OT Halloween pranks


Well-known Member
Dad used to tell me this one .They lived in small town in North Dakota. Every year they would tip over this guys outhouse .Well one year the guy was waiting inside for them , they tipped it over on the door . What are some of your stories ?
A guy used to make a scarecrow and set it out on his porch a couple weeks before Halloween. He would do a real nice job and make it a real eye catcher. Then, Halloween night he would remove the scarecrow, but sit in its place dressed exactly like it. People would come to trick or treat thinking it was just the scarecrow sitting there. He would then jump up or yell. One of the funniest things I have ever seen....
The best story I ever heard also had to do with an outhouse. These guys did not tip it over. Instead, they picked it up and moved it back about 3 or 4 feet. Need I say more?
one year a cop was sitting outside of a local grocery store asleep in his car so me and my buddies dumped a bunch of empty beer cans right outside his door people were driving by and just alookin at him.
one year a cop was sitting outside of a local grocery store asleep in his car so me and my buddies dumped a bunch of empty beer cans right outside his door people were driving by and just alookin at him.
I never did any of the bad stuff like toilet paper,eggs,flaming poo,smashing pumkins,outhouse tipping,etc. as I always had too much respect for others property.
Two teenage boys in my hometown carefully removed all the laundry that was on a clothesline after dark, and exchanged it with some laundry on the other side of town.
One haloween, mayn years ago, the local mortitian found the "We give S&H Greenstamps" sign posted in front of his establishment! Unwittingly donated by the gas station on the other side of town. Anybody remember green stamps?
Not one that I did, but instead had pulled on me.

On the road near the cemetery on the outskirts of town, someone placed a dummy on the shoulder of the road. Looked just like it had crawled out of a grave. A buddy and I drove by, turned around to check it out, could hear laughing nearby. We found out who it was, parked our car, and joined in on the fun! Lots of people turned around to check it. One guy even kicked the $%^& out of the dummy!
With the cop asleep in front of the store, would have been funny to put a half-dozen "Crispy Creme" donut boxes by his car door.

We had an egg fight between the Jrs and Srs when I was in school. A classmate's family ran an egg farm. The radio stations in Grand Rapids announced if people didn't have anything to do, go to Rockford and take eggs.

Larry in Michigan
We all used to meet at this place, forest park(link below). It was abandoned, but at one time was to be a beautiful cemetery. I saw a rendering of it, really lush place, it boarders another large cemetery.

A lot of people, mostly us high school kids, would occupy the place, and the local law enforcement would eventually arrive, form a wide interval flank and sweep the place, flashlights everywhere, some people acting a bit foolish, drinking beer, smoking "wheat" but was mostly a halloween bush party, we'd always have a six pack ourselves, but I can remember keg parties in there, the police would just push everyone further into the place, never did seem to be a complete end to the festive halloween'ers visiting the few abandoned graves, was all good fun, no vandalism, though that had been obviously done many years before we were even born. Some people had really trashed the place, lots of stories and folklore surrounding the place.

This place was heavily overgrown, wooded, a lot of bush parties took place there for many years/generations, it has a haunted reputation too. The old empty mausoleum or whatevet it was was one place to meet, but there were other statues in there, again, all the years I went in there, never saw anyone disrespect the place, most were in awe of it.

We'd hide behind old granite grave markers/headstones and wait until the police were close, dodging them carefully between headstones, disappearing into the woods. People were all over making all kinds of festive sounds having a good ole time, the place came alive big time, when I think of halloween, I think of that place, this year ought to be interesting, it's on a friday night. There were some graves, but most were to one side, again, no one was ever malicious, most people here respected graves, cemeteries, only a real jerk, would wreck things and it was about the only time anyone would visit this place, it was always interesting to go there on halloween. With all the people, being haunted did not seem so scary. Somewhere in the middle, towards the left, I stepped onto a slightly depressed area and my leg disappeared into a hole, seemed to have punched through some rotted wood or something, so I suspect, there may have been some cavity or void, possibly a grave, but was completely unmarked, the area of head stones was somewhat kept up and kind of in one area. I can remember hiding behind one with the moonlight, we had some cigars, smoke was rising over the headstones, freaked a few people out, was funny. Was always a few of us, we'd then meet the other strangers, every year it was a bit different.

I never saw anything or heard anything unusual in there, like the folklore that surrounds it, just that foot into that hole that kind of collapsed that one year. I did decide to park along the country club road once and go back in there late at night once, had an M1 Carbine with me, well some of the stories were a little odd, so that made me feel better to have something, just in case, not paranoid or trigger happy by any means, was well trained by then, but having a legal firearm was of comfort and I would not have gone in without one, but after spending several hours in there walking around, never saw or heard a darned thing, never went back after that, and they cleared and cleaned up the place considerably, it was literally a forest then just like the name. I was confronting my fears a bit and was just wondering, what kind of odd things I might see, nothing, they must have been off that night.
Forest Park
All I have to do, and I still do, is go to a halloween center and buy a horrible looking mask, and walk around with it on.
Not much prank playing when doing farm work. Had a incident with townies messing with my car, sent one to hospital to get his rear end stitched up and had a couple days in cell to catch up on sleep. Police officer saw beginning of their 'mob action' attack and my quick ending of it, another(wasn't first incident I sent someone to hospital) minor cussing from judge. Local coven has after services parties - watchout for the burnt cookie.
It's funny how rumors of hauntings get started. There is a place that I know which people still speak of. There were stories of ghosts and prom queen murders, Police officer killed there, babies buried there, ghost/strange lights in the house (cause they knew there was no power to the house) When I first heard the tales I was intrigued, up until they told me the location of said haunted house. Belonged to my father, Nobody killed there, the baby was a dog named "baby" the marker is still there. I remember the dog it belonged to a tenant. The "Ghost lights" were incandesant I just pulled the main when I was done working on the place escept on occasion if I was in a hurry it got left in. Drunks sure have vivid imaginations. I burned the original house and built it's twin. I live there now. Not a ghost in sight.
Any place that has been left abandoned, falls into the category, where rumor, stories, exaggeration and just plain old folklore can take over, like this one and so many others.

We never bought into it much then, funny though if you read the additional information on wikpedia, (who knows how their information is or is not substantiated) the story about the couple who's boyfriend exited the car to investigate something, results in him not returning, scratching noise on the roof, police arrived, (like how, no cell phones then) tell the ladyfriend to not look up, was the boyfriend hanging in a tree and feet dangling was the noise, heard that one back then, but you wonder if there was ever such an incident, police report/investigation, was outside the gate. Some people have written things about visits in forums, just hard to figure paranormal, statue inside supposed to bleed etc.

It is a well known allegedly haunted place, was always a fun place to gather, the setting was perfect for halloween, I'd still go today, but without the way it was overgrown and wooded, not the same. Don't remember who was buried in that one section, but we were always respectful, another large cemetery, behind it was some creekside land, all kinds of bush parties there, you had to drive through the cemetery part to get to the place way in the back, 4x4 was needed if it was sloppy, to get out, all those parties and no one ever bothered any of the headstones, though in recent times, kids have lost all respect, happens once in awhile, we seemed to have been brought up well enough to just know better.
My dad told about what happened with my Grandpa's outhouse. A group of kids took it and left it on the front steps outside the school. Apparently the school knew who owned it and called my Granpa and told him his outhouse was sitting in front of the doors to school. My Grandpa responded with "What am I supposed to do about it?" Dave
back in 1947 I was fifteen and we lived outside of town and would always try to get the cops agitated by stepping on the gas andflying out of city limits. There was an abanoned ware houe on the line with a rail spur to it. The cops would sort of hide there. One halloween we went thre on foot to put potatoes in the exhaust pipes of the cruiser. The cop was backed up to the rail track and was sound asleep. We got a chain from a local farm nearby abd went back and chained the cruiser to the rail. Needless to say when he heard us coming with our load muffle he took out afeter us for about 5 feet a stopped dead. WE stopped and gave hinm a bronx cheer and laffed our butts off. Never got caught,
My cousin and I were about 12, our folks would take us into town and turn us loose. Well Aunt Marie had butchered a bunch of chickens that day. We took a bunch of their feet, tied them together with about a foot of twine, and would hang them over folks door knobs. There was no purpose to it, other than to laugh, wondering what other kids thought when they came up to ring those doorbells.

Maybe thought it was some wierd cult sign or something.

The classic outhouse prank is not to tip it over, but to move it back a few feet, so the victim falls into the hole!
Used to always buy some small candy like the toosies and butter scotch. Place them in a big glass jar with a little opening. Kids would always just take one, and I would say take some more they are small. They could not get a big handfull out, and would try and try. A couple years ago a small boy tried for a big handfull, couldn't get it out with a full fist. He then DUMPED THE WHOLE THING IN HIS BAG. I was so dumb founded I didn't even say a word. That was all I had.

I burn wood so I always left a load sittin on the street for all to mess with, and therefore leave everything else alone. Never once did they unload my wood or mess with anything that I know of.

My ex-brother in law claims him and his buddies stole a wagon running gear from a implment yard and carried it up on the elementry school house roof using the handy fire escape. Approx six years later they found it, and had no idea how it got there. The implment dealer had gone out of business, so no one owned up to what had happened.

A small town where I grew up, they spread a load of cow manure down main street.

Another small town near where I live now they have burned tires on the bridge every holoween night. The cops are out numbered to say the least, and the cops know for sure what guys are doing it...And they are bound to get them every year. This has went on for fifteen years plus I would guess. I just found out this summer that a bunch of gals are actuly doing it, so a tradition will continue this year also I would guess.

My dad claims that a guy also had outhouse troubles every year as they came from the grove and pushed it over door side down. My dad helped the neighbor move it forward five foot after dark. When they came at it at a dead run three out of the four guys ended up in the pit. Neighbor was a nice guy and offered them a hand, but would let go as they started to get out, then stomped the kids fingers as they tried on their own till they all cried like babies. The fourth guy tured out left his buddies high and dry---no that stament doesn't seem to fit the story at all, perhaps just the oposite.
Hey 135 fan, are you from Minnesota? My grandpa and some others had to help take an outhouse off of a schoolhouse steps years ago with horses, due to a Halloween prank by some kids. I have the pictures they took to prove it! Kind of neat. It was taken around 1920. The school house was(is)still on our property her in central Mn. Leon in Mn.
That really wasnt nessicary Two Dogs. i'm trying to be more like Mike here and do unto others as you'de have them do unto you.
I do remember putting Crawdads in some mailboxs once. Also ,the big thing in DesMoines ,was "scooping the Loop " driving down one street ,,and back up the other ,,several blocks long. There was a security guard at one bank there on a corner . He used to stand inside and watch kids, always called cops if cars were loud etc . Well,he happened to be in the glass entry way one night ,we drove by , launched a volley of eggs at him . They broke on the glass lobby windows . He fumbled with the lock , much like a Barney Fiffe , finally getting outside to try and get our license # as we drove off . He kept watching for us to come back aroun don the main street . We ,,on the other hand came by on the side street behind him , unleashing another volley of eggs at him . This time ,catching him full on ! lol . Lil payback for all the things he'd done .
This goes back to the early '50's when farm machinery wasn't as big as it is now.

One year, my buddies and I planned this all out ahead of time, and on Halloween night we took our pickups and mixed up machinery. We'd hook onto a plow at one place, take it a couple miles down the road where there was a wagon, then hook onto the wagon and go a few more miles and swap the wagon for a hay rake, etc. We worked at it all night.

It took the farmers two weeks to all get the right machinery back.
I was never in on any of the pranks because at Halloween was either in the field or working at the local grain elevator. But, to this day, every year the county law back in Hebron, NE runs ads in the local paper saying they will catch you burning leaves in the dip on the brick street main street. Don't think they have ever caught anyone. They don't have enuf manpower to monitor all the storm drains, that is why no one ever gets caught. A large storm drain runs thru town, about 10 ft diameter, with lots of feeders. Not at Halloween, but back when the football and track field was in the south end of town with the high school being on the north end, coaches used to get real PI$$ed off when the whole team would disappear between the school and the field. We would come popping back up most anywhere and be back together by the time we got to the field. Got a REAL good workout when they did figure out what we were doing, met us about a third of our way down the tunnel coming from south, and when we came back out the north end more coaches were waiting. But, getting O/T. DOUG
We Tipped a few Outhouses when i was a teenager, one was a WPA Outhouse or Gov't Outhouse we called them, it had been upset so many times it was off the hole some and the hole was full, we were all straining to push it over on the door & one guy grabbed for a better handhold under bottom at back & came up with a real handful.
We were flying down the road in 51 Ford With his hand out the window. like i said it had been upset before & it broke into 5 pieces when it hit the ground. that was the last time i ever did that.
Dad told of one town he lived in in Kansas, the kids would go through the countryside and any equipment they could find got pulled into the middle of town and left. The farmers would come in the next day to sort out their stuff to take home, the wives brought picnic lunches and they made a day of it.

He also told of one time they disassembled a wagon and put it back together on top of the one room school house.

Also (not Halloween) he told of taking a friends car and putting it on the stage at Sterling College. They had to remove and reinstall a radiator to do it, had the administration wondering how to get it out. Of course the administration knew who it probably was, a certain group on the GI Bill was always suspected. Normal freshmen wouldn't of dared to do some of things Dad told of doing there.
as a smalltown teen friends and i took every porch swing,yard chair,bird bath you get the idea .anything that normally sets in the yard and took it all to one crabby old ladys front yard to greet her on nov. 1st.guess everyone eventually got their stuff back
also last prank i was in on helped guys steal two big round bales of hay to block hwy. intersection.some wound up in jail over that,was lucky enough to outrun a state trooper on foot that night ended my pranks nearly 30 yrs. ago
A good one that I have seen is where they take a stuffed set of clothes and hang it from a street light. It would hang down so that it would be about 8 ft off the ground. Cars would be coming down the street and all of a sudden you would hear squeeling of brakes. More than once the cops came out. However, being as how it was 8 ft off the ground, they couldn't ever get it down. It sure was fun watching those people when they finally saw it.
I never done it, but guys told of putting wet cow patties in paper bag and put bag on porch of a person they wanted to have fun with, light paper bag and knock on door and hide. He said they came to door and saw burning bag and tried to stomp it out.. gee wonder what happen if the didn't answer the door....

In my hometown an old man had a white horse that was just a big pet. He had a large lot and kept the horse in a little shed behind his house. At Halloween some kids went into the shed and spray painted black stripes on the horse to make it look like a zebra.
Use to take real estate signs from someones yard and put them in anothers.

But now in Michigan you can't do that, every house already has a "FOR SALE" sign. Plus, I am a little old for pranks.

Also we would find the plastic lawn art statues (geese, ducks, etc), and move them to a neighbors yard. We would actually try to set them up just like they were in the other yard. Next day you would see the two neighbors talking, carrying it all back to the original yard.

For the most part, we were pretty harmless.


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