OT/....on RFD-TV


Well-known Member
Bofore ANYTHING else political comes up on here,how many of you saw that special "American Solutions" on RFD at 7pm eastern? It's being rerun at 9am tomorrow morning. I don't know whether to be sick,or optomistic that somebody finally gets it. It won't matter which party you belong to or who you are voting for,you'll tear up your party afiliation card and think twice about voting for either of those two idiots.That show was TOTALLY eye opening as to the serious trouble that we're in and how both parties and the beauracracy will go on protecting the status quo. Like I've been saying since last winter,we are so boned! Watch that rerun if you get the chance.

Thats what I have said for a long time, it doesn't matter who wins at this point. The AMERICAN PEOPLE better wake up, get together and make whoever wins change the direction this country is going before it is too late....James
I totally agree. It seems to me that during the primaries you get a bunch of people that go around and say how bad the other people are that are running, then you narrow it down to one on each side. All of a sudden the people you were running against saying you were no good, are your best friends. Then the two left go after each other and say how the other one is so bad. Then after the election they will just go back and be best buddies, one scratching the others back and vise versa.
How can we make an elected official do what we ask? Once elected, they totally ignore the promises they made to the voters. Even if we voted every sitting member of the House and Senate out of office, would the replacements be any better? Pardon my synacism.
Term limits !! Vote out every imcumbant . Our senators have become too powerfull, like Rome . We need to knock em down a couple notches . Hard to do . Term limit bill could be introduced,,,but would take the will of ALL of the people . The sitting senators are so entrenched with war chests full of $$$$ it's imposible to get them out . But when they hand out money to buy votes from minorities and such,,,,what can you do ? check out "Nationwide Citizens Initiatives " , start the ball rolling on term limits ! Also 6 year terms are to long for senators !
Do a google search and you will find that there are FOUR other parties that each have a candidate running for president. Take your pick of the four. A vote FOR any one of those four is a vote against either of the two criminals.

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