O/T seat belt violation 2 in 2 months.


Well-known Member
Why should someone get a ticket for not wearing seat
belts? It should be the individuals choice (to wear them) because it does not effect anyone other than themselves. I already have air bags in my vehicle.
For the same reason you cant hardly smoke in public. Uncle Sam (soon to be Uncle external_link) knows whats best for you.
The air bag is useless without the belts on. In a head-on collision, if the bag deploys and you don't have your belts on, you'll slide underneath the air bag as if it weren't there.

Tests have proven that. I hope you don't learn it the hard way. BTW, three years ago, my wife walked away from a 60 mph head-on collision (not of her creation) because of the air bag AND she had her belts cinched down.

From the top of her left shoulder down to her right hip, and across her lower abdomen, she had a five inch wide band that was the darkest purple I've ever seen on a person from the belts digging in. Now tell me the belts don't do anything.

However, if you, personally, don't wear your belts and get creamed it would probably do wonders to the gene pool.
I have to agree with you. Funny thing is you here about the people that wear seat belts and live but never the ones that the seat belt killed. Yep seat belts can and will kill at times. I knew a guy that got cut in half by his seat belt when he was hit on the side
Hobby farm
I used to drive a race car and I can tell you that seatbelts do save lives. The other thing that the seat belt will do is help you stay in your seat so you can maintain control of your vehicle in a near miss situation that may help you avoid the crash.

I also agree with the gene pool comment.
It"s not a guvmint problem it"s your butt"s problem. Why do you think NASCAR has all them restraining devices?
Should I be able tell you to not eat fried foods because you could die of a heart attack and then give you a ticket when you come out of the drive through at KFC?
Nobody hit the real reasons.
1. There are way too many people in this country who don't have enopugh to keep them busy so they have time to stick thier nose into your car, house , or any other of your private property they want to.
2. It is very easy money for the local government. You pay the ticket and move on, nobody makes fight in court over them because you don't get points on your license that will make your insurance go up, and for that reason it is not worth losing a days work to go to court.
My nephew was just in an accident. Totaled the truck. He was thrown out of the truck due to not wearing his seatbelt. It was said that if he was wearing his seatbelt , he most likely would not have lived. Your right Old , that will never hit the papers. I think it should be personal choice. But , that's me , looking at the way I drive. I drive with respect/caution to fellow drivers on the road. I don't fly all over the place like these young kids of today. These young kids should be told to wear a seat belt , just because of the way they are/drive.
Pennsylvania is great. They passed a law a few years ago that allows motorcycle riders to go without helmets, but they now have a campaign that says "click it or ticket" trying to get drivers to use their seatbelts or get a fine. I dont get it... fine me for not wearing a seatbelt but its ok to ride a motorcycle with no helmet. Just shows you who the powerful lobbyists are...
i don't know in the US,but here in Canada,schoolbus drivers wear seatbelts,but the kids behind him or her DO NOT. You go figure that one
same here. Im not sure our bus driver wears hers-but i dont know. She is known for driving across water, running over innocent trash cans to going over curbs, as well as last winter drifting the back end of the bus around a corner (black ice)
Well, the answer is simple: It's the law. You don't want to wear seat belts, then fine, don't wear them. But accept the consequences. I don't like to drive the speed limit, and sometimes I get caught. When I'm caught, I pay up.

Plenty of people do things they think should be legal, but aren't. This includes smoking dope, cheating on taxes, speeding and driving without seat belts. Many folks think that because "there's no victim" that they should be able to do these things. I say if you don't like a law, you can obey it, work to have it changed, or, if you choose to violate it accept the consequences. But to don't expect any sympathy when you get caught. Twice.
PA must be as abundant as MN then - we've had the seatbelt rule for years, the helmet law they repealed about the same time!

Squeaky wheel there - motorcycle people untied & got it repealed. Car folk just didn't bother.

Just like all the folks in this state that go from the 'Cities to their cabin 'up north' on a lake..... It's illegal to pull 2 trailers on the highways. With one exception: A camper, with a boat behind it. That you can pull all over the state.... It's not because that combination is safe, and all other combinations of 2 trailers is unsafe: It's because the people owning cabins, and the people who live off of the people traveling to their cabins with trailer homes & boats all got together & were a squeeky wheel.....

How come this year the Farm Program cuts off any farm that is smaller than 10 acres? Because it's too much work for them to deal with all the hobby farmers. Not because a 8 acre field is worthless, or does not contribute to the rest of us. It's because they didn't want to bother. Folks with less than 10 acres don't get enough to raise holy caine about it, so it just slips by.....

Squeeky wheels is all. Nothing to do with common sense or right & wrong.

What about the EMS tech that is cleaning up the mess of someone going through a windsheild. And the Patrolman that has to knock on your door to tell your wife that she needs to go identify a body............ and your wife. Sorry, It just don't feel right drivin with out one. Jim
"It should be the individuals choice (to wear them) because it does not effect anyone other than themselves. I already have air bags in my vehicle."

You don't seem to have much knowledge when it comes to seat belts. How are you gonna steer and use the brakes after a minor collision when you end up on the passenger side after a minor collision, and now your're crossing the median towards an oncoming semi? I will never be out of a job because of people like you. I almost got killed by a woman who got knocked unconcious after a collision in front of my firehouse. After the first impact her car continued on into the side of the medic rig I was just getting ready to back into the station. I don't know which impact left her permanently disabled, the first one that knocked her out or the second time when her whole body hit the dash right in front of me.
I wonder what government aide she is recieving now? I wonder how much insurance rates cost all the rest of us to pay all the bills? No effect on anyone eles, eh?
As was said before, if you don't have seats belts on, an airbag ain't gonna do squat to help you, might even hurt you worse.
If you haven't realized it yet, driving is not a right, it's a privilege. That's why you have to be licensed. The government would not make any money of you if you obeyed the law. And if you haven't figured that out after the first time, well, you ain't too bright. And by the way, if you get hurt in an accident while driving for a job, good luck trying to get workman's comp.
Gene pool comment is particuarly appropriate, if I do something wrong/illegal, I do my best not to get caught doing it AGAIN. Maybe there is something to that EVOLUTION thing.
It"s all about odds. Your odds are better with a seat belt. You can try to draw an inside straight, and sometimes do it but the odds are not good. I think the ones that don"t want the government telling them what to do should have to sign a waiver that they will not accept any Medicaid or government disability payments if they are injured. Funny how many government haters (even on this thread) gladly accept a monthly disability check from the bad guys. Why don"t you try being indepedent and support yourself. You seeem to be able to work on tractors for yourselves and others, put up hay, etc., but not hold a job.
No on the KFC.

My point is that you may be endangering the lives of others because you are not in a position to control your vehicle.
Done been a fireman and EMS for thirty plus years, and sorry I have no mercy for you and your problem. Kinda harsh and bold I realize, but you can put a gun to your head and live also, but 90% plus the results are bad. Ain't no way I go anywhere without a belt.

That being said I kinda wonder if you get a disabaling accident from no belt, no helmet, or no life jacket--who pays the bills --we the tax payer. Anyone who thinks that big insurance policy will keep them happy is probably in for a big surprise. And you spouce will probably be spoon feeding you so that income will probably stop as well.

If we don't have the sence to wear belts, then our government will have to think for us. And yea one time this one guy was wearing a belt and........ Don't cut no crap with me, nor any fireman with a few years under their belt. Seat belts do save lives a majority of the time.

I have what I call a best friend that used to argue about our government can't tell him what to do. Approx three years ago his motorcyle at approx 30 mph.... and a little misjudgment, when driving into the sun. Anyone care for his phone number? I beg anyone to try and carry on a conversation with him now, and he thinks he is getting better--often doesn't know his middle name.

All this reminds me of telling a small child that the stove is hot, yet untill they burn their fingers, well.... you know.

I apologizezzz for myself, but we spend alot of time helping folks who just don't realize what can happen, and if you are a driving in NEIA and you get in a accident without a belt, I will indeed try my best to help you anyway because maybe you just don't realize.

And then if you look me over, fried food has taken my gut over, and I'm not smart enough to slow down on the eating, so I will judge no one.

Wish I was smart enough to shut up, but will add this to my rant. Close to thirty five years ago a EMS instructor closed his lessons with this. If you learned nothing else tonight I want everyone to take a walk into a junk yard and check out the stars in the windshilds. And think of the angle the head and neck that put the star into the windshild was at. The top of your head hits first, and your chin keeps up the 55 mph speed. This in turn snaps your neck backwards. That was before belts were required in Iowa. Since the seat belt law, you don't see very many stars in the windshilds, and often the person in the accident gets to go check out their vehickle with out a wheelchair.

Anytime we find someone away from the vehickle, we get a gut feeling on what the person is going to look like. And if anyone doubts my smart a$$ remarks, just volenteer to ride along to auto accidents and look for yourself.
No one hit on the real reason why you must buckle up...

Lets say somebody hits you. who pays the medical bills? If you said insurance company you'd be correct. It's a law because insurance companies lobbied for it.
I recall awhile back Someone saying when they first tried seat belts as an option,{ If it needed seat belts then it wasn't safe to be on the road.]
I still think it should be a matter of choice !!

I remember a poster a couple years ago of an officer stating {He never unbuckled a dead man }And I said He must be a rookie.
I am surprised that these lobbyist's hasn't come up with seat belts on motorcycles.At least you would know who was driving for sure.

Don't think this is a stupid comment because in Pa ALL licensed drivers must ware a seat belt.---State Law !!!
I am a firm believer in statistics, and seat belts do save lives. If you choose to not wear one, then pay for your own lifetime medical coverage when you are a vegetable. Especially for bikers who choose not to wear helmets.
Read the stats- I'll go with the percentages. Better off with the belt. Yes, there are exceptions to everything.
Chuck ole boy, would you please follow me for 365 days and walk a mile in my shoes the days I can't. I am so happy for the days I can work on my 2n. I am also happy for the days I can get one of my goals accomplished,because I can't add it on to tomorrows goals, I can't get them done. You give me back my health and you can have my disability check, I'll go back to work fulltime tomorrow. Wear your seat belt, you could end up like me, on disability ,glad you can do small things. Your statement means you are uninformed or an IDIOT!
seat belts do save lives, but i still belive if its in your vehicle that you payed for it should your choise, ive gotten several tickets for the same thing, even after i showed the cop that the seat belt would not reach around my gut and buckle, i tinted my windows dark so they couldnt see, they made me remove it, but its funny i havent gotten a ticket since i started wearing overalls 6 or 7 years ago, i guess they cant tell the seat belt strap from a overall suspender while driving by in the opisit direction lol
As far as it not affecting anyone else is a bunch of bull.I have worked on a fire and extracation unit for 15 years and have had to help put many people in body bags because they had become ejected in a simple rollover that would have been a survivable crash.
X22, Let me seeeee! Could it beeeee!!!!!, .............
IT"S the LAW!!!!!! Been that way since the mid 80s.
John A
Belts hold you in position so the air bags can protect you. If you're flying all over the inside of the vehicle in a crash, the air bags are pretty useless. Not to mention being ejected. That's a almost guarantee for tragedy! Sorry, you'l get no sympathy from me. BUCKLE UP! (34 years as a Driving teacher, Commercial license holder, in short, been to far more crashes than I wanted to see.)
many years ago i was in a rollover accident on a wet road. NO, seat belts were not used because the car(1962 mercurcy comet) did not have them. the in vestigating officers said from the looks of the crash that if seat belts were used both of us in the car would have been instantly killed by the the roof crushing us. we were both found in the back seat by some kind folks that seen the accident and pulled us out. it was a rough and tumble ride, though. seat belt use should be up to the individual, not some government idiot that knows it all.
I was in an accident in 1976. If I would have been wearing a seatbelt I would have been dead now for 32 years. I've never been ticketed for not wearing one. If I ever am, I'll pay it and move on. It's just a cost of living in this messed up world. Like taxes.
I'll tell you why, MONEY, for the state and local government. That's all it is. Free money from the fines, for the Gov. Same thing with helmet laws. Oh, you'll hear all the bulls*** talk about public safety and medical costs, but, it all comes down to more money of yours for them to spend/waste as they see fit. What bugs me, is to see all the sheepal standing by applauding as our freedoms are being taking away one piece at a time. Jack
they also said when seatbelt law was enacted insurance would go down yea right. also we can send kids in a bus with no belts. I wear mine but don,t agree with the law
current vehicles are designed with specific crush zones engineered in them. the vehicle is designed to absorb impact energy and distribute it thru the vehicle, protecting the passenger (occupant) compartment. restraint systems, both passive and active, keep the occupant in a specific position in a vehicle to minimize injury. front air bags, side bags and curtain bags (from the roof if so equipped) will cushion the occupant. if you are not wearing a seatbelt during an impact, an air bag deployment can cause serious injury or death. no system is 100% foolproof, however, in most all instances, they will save your life. before seat belts and air bags, most severe head on impacts, the driver was impaled in the steering column, almost always a fatality. i handled insurance claims for many years and currently own a body shop. it is amazing the severity of the crashes we see here and the owner walks away with a few minor scrapes.
here is my shop
Read all the comments and the fact that some don't like them but I always wear mine. I was in a wreck a couple of years ago in a Buick that the girlfriend was driving and no fault of hers...cell phone talking driver was at fault. But, in my minds eye, I can still see that head on high bank coming at us and I recall glancing at the dash and where I was gonna kiss it at...and it didn't look good. Well, a last second change (somehow) made us land sideways and I was kinda thrown against the window/door. That right shoulder took almost two years to get to where I could use it again. I'm sure glad we were wearing belts or it'd been a lot worse. It was trying to toss us all over the place. Enough about that...after listening to the complainers not wanting to wear belts (I feel like a crook for saying this)...I should go in the tee shirt business....just paint a diagonal stripe down them which would look like a belt to an oncoming looker (law enforcement). And make a buck off of the hard heads. ohfred
I respond with the local FD and I DO NOT wear a seat belt. I had on video a crash that if the guy had been wearing a seat/shoulde harness he would have been DEAD from decapatation when he went under a semi box trailer. Also worked a crash on a Thanksgiving Night where if a 8 year old had been belted in as required by MO. State Law she would have been DEAD because of a sheard-off utility pole in her lap. The State Highway Patrol used that line of NEVER UNBUCKLING A DEAD PERSON. This was a mis-statment as the Patrol DID NOT do any kind of patient care.
The President of our Fire Board who is also a responder does not wear his seat belt either.
The seat belt law were pushed by the car companys so they would not have to put air bags in. Later they did. MO. enacted seat belt law because GM said you could not be in the running as the location for the new Saturn plant if the state DID NOT have a seat belt law.
On the subject of air bags. If I ever buy a car with them that is the FIRST thing I am disabling. I decided that when I saw the video of the air bags in a car in front of congree. The air bag detonated, IT IS an explosive, an the windshield was broken. I personally DO NOT want to set 6 to 8 inches from an explosive.

x22: i realize and agree with you that you have certain rights within your own property. I disagree with the statement that it does not effect anyone but you. I still see that person that lost control of their pickup, came acroos center median, hit a culvert was ejected into the side of my semi. That has been over 20 years ago and at certain times, I have flashbacks of the scene. Every action has a reaction, good or bad. Personally, I still would have preferred for that man to have been wearing his seatbelt. Can I promise you that he would have survived the accident, no! Please take care James in Ok
I agree with you completely. I wear the #*!!$% things only because I don't want shook down for a fine. I'm sure stories like you tell are basically kept quiet. I think that a seatbelt can in some cases save you, other cases killyou; depending on the manner of the accident. It's a good fund raiser for government funds though. It's a gamble either way; but I think that one should have the right to gamble either way, unharrassed by "Big Brother.
Mr. Bob
In Texas, if you have a note from your Doctor, you don't have to wear it. I have back problems and got my note.. ;) also, there is something about an Agricultural exemption in the rule book.
Click it or Ticket.

Thats what the electronic signs were flashing here over i380 on the weekend of the 4th.
I would not be here to write this if it had not been for that seat belt. Everything in the car was ejected out the drivers side window.

Your view would be different if you had ever been to a junkyard. Ten years ago it was not uncommon for body parts to be left in cars. Scalps hanging from the winshield were normal. Blood, hair, you name it. Go to a 'yard now and you see seatbelts that are damaged beyond repair, deployed air bags, but few body parts. Also pay attention to the occupant compartment of the vehicle. They are rarely intruded upon. 90% of the time in a fatality you can look at the vehicle and honestly say that they would have lived if only if the seat belt had been used.

There is a boy in Belington, WV that is currently fatherless due to his dad trying to get to his game on time, running off the road, flipping his recent 3/4 ton Chevy. He was ejected from the vehicle. The boys grandfather got the privilege of seeing it happen.

I admit that sometimes nothing would have saved the person. But 99.9% of the time it is something simple that would have.

The fine is to cover the expenses of hosing you off the nations freeways.

Just my view,

I have to much time on my hands I guess. I find it very ammusing that 90% of the posts claim they would have been dead if they were wearing belts. And I'm very concerned that in certian parts of the country that EMS & firemen think its not wise to wear belts. I certianly hope all things work out in their part of the world.

I kinda would like to meet everyone who doesn't wear a belt and size up their overall attitudes. Why heck we have folks who are very nice folks that carry oxygen bottles and smoke. They also may choose not to wear belts. I claim to be perfect, but I'm overweight, have skin cancer, but sometimes the bother of wearing a hat or sun screen is to much troubles. Therefore we are all human, and yet we can add to society.

Everyone has a opinion, and a story to tell. But anyone want to talk to the transplant doctors or get on the transplan list? They will tell you the best time to get organs is in motorcycle season. So anyone wanting to not wear a belt for whatever reason, you can take it to your grave. I hope it is a painless trip, and just my opinion, Thanks from all the rest of us if you check the organ donor box. The rest of us may be very thankful for your donation. Biggest problem is if you are thrown from your vehickle the stats in my hometown is you probably will not be alive long enough to harvest anything more than a few less critical organs. I don't doubt anyone elses opinion on belts, but this old hard head will never change what I've witnessed over the years. I've tried in vain numerous times to justify why I drank and smoked as a teenager, did'nt wear a belt, helmet, big hat, or a life jacket.

Our government here in Iowa doesn't have the cahonas to require life jackets ON THE BODY as we refer to it at our fire station up here alone the Mississippi River. They must be just in the boat. And don't even get me started on why we are out dragging for a young child for days when their stupid parents took the jackets off the child for just a few seconds. The parents probably have had their punishment, but I think prison time is needed if they are guilty, and fortunate enough to have a live child in a boat.

It also amuses me how the drunk driving laws in Iowa that were terible at the time seems to keep our fire / EMS departments less busy. If anyone thinks I'm jerking your chain on that one, I can show you the records.

So now that I've ranted, anyone got any ideas how to make me loose weight without the diet / exercise crapolia? Next time I'm going to sit on my skinny old age doctor, cause he realy ticks me off with his ideas! Often I can't understand him because I'm chowing down a crunchy candybar while he is talking to me about weight control. The SOB actualy told me it wasn't hard. He said if you eat meat twice a week, just make it once a week. If I ate ice cream every other week to make it every forth week. Problem is when he looks at me while explaining this his eyes resemble ice cream in a dish! And then often my five candy bars fall on the floor so I'm busy picking them up and don't catch what the heck he might be saying!

Anyway I hope belts or no belts we can continue our posts with respect to others---hope when you read this you are not in a wheelchair or hospital rehab center.
I would agree that not wearing a belt should be an individual choice. HOWEVER, our court system and sue happy individuals have given our government no other choice than to think they need to save us from ourselves.
The way it should work, is if a person doesn't want to wear them and dies because of his/her choice, that would be the end of it. BUT friends and relatives have then gone on and on about it afterwords as if everything is the manufacturers' or the governments' fault.
All choices in life come with rewards or consequences. If we want a free country, don't call your lawyer every time you make a bad choice and loose.
Well...if dad would have had his belt on in his 3/4 ton, he would still be with us.
All I am gonna say about that.
I totally think it should be up to the person's choice... but insurance is voided from personal injury so everybody else doesn't have to pay for that person's stupidity, it comes out of their (and their families) pocket.

Seat belts are used in every from of racing (airplane, car, and boat), I just don't get how people can not think it would apply to their vehicle too.

I am happy to know I have a seat belt to hold me in my truck and an explosive cushin of air to keep me from embedding my teeth in the steering wheel.

My neighbor was killed when his dumptruck rolled on a soft road and threw him out and crushed him, seat belt was not worn.
It must be very lonely when you have no one who cares enough about you to be affected if you never came home.My thought. Peavy
You have wtitten it very well. My 45 year old nephew is too fat and doesn't wear his seat belt.
He even got a waiver from his doctor. Doesn't have any health care and isn't working. Never held a job for any length of time and will inherit
the old home place when my sister dies. I look for him to lose the home for nonpayment of real estate taxes. I quit trying to giving him advice
since he's a know it all. I told him I put seat belts in a new car back in 1959. My sister was in a headon accident when a car crossed the center line. If she had used her seat belts she and the driver would probably have had less serious injuries. Her head went through the windshield. My nephew says she could've burnt up
if the car had caught fire using seatbelts. I said she could've bled to death too from all those injuries. Hal
Been a cop for over 20 years. In addition to my father and sister I can probably cite 25 or 30 other cases where seat belts would have saved a life. I REALLY enjoy going to someones house to tell them their kid/husband/wife is dead because they chose not to wear a seat belt.

As for the original poster- You got caught once and didn't get the message the first time? What? You LIKE paying fines?!
I wear mine because Im trying to se tan example for my kids, but I will say this, the day they make motorcycle riders wear a helmet in each state of the union, will be the day I wear it because I want to. (nothing against riders, just think if I should be made to wear a seatbelt to prtect my life, then they should be made to wear a helmet to protect theirs.)
sound a little bitter. Name calling doesn't help anything. This was addressed to those who hate the government but gladly accept the cash. Like the abundant bumper stickers - Keep you laws off my body - but apply cash freely. It is horrible to be disabled; I work with them everyday. But I think they should be thankful for the government for helping them. So you were injured because you used your seatbelt? If you didn't use it you may be dead. Do you now wish you had not?
Food for thought - why is NASCAR moving towards more restraints and not less restraints for the drivers? Could it be because it is better to decelerate with the vehicle than bouncing around inside? Hmmmmm.

Another point that I'm surprised no one brought up: It's rather hard to maintain what control is left of your vehicle when you are in the back seat or through the windshield. I personally want to make sure I do whatever I can to minimize the harm done to others as well as myself in a crash.

* One out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic crash this year.

* Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among people age 44 and younger and the number one cause of head and spinal cord injury.

* Approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year. About 50 percent (17,000) of these people could be saved if they wore their safety belts.

* More than 90 percent of all motorists believe safety belts are good idea, but less than 14 percent actually use them.

* For every one percent increase in safety belt use, 172 lives and close to $100 million in annual injury and death costs could be saved.

* Safety belts when used properly reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 50 percent and fatalities by 60-70 percent.

* For maximum protection safety belts should be fastened before traveling any distance or speed. Seventy-five percent of crash deaths and injuries occur within 25 miles of home. More than half of all injury-producing motor vehicle crashes involve low speeds under 40 m.p.h.

* Motorists are 25 times are more likely to be killed or seriously injured when they are "thrown clear" than when remain inside their vehicle.

* In a 30 m.p.h. collision an unbelted 160 lb. Person can strike another passenger, crash through a windshield and/or slam into the vehicle's interior with a 4,800 lb. force.

* Motorists can increase safety belt usage by example and verbal reminders. Nine out of 10 people buckle up when asked.

* Safety belt use is one of the best defenses against the unpredictable actions of the drunk driver.

* Today over 25 countries around the world have some type of mandatory safety belt law. Results of these laws were measured; usage rate went from 20-25 percent before passage to 60-90 percent after passage.

* A common cause of death and injury to children in motor vehicles is being crushed by adults who are not wearing safety belts. On out of four serious injuries to passengers is caused by occupants being thrown into each other.

* About 80 percent of all injuries to children in car crashes are injuries to the head, causing brain damage, permanent disfigurement, epilepsy or death.

* Of every 100 children who die in motor vehicle crashes at least 80 would survive if they were properly secured in an approved child safety seat or safety belts.

* Three out of four families with child safety seats fail to use them correctly. Adults need to follow manufacturer's instructions and secure seats properly before every trip.

* An estimated 80 percent of American children area immunized against contagious diseases, but less than 10 percent are properly restrained when riding in a motor vehicle.
Just buried two co-workers ages 21 and 28.They would both still be with us if they had been wearing their seat belts.It wasnt fun going to the funerals.

A friend wasnt wearing his belt and came within a fraction of an inch of being paralyzed for life.He bounced all over his pickup cab doing lots of damage.

Another guy at work end over ended his Toyota PU and wasnt wearing his belt but luckily stayed in.If he had rolled it we would have had another funeral to attend.Hes going to have to have surgery on his back.
I equate the seat belt law with the red light camera law. It is merely a fundraiser for law enforcement. The seat belt law also gives the donut munchers a reason to pull you over without probable cause. They only need to say you weren't wearing your belt in order to stop you. I was stopped by one of these revenue collecting officers recently for violating this ridiculous law. I showed him that my belt was on, had been the whole time and that my passenger would vouch for me. In his holier than thou voice he simply stated that it would be my word against his.

If it was truly a concern for safety as they pretend it is, then for safety sakes motorcycles would not be allowed on the road as they have no air bags or belts.
If seats belts are such a life saver then consider:
Why doesn't school bus kids have to wear seat belts?
Why doesn't public transportation have to wear seat belts?
And the big one, how many are wearing there seat belts when the plane hits the gound? How many people surrive a typical plane crash? nada, zilch, zero, the big goose egg.

My gripe is alcohol. There's never been anything that can compare too the killing effects of alcohol and you don't even have to drive to be a alcohol victm. Do they raise the price of alcohol 10 times the current price tax to curb alcohol consumstion like they do on ciggerates? Why not? Because to many law makers are alcoholics that's why.

So should we also require alcoholics, red light runners, speeders to pay for 100% of there rehibilatation like the ones that want seat beltless folks to do. What's good for the goose is good for the gander is it not!

20% of drivers invloved in accidents each year? Seems awfully awfully high to me. I think that number is artificially inflated.

Out of 30 people in my family, none have been in any accidents in many years. I think I was the last, about 15 years ago.
i do not wear one never have nor do i intend to.got a 22year old cousin who is raising two little kids alone thanks to belts snapped her neck like a twig .was in a wreck myself in 1976 slumped over to drivers window impact drove steering colum over headrest you figure the outcome both ways see which you would want
The answer to your first two questions is the size of the vehicle, and buses typically operate at lower speeds, especially city buses. School buses typically have large padded seats to protect the kids. Check the stats on injuries from bus crashes, it's very low.
As for airplanes, seat belts are needed for turbulence. Seat belts also help in crash LANDINGS, not high angle impacts. The Sioux City Iowa crash was a good example of that. You should know a little about the technology of crashes before you make your arguments.
If you are a passenger in the front of my car when I have to slam on the brakes to miss the neighbors toddler who wandered into the street , where do you suppose you are going to end up???Yea , I know , you would put out your arms and catch yourself. Tell me that while you are trying to pull your head back through the windshield without severing your arteries and bleeding out right there.Shouldn't matter whether it is law or not. Have a buddy drive and do the panic stop test and just see how easy it is to stay out of the windshield. Even if you know it's comming , good luck!I agree with the poster below on the alchahol issue 100%!! Know what's worse yet? Drugs , illegal AND legal ones. When you get stopped they don't even check for this! They won't even take you in for blood or urine tests! If you pass the breathlizer then you are free to go. Can you imagine how many would lose their liscense if they actually checked for drugs?? Alchahol just happens to be the easy one to detact so thats what they go for.I'm sure it was a concious descision on your part to just in the nick if time "slump" over to the drivers window so as to miss the steering column comming at you.Yea,right. There are always the stories on the flaming car from which someone was thrown clear of and lived. You never hear of all the hundreds of cars that aren't even on fire that people are thrown from and died from being rolled over or landing on something hard. As long as everyone has to share the medical expences , either directly or indirectly , then NO it isn't just your right and choice. The roads are publicly owned and it is still a PRIVELEGE to use them and therefore you can't just do as you damn well choose.
Firefighters have done lots of stupid things over the years, riding the tailboard, not wearing SCBS's, using gasoline in training fires, removing the liners from fire turnout gear. So wow, you've seen TWO people who beat the odds. And seat belts were in cars way before airbag technology came into being. Not all emergency people do the right thing, you're proof of that.
Ya, I kinda wondered about that one. Then I thought about my wife the I realized it might not be too far from the truth :p
i am a 110% believer in seat belts, and always wear mine. I believe just as strongly that is none of the damned governments business if I wear it or not.

All it is, is a cash cow for local governments, and another excuse for Barney Fife to pull you over so he can play with his lights.

Do you really think that the money from seatbelt fines even begins to pay for the cost of an officer and the operating expense for the crusier? I'll clue you in, most police departments operate at a loss. In our city, where we charge for EMS transports now, we bring in more money from EMS than the cops do from fines. That's a nice myth about cops fining you for seatbelts to fill the government coffers.
Thanksgiving 2000, I-79/I-68 split in Morgantown. The was a car sitting perpendicular to the road on the berm. There was no apparent damage to the car, but all the windows were down (or busted, not sure). The 5 bodies were strewn 50 yards up the road.

Apparently the were excersizing their god given right not to wear their seatbelts. Thrown clear. Just laying there under those white sheets.

First fatal accident scene I ever witnessed.

Wonder where they were going?

It's my studied opinion that the people participating in this thread will keep the Darwin Awards furnished with winners for 20 years.

And, incidently, do wonders for the gene pool by taking themselves out of it. I also think it should be their choice to do so.

I have the distinction of having once busted a motorcycle helmet, and I wouldn't ride a motorcycle ten feet without wearing one. However, if some individual wishes to have his unprotected and defective brains dashed out on the concrete, why not let him? See my above comment on the gene pool.

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