Anyone wanna help with hay?


Well-known Member
We're planning on doing 2nd crop next weekend, and I took a walk a few feet into a feild. Looks like it's just as high as 1st crop was..... Looks like it's gonna be a VERY long weekend.

Anyone in the area (and even those not in the area) are more than welcome to come out & help...

Donovan from Wisconsin
Boy, I'd love to, BUT I have to take my wife to St. Louis next weekend, going to hit the show at Greenville, Ill. too. Bummer. Chris
Sorry, Would love to help but chickens are still laying like crazy, I have 40+ rounds to haul home, they rye needs to be cut and combined, and the wife "honey do" list grows faster than my ambition.

Ya know, my second cutting is just about as high as my first cutting too. Wait a minute...that's because my second cutting is in there with the first cutting! Ha ha. Been having lots of machinery troubles. Probably not a good thing when you're still trying to get 1st cutting when it's nearly August, is it? Just gotta laugh and go on. God bless.

--old fashioned farmer
Don I'd sure love to help but I have this old war injury (tripped while coming out of a bar while on R&R)just kidding then if that doesn't work I always have the football injury to fall back on which didn't work when I took my draft physical finally I'm 61 years old that usually works because by the time we'd get done it would be time for corn harvest.Personally, I'd love to help I think that part of the country is great and really would be a great getaway. CT
It'[s alfalfa for the dairy cows. And you bet- all small squares. They're not so bad unless you're the guy behind the baler... Which happens to be me...

Donovan from Wisconsin

BTW- You work at A-Z right? I'm over in the same park as you at Perfect Patterns
We ussually try to get out in the feild by 11 on Saturday and go till supper with a short break for a late lunch, then either bale some more or unload all the wagons. We ussually bale untill the dew gets too heavy and the bales get to be too much.

Sunday we start it all over again...

Perfect Patterns is right behind Super Bowl on Pensar Drive. Been there for 3 months now and love it.

Donovan from Wisconsin
We're in the Fox Valley. More specifically the South side of Kaukauna.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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