That's gonna be a HUGE headache for me on Board of Review next March. Property tax increases in Michigan are tied to the Consumer Price Index. They go up the rate of inflation or 5%,whichever is less. With a 5.8% increase in the CPI,that means they will go the full 5%. And at the same time that property values are dropping like a rock. This is gonna be a nightmare explaining this one over and over and over. PASS THE TYLANOL.
Just in time for B.O. to take it away and give it to someone less fortinute. That is, if he happens to get in the white house. Stan
Well according to Barry and Joe, its patriotic to spread the wealth around. Translation = Take your money that you worked hard for, and give it to someone who doesn't want to work, but will vote for you.

rrlund - Are you mandated by law to increase the property taxes in line with the CPI or are you just "allowed" to do so? Can you just not raise taxes for a year? bob f.
The ideal solution to fixing Social Security is to eliminate it. That is what I want to hear from external_link (yeah right) or McCain. Change is coming, McCain campaigns on. Lets have it. Let people put that money into their own retirement fund! More likely alot would just spend it on something stupid, but at least give them a choice.

I figured this out and I'm not a politician. Maybe I should be...

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