Gas prices, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't it interesting that when prices are up, there are rants on the board everyday blaming Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, The Pope etc etc. but when prices are way, way down....nobody thanks these people who mysteriously manipulate prices !! Humans are an interesting species.
I'd say, enjoy it while you can. The arabs are cutting production, and the rubber band effect is taking hold. A month or so, down the road, when the real cold weather sets in. We are going to hear about shortages in supply and low reserves. Then the prices are going to shoot back up. I have already read about how the nnalert are talking about making off shore drilling bans permenant. Not to mention, making all domestic oil prodution much more difficult. Not to mention the cap and trade scams that are coming at us. If they get that nightmare passed, we're really going to pay then. Jack
Gas in trenton Ontario is .78/litre or $3.51 per can gallon. Diesel is about 10cents litre more.Motor oil is $16.00 per 4 litres. Who is responsible for these prices?
Youngstown, Ohio
$1.95 for regular
$2.85 for the TRUCK STOP!!!

I can hear OPEC crying the blues all the way over here!!
In addition for like 7 years the economy was pretty good, we havent been hit by another 911, the SURGE was a huge success, and then after the Liberals took control of congress a couple years ago things started to slide AND THE PRES CALLS IT THE BUSH RECESSION lol. Similarly, the Liberals depsise Haliburton who did actual work for the money they were paid, yet the same folks wanna pay the unionized auto indusrty 25 MILLION for doing NOTHING, take away the right to a secret ballot, punish the achievers and risk takers and REDISTRIBUTE the wealth HMMMMMMMMMMMM Socialism here we come............

John T
Interesting concept, you got gouged the whole time the Repugs were in, but watch out when the Demos get in. Woo, what are they going to do, run it up to $4 a gallon?
Around $1.89 to $1.95 for regular, Detroit, MI metro area.

Also, I agree with JackE. Enjoy it while you can. Our only weapon is conservation.

I am NOT changing my new fuel-conserving driving habits regardless of how low gas prices go. I have seen my energy consumption bills cut in half in the last 4-5 months.
Thanks for only screwin us for two years.
The price went up till they passed the drill anywhere, then it went down.
Gas prices did'nt skyrocket up until the last two yrs. with nnalert in control of congress. That's when I noticed my gouging. And yes, they will run up prices every bit of $4.00 a gal. and more. Jack
"They" did'nt pass any drill anywhere bill. "They" just let lapse, the 25-30 yr. old congressional ban on off shore drilling. "They" WILL resrict our own oil production, and "They" will institute the "Cap+Trade" scam.I hope I'm wrong, I really do, but just listen to them talk, they are telegraphing the crapstorm they have in store for us. Jack
The prices are still being manipulated. Please do not celebrate too soon. Diesel fuel should still be 25% to 30% less than gasoline.
Forget it tlak! You'll never win on that one. I'm gonna wait to see what happens AFTER he takes office, till then it's Georgie's show.
It might stay down longer if the oil industry would drill on the 70 million a. that are already under lease, instead of asking for more.
The "oil industry" cant drill if the government wont let them!! Our new prez has already stated he is out to "bankrupt the coal industry" and Americans should expect "skyrocketing utility bills" - wonder how he feels about oil?
It will go back up higher than ever been after that new prez gets in signing crap to stop all the drilling. Just remember that those of you that voted for that! Progress ? I don't think so !
For a lot of that, they can drill all they want. If there's no oil down there, it's not gonna help much. Lots of those leases were on land that the oil companies didn't know if there was oil or not. They tied it up with a lease before they explored because if they waited until they were sure there was oil, the lease would cost them so much more.
85 cents for gas and 99 cents for diesel. Highest gas prices in the area(30 mile raadius) but the lowest diesel prices
Please remember northener that our gallon is bigger, our dollar is lower and our gas is better quality. Also you have a bargain price in Ontario considering the vast supplies of crude oil you have in your province. I'm six miles from the nearest oil well and we pay .10 more per litre than you do.
Your right on the money in your explanation. Over the years, oil companies have run around this area, buying up leases for a dollar or 2 an acre, but with a profitable percentage for the landowner if they find anything. They've drilled, off and on, since the '20's around here, and have never found anything.
These leases have been on the books for a while. Who's been holding them up? I worked in the oil patch (years ago) as a Cat skinner, and gas drilling companies were buying up leases and punching holes everywhere in northern Ohio. But, there was no leasing done when their company geologists let them know there was nothing to drill for.
$1.85 for gas, $2.84 for diesel in SE Kansas. As others have said, there is something fishy about these prices. Gasoline has kept going down, but diesel has been stuck at $2.84 for weeks. One would think that diesel would go down at a somewhat similar rate as gas.
Well, prebuy as much as you can afford, even if it is above station prices. I am looking for a 1000 gallon tank right now to fill before the price goes up. We are also using all our steer cash to prebuy. I can sit on it for years if the price stays down I bought gallons, not dollar amount. If the price stays down I'll buy at the pump and save the prebought for the next few years when its high
You better fill up when your in Sioux Falls, Balaton 17. At the Flying J, gas is $1.89 this afteernoon and diesel is $2.73. I hate to fill up anymore cause it is lower the next time I go by.
Don't get too excited over these lower fuel prices. They are not going to be here for long. Its all part of a scam. The oil companies are going to let the price of oil fall until all the ethenol plants go bankrupt. Then they will buy them up for pennies on the dollar and have brand new plants and have
control of them. They will also bankrupt the farmers by keeping fertilizer prices high and keep grain prices falling. Then they will by the farmland and raise the corn for their etnenol plants themselves. When they own the oil supply and the ethenol plants and the farmland, There will be no competition and then watch the prices go high!! $4.00 a galloon gas will look cheap.If you don't think the oil companies can do this, think again!!!

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