OT-Poison Ivy


Does this stuff grow in all parts of the US? What are your favorite methods of treating it after you have it. What are the best ways, products to keep from getting it. Poison Oak or Sumac also.
the best thing I have tried is to eat a banana then rub the inside of the peel on it and let it dry,save the rest of the peel so that when it starts itching you can repeat. I used to have a problem with the ivy but now I don't my father told me he isn't bothered by ivy either so maybe we grow out of it. I weedeated alot the other day before I knew it and now I am still fine 3 days later. the banana peel cools it also and relives the itch and helps it dry up (don't ask me how or why)
poison ivy sucks bad but if U get it get some tecnu ivy scrub it is in a toothpast type of tube, it works good and fast, U can pour bleach on it also but man does that but like hell but it will go away. the tecnu stuff works for ivy and oak and sumac also.
that is my 2 cents worth
Lots of poison ivy and oak in the woods of Va, and i get it bad every year.
I've been using "Dermoplast" poison ivy soap after I've been in the woods to wash away the oils, seems to be working so far. I also saw on e-bay a home remedy salve made out of jewelweed that is supposed to cure the rash in 3 days- never tried it tho.
Also- my FIL had "poison ivy pills" that he took in the summer- supposedly contained a trace amount of the poison ivy irritant, and taking it daily allowed your body to build an immunity. Again, never tried it myself.
what every you do, don't burn it- the smoke is just as caustic as contact with the leaves.
the banana trick works well and as for soaps.....if you can find some Fels-Naptha soap like granny used to wash clothes with....they still make it.....wash with it and then work up a lather and rub it on and allow it to dry.....works pretty good.
It grows great in mid Michigan and I used to get it awful as a kid as I am allergic. Even got from the smoke of burning brushpiles once. My whole face was a bed of welts closed my eyes right up. I learned to avoid it but when I have a doubt I wash with the old Felsnaptha soap. If you're out in the woods and you kniow for a fact you touched it you can wash with gasoline too.
What are the best ways, products to keep from getting it. Leaves of three, let them be. David.....
The only way we will ever be free of poision ivy is if someone figures how to get high off of it.

Roundup kills it well though.
I just about have it wiped out on my place.
The best thing I have found,to treat it,was the homemade lye soap my grandmother used to make.
They best thing to treat it with is something that will keep your skin dry ,and bleach also works burns a tad bit but helps clear the oil from your skin .
I've not found RU to kill it permanently. The leaves for a while maybe, but not the plant.

I've killed little vines by spilling gasoline on the leaves. I've killed patches with BrushBgone.

Gerald J.
I'm not allergic to anything that I know of except poison ivy, but I'm so allergic to it that it makes up for all of the other things I'm not allergic to. Every few years I have to go to the doctor to get some steroid because I break out so bad.

In my experience all things that you apply locally are bullsquash. They serve only to stop the itching , but even the lotions with antihistamine don't seem to help the rash.

I've tried about a million things and the only two things I can recommend are:

1) Scrub the HECK out of any exposed skin with a strong soap immediately after you think you may have been in contact with the plant. Facial soaps probably won't cut it, you need to use a type of soap that really dissolves oil like the stuff you probably have in your shop.

2) Take Claratin steadily at the first sign of reaction. Two years ago I did this and it was the first time I a poison ivy reaction and it didn't break out into a huge rash.

As for killing the plant, there is no good way. Gylosulfate (Round Up) will slow it down, but not kill it unless you apply it all summer long (if then). The only way I have found to keep it under control is to cut down all the trees in the area and plant a tall growing grass. If the vine has nothing to climb on the grass will eventually choke it out.
You should shower if you have come in contact with it asap. My late father-in law could have laid down in it and never had it. My wife said she walked through the smoke when they were burning it and the poison had swollen her eyes almost shut when she was young teen. Hal
It's funny, but although we have always had poison ivy around our house, it's never bothered me. I don't deliberately come in contact with it, but I don't go out of my way to avoid it either. I got it very bad when I was a kid and I think I may have developed a resistance to it. A friend of mine who is very sensitive to poison ivy visited us and he broke out just from walking around our yard.

In his book "Stalking the Wild Asparagus", Euell Gibbons talks about immunizing himself from poison ivy by eating small amounts of it every spring. Google brought up an interview with him on this topic from Mother Earth News; I've posted it below. In the interview he mentions that there is an over-the-counter pill you can buy that does the same thing. I've never seen them; I'll have to check the next time I'm in the drugstore.

As a kid, I remember a scoutmaster who said he overcame a serious sensitivity to poison ivy by eating it. "They put me in the hospital for a week and I wished I could die," is what he told me. But he said it fixed his sensitivity.

The other day I mentioned this to a friend. He said he knew someone who told him that he was immune to poison ivy and proceeded to demonstrate it by eating a leaf. He was in the hospital that same day with poison ivy rash inside his throat. So eating poison ivy is NOT something I recommend.

I killed a big patch of it in our yard with Ortho "Brush-Be-Gone".
Euell Gibbons on eating poison ivy
There is a weed called Jewel Weed that grows alongside many streams and wet areas. Rubbing the squashed leaves on the PI affected areas will make it disappear in two days You can also find jewel weed solution in most health food stores. They also have jewel weed soap etc. It works great. Henry
Thanks for all the input. In this part of Virginia it grows everywhere, as a vine or a bush. I have heard the got it bad and am now immune stories but I have had it bad all times in my life in all 4 seasons. Tried the pills Rustox I think is the name but it seemed to make me even more sensitive to the rash. Haven"t tried that Technu yet but am probably going to. Best relief I have is super hot water on the affected area, kills the itch for hours.
Round-up will not kill it around here, Kentucky, but what does a much better job is any herbicide that contains "tryclopyr" more expensive than RU but does a better job.

I have always heard to wash effected area with cold water immediately and strong soap. Warm water will open the pores on your skin.
I have used a product by roundup called Brush/ivy killer, about $35/concentrated quart.
What I do if I get Poison ivy is get a little bit of gasoline on a rag and wipe down the affected area right away. This has worked twice for me, I actually had it bad enough other times where I had to go to the doctor office and get steriod pills.
It is a "brush" you kill it with brush spray, any good 2-4-D based brush killer, add a little surfactant, and some Grazon or Remedy.

As for getting it on your skin. Learn to identify it. Stay away from it. If you do come in contact with it by accident, go home and take a real hot shower, with good soaping. Soap twice, and rinse well and you will have no problems.

never had it until my early 40s guess the immune system is weakening somewhat.diesel fuel kills it out pretty good.as for a treatment all i know is zanfel for itch kind of costly and a ointment called ivy dry works pretty good can get it at most drug stores have had some good results with bleach too. then there are the shots(steroids) and pills prednisone (prescription also a steroid) wish i knew something better i hate to get the stuff

When my wife spots it in her flowerbeds she puts one of those plastic wrappers that the newspaper comes in on her hand and arm and pulls the plant up and sticks them in the trash. I spray the plants in the woods with Round Up concentrate, it takes several days to shrivel the plant up but the juice is still inside and can get on you. It is really thick here in N. Georgia
Technu stops the itch (for me) and it goes away in a day or so.
We have poison oak, there is a relatively safe herbicide (Ammonium sulfamate) that works well on it. Roundup works but only when it is actively growing. 2,4 D also works, but that stuff makes me nervous to be around.
I didn't get it until I was 35 and was walking along a trail lined with it on a warm afternoon. Got it several times, but not in the last few years. Fyi, fresh mangos are related and can cause similar reactions. Cashews too, but the nuts don't seem to cause the rash.
Hey, Henry,
A friend of mine is a bit of an outdoorsman and he told me about Jewelweed as a treatment for poison ivy. He pointed out that jewelweed often grows right alongside poison ivy. He used to make a strong "tea" out of the jewelweed leaves, then freeze it in ice cube trays. When he got poison ivy, he would apply the ice cubes to the affected areas. He swore by it but I never did try it. BTW, when I was a kid we called jewelweed "touch-me-not". When you squeeze the tip of the seed pod it "explodes" spreading the tiny seeds everywhere.
Industrial soap called MarineClean if you get to it ASAP. Gets real bad call medic and get steroid prednisone. Light cases slather on cooked oatmeal. Messy but effective. Let dry and keep on long as you can. Draws out urushiol or something like that.
My Mom said she caught me eating it when I was a small kid. Scared the heck out of her, but maybe it helped make me immune to the stuff. Well, somewhat immune...I've had it twice in my life and guess where it was at...between my legs if you get my drift. I just left it alone and smiled.
Daughter would get it when she was younger and her face would swell up till she had to go to the emergency room and get shots. They told us as she grew older it would kinda ease up. ohfred

I looked up the MSDS for Technu, and the active ingredient is descented mineral spirits. Other ingredients include soap, and water.

I mix my own now, and mine works just as well as the real Technu, and for 1 tenth the price!
Extremely allergic to any poison vines. I've gotten it off old hedge posts that had the vines on them years ago.

The docs have told me over the years that once the resin is on, you've got about 15 minutes to get it off before your system picks it up...nothing you can do after that..bleach will burn the pus bubble off but the stuff is still workin on you.

Ivy block plus long sleeved shirts, and avoiding it are the best things for me to do.

-edit to add, Calamin lotion helps me control the itch and dries out the blisters.

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