Gas Prices vs Predicted Economy


Well-known Member
Don't know about the rest of the country, but gas prices are falling - not quite as fast as the stock market and/or economy! I kinda wonder if there's not a FIX going on. Last month at this time gas was $4 +/- Gallon after IKE. Do they think the whole country is a bunch of hillbillies or are they just reading this website!
I'm not talking about the "BAILOUT PLAN" because I don't think any of us on this board will share. Let me know when they go to trial and I will try to be there LOL. Until then, Vote and Vote often
Who knows? There are so many possible answers that I think everyone should just stop asking questions. Nobody has true facts, and no one in government, either leftist or rightist, has any idea either.
The oil companies wanted to look like the good guys while the whole world was crashing. John Q. public will say.....Boy its a good thing gas is coming down fast, cause my 401k is in the crapper.
Its either the fault of Global Warming or G.Bush like everything else in the world.BTW better to have $4/gal gas you can afford to buy than $2/gal
gas you can't afford to buy
The reason gas prices went down is the news quit talking about it everyday. The media influences way to much in my opinion.
The prices are coming down because the commodities speculators are leaving it alone and once again the law of supply and demand is governing the price.
If we ever stop asking questions, we're really in trouble...if leaders can't, or won't, answer questions, it's time to change leaders.
It's our responsibility to gather what information we can, and make our own decisions, not follow what someone else tells us we should decide. Sometimes we'll guess right, sometimes not.
The reason gas prices are going down is there is a real fear the world is headed for a depression not just a recession. Hopefully, we'll just see a world wide recession. But if some of the European banks don't get their act together it will be "Katy bar the door". The big fear in this country is banks cutting of credit. This is what keep the automobile & housing market going for consumers and credit keeps business going. I believe we are dangerously close to a country & world wide depression. If this happens oil will drop to less than $30/bar. and gas will be about $1.50. Unfortunately while low energy prices be sound good it will also mean that we will be close to the 1930's depression era.
You guys are fast. I just went to store to get more overpriced beer and then take a leak!
Still supporting the economy! What comes in generally goes out!
The consensus is oil price are dropping like a rock because the worlds economy is dropping like a rock. Therefore, demand for oil will drop inconjunction with the expected economy. As Yogi almost said, it"s like 1929 all over again. I guess we better learn to ride the rails like our grandparents.
You know this would not be happening to help us out at all.It is some deal some crook worked out someplace,probably in Europe or Saudi Arabia,not here.Maybe its so the people wont throw out some of those Senators and Representatives,the big shots dont want to have to buy more expensive ones than they have now?Besides that they might want another 700 billion and think the oil companys stole enough for a week or 2.
I don"t know about $2, but I"m thinking $3 gas is better then $4, at least in the short term. I don"t know anyone that can afford $4 fuel, not for a long amount of time anyway.
You are 100% right. Speculators drove up the price when the housing market started sliding. Since the price was not sustainable, when people quit buying the chinese crap, the chinese couldn't buy as much gas and now the supply is growing. Speculators have run out of commodities to buy and since they have no skills that can be useful to society, they are scared. It wouldn't bother me one bit to see a few do swann dives off of sky scrapers. According to the DOE, gas consumption in the US dropped 9% in September. Looks like we may be in for the ride of our lives, better hold on tight.
Speculation is down, particularly with people hoarding cash and the U.S. government vacuuming it up by things like issuing $700B in bonds soon.

Europe's socialists are having their very own banking crisis (I thought it was all the nnalert fault...), so the Euro is falling, people are buying more dollars, value of dollar is going up a bit, oil is priced in dollars...

With actual demand down, refineries aren't as over extended which helps create a surplus and drive retail price down.

OPEC doesn't want us to be producing our own oil from offshore and the Dakotas and Alaska in 10 years, so it really doesn't break their hearts to see the prices come down and give the nnalert cover to not increase domestic production. Heck, it takes our eye off the ball entirely of rebuilding our national energy infrastructure altogether.

Lots of reasons. I still don't believe unless it breaks well below $3 -- more like $2.50 we'll see people happy. Next spring's municipal budget referendum season will be difficult if heating oil is over $3...if it's over $4, you won't see any budget passing that's not a tax cut.
Skinning the buyers at the pump in NE IL running about 3.85. About 30 million cars in the area. NO shortage of gas only money.
If gas goes to $2/gal it'll be becaused the economy has totally tanked which means most people will have far less $$$$ to spend on everything including energy
"OPEC doesn't want us to be producing our own oil from offshore and the Dakotas and Alaska in 10 years, so it really doesn't break their hearts to see the prices come down and give the nnalert cover to not increase domestic production. Heck, it takes our eye off the ball entirely of rebuilding our national energy infrastructure altogether."

You nailed it. Unless Israel attacks Iran expect the "energy crisis" to melt away in a year and remain low until the Arabs need to refill their coffers.
Boy i am sure confused over this gas thing. Our gas in canada has dropped to $5.04 a gallon so everyone is happy about the price of gas. However those who have investments in oil are scared stiff because the price of oil has dropped.I have watched closely and since the price hike started it was bin ladens fault then a hurricane, then too much demand, then the speculators, then the terrorist, then yadda yadda. We have a ton of oil in reserve here but sell ours to the usa then buy it back at inflated prices.Im starting to think its all big business giving us the business.
Seems odd I have"t heard complaints yet about greedy people and corporations making obsene profits?
Media has a lot to do with this. It"s possible to whip the public into a terrified frenzy making a problem into crisis.

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