O/T to my previous post, Proud to have a old tractor


Its amazing how the word gets out, when someone sees you with a tractor and a plow, plowing a garden and think you do that for a living, and its people I don't even know and then it turns into "CAN YOU" do this too. I guess if I had more time I would not mind plowing gardens and mowing large lots and even leveling a pile of dirt here and there, or even doing snow removal.
I am not complaining, just thinking its funny how people talk when they see a tractor in town doing work and not in a parade. Its fun having a old tractor to show and play with.
I have found that if you do others work for nothing, you'll never be unemployed. If you begin to charge, you'll sort out the free loaders and have more time to get your own work done.
Tom, I`m Tom also I grew up on a farm, I live in the city now. I have a tractor in my garage poeple love it.They all say don`t ever get rid of that we love to see it in the neighborhood.The funny thing is the women just love it.
Even more so if you have a backhoe, dozer or something similar, that can attract people, maybe they need something done, or a quick favor whereas you get paid or a decent tip for a quick favor, and sometimes those can turn into a job.

Most realize that you need to get paid for any serious work to be done, so you don't really get the freeloader types here, ususally people you know and don't mind helping out with small jobs, work something out, still better than hiring or renting for them, kind of take these situations with grain of salt, most people here are good about it, though there's always one !
When I first got my bobcat everyone wanted some dirt or snow moved, or worst yet hey can i borrow that for a day. It amazed me how you can spend the time on there project with a 20K machine and they wouldn't
even offer you the cost of fuel!
Some people do not appreciate the help, if you can't offer some $$ for fuel, that is kind of rude.

The thing with borrowing, is unless you know the person, how they operate equipment, and that they know the limitations, know how to use a grease gun, check fluids, are not abusive etc. etc., borrowing does not work. Say you run equipment with someone full time as an operator, you know how they are, strangers no way, even good friends, if you have any doubts, operator goes with the machine period. Borrowing, is ok in some instances, but other times it's just not a good move, really have to know what you are getting into etc. You hate to be a pr$ck to people but if you want to protect your investment, sometimes you have to, other times or situations, it's not a problem if it's someone who is skilled and will not abuse your machine.
When I was younger, the farmer I worked for told me, "advice is taken by a wise man". I am going to be that wise man and take the advise you all have given me today. Now as far as Plow Hand, I would like to know what type of tractor you have that the women like. I am sure you don't loan it out to your friends. I wish I had a tractor that was a chick magnet.
I have a good neighbor that would help me out in a heartbeat. If he needs to be pulled out or needs a hole dug with the backhoe, I'll do it no problem because I know if I need some help he'll bring his tractor right over. The guy I bought my land from, who still lives out there, is another story. He asked if I could go to pick up an 8N for him with my truck and trailer. I said I could if he paid for the gas. Anyway, the day came when he wanted to pick it up and I was too busy, so I let him borrow my truck and trailer. He said he'd be about 2 1/2 or 3 hours. 7 hours later he returns. He got lost and then started complaining that my truck uses a lot of gas. He said he put $50 in and had to put some more in on the way back. I had to take about 40 ft. of chains and use my skid steer to pull my trailer out of the mud so he could use it. I didn't have a driveway yet. When I got in my truck to come home, I noticed the gas gauge was at a 1/4 tank. Exactly where it was when he took my truck. I just thought you cheap..., you couldn't even fill my truck up after taking it for a whole day. If he would have had to hire someone it would have cost him at least 5 or $600 to haul the tractor. He also said he was going to get the county to upgrade the road if I could put in my own approach. The approach was his responsibility since he subdivided but I said I could build it as long as I didn't have to pay for the road. Well, I ended up building the approach ($1500 value) and had to pay another $1500 into upgrading the county road. The seller paid zero. He wanted me to clear a fence line for him 1/2 a mile long with my Cat. No way in he__! I don't understand why people are so dumb. I have equipment that could really help them out and I would do a lot for no charge like if we got a huge dump of snow. If they want to be so cheap and anytime I could use some help, their machine is broken down or they're too busy, why would I help them out in a bind? Unfortunately there are a lot of people that want you to drop everything to help them but when you need help, they are too busy. When I first started landscaping and showed up with a new machine, several people thought I must have a lot of money to have new machine. It took the next 4 years to pay for it. I asked one lady at a $50 job, I never did get paid for, what she thought my skid steer was worth. She guessed around $10,000 and seemed shocked when I told her it was close to $30,000. I've learned only to let people who I know are careful operators ever run my machines. Even then, I had to pay over $7000 to rebuild the engine in my Cat. A friend pushed over a tree and didn't back up to push on the stump that pulled out. He had a branch magically find the 2 inch hole in the belly pan to change the oil and punctured my oil pan. Never offered to pay a dime! Some real cheapskates out there for sure. Dave
Apparently you have passed the age for NEEDING a CHICK magnet. Maybe you need to use the one you have and just look around to see if an OLD HEN notices. It may help if you would say if you are single and what your age is as well as what kind of tractor you are using. I happen to know a hen at 28 who is single and has a IHC 560 D.

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