shoes. Think He woulda done that if Saddam was still in power? Think any of those reporters had any freedom then? No, this just proves what "Bush" did was a good thing, liberated all those reporters in the room that are all grateful. Just happened to be one nut job in the bunch that buys into the propoganda and now has the freedom to act on it, thanks to the very man he hurled a shoe at.
You sir are HILARIOUS!!! I find your posts wonderful for giving me a chuckle!! I liked your analogy of tanks destroying stuff etc etc. Next time I talk to my Seebee friend I will ask how that destroying went- oh yeah- wait- they were re-building... Oops!!

I love Trucker40!! Do continue with your tirades, they are gut-splitting funny!!
We lose 3400 a day here to abortion. Iraq seems to be a pretty safe place for the unborn. We lose more than 4000 a year to drunk drivers. At least the 4000 we lost there may in the future provide a stable government in the midst of the quagmire the mid east has been for centuries.
I agree, and I hope the new government over there appriciates what we have done for them. Because it looks to me that alot of the citizens don't. Jack
I agree with you. Reagan wasn't real popular while he was in office, but his presidency is well regarded today.
I think they will, but it takes time to adjust to a new way of thinking. The change for them has to be overwhelming.
Actually, I wouldn't have ANY problem with Russia (or whomever) if they want to tear down LA or New York. After all, neither city is part of my country so someone tearing them down is no concern of mine (but I might be a little prejudiced)
Hey t-40, can you please document all of the attacks we have had over here, since 911? How about since we invaded Iraq? How about since we went into Afghanistan? Liberalism and terrorism are the same disease, just a variation in intensity.
While your worrying about who tore down the armed forces study clinton and then see how many of his advisors are making up YOUR saviors cabinet.
You miserable,whining fools.............

He didn't throw them shoes at Bush, he threw them in the face of every Soldier, Marine, Airman, and Sailor serving our country and that was wounded or killed so he'd have the freedom to throw them. Bush just happened to be standing there. Be nice if we could pick and choose who we protect and who we let the dogs have. I'd sure be grinnin' as I was herding you along.....

There's some real good folks on here and I hope you don't take offense, the rest, I don't give a rats a$$. If the shoe fits........

he's been a very good president. he actually took action after 9/11. he didnt just wait for them to attack us again. he didnt just want to "talk" to them and say to the world how bad they are. for all you people out there who don't like bush, just wait till external_link gets in. then you'll be saying bush aint that bad of a president. Why do you think hes an idiot??? u can't belive what all the abundant news networks say about him
Yea good idea lets just talk to the terrorist. You can not negotiate with terrorist. you are one stupid abundant. What did you want Bush to do? just let them blow up are buildings and do NOTHING???
Over there, it might be considered as an insult, but here it seems to us as silly. Bush might have been more offended if the guy flipped him the bird.

Gotta admit though, GW has some moves!
Isn't it interesting that it turned out that Pres. Bush had better grades than Kerry? Also interesting that external_link won't release his undergraduate grades, his grad school grades, or his admission test results. A person might think that he wasn't proud of them.

As far as I am concerned President Bush had two - and only two - jobs to do this last few years and he did both well. 1) He kept me and my family safe from attack by godless infidel towel-heads here in the US and 2) he was a good commander in chief to my daughter as she spent a total of 2.5 years on a forward operating base in Iraq. He made sure she had world-class training, equipment, support (food, medicine, facilities), and a clear mission.

Yes he did some bonehead things and I referred to him a couple of times as El Presidente Jorge Boosh for his stand in favor of the illegals, but that was minor compared to the safety of my family, including my Army daughter.

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