
Seen an odd looking bug today. It was BIG! Never seen anything like it so I made a trip to the local extension office for an identification.


I'm told they bite, but it's mostly harmless. Oh, and the female bites worse. And even the larvae floating in the creek for 3 years bite. But they make good fish bait.

Anybody else run across these critters? The one I had had a 3 1/2 inch body and the antennae and jaws were all around an inch and a half.
I used to work 2nd shift in a brightly lit truck shop in the Missouri river bottoms, and those things used to fly around in there. First time one flew by I thought it was a pelican or something :) Intimidating set of pinchers, but luckilly never got on the wrong end of them.
What part of the country are they invading? Haven't seen them around here. Looks like they would be almost as much fun to shoot as skeets. David...........
Yep, they seem to have a suicide urge when they see a swimming pool. Personally, I think the larva are much uglier than the bug - but like my old parts manager used to say about the girls at the late night bars: "Once you see ugly, ain't no sense trying to rank 'em cause uglier don't make ugly look no better."
Looks like a bug from Hell...grammite.

I started out the back door this evening and there sat one of these hideous creatures. That specimen didn't survive to propagate the species, but perhaps the ants will feed on what is left of it's carcass.
Well he hadn"t drank enough beer.

This is attributed to Winston Churchill,don"t know the circumstances but a woman once told him he was drunk. He said " and you"re ugly but I will be sober tomorrow"
Well like most bugs, they do breed in water, I read that the larvae lay in water for 3 years so standing water that doesn't dry up (creekbeds, etc) are a requirement.

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