Illinois girls are tough.


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My wife works at Childerns Hospital of Phila.A co-worker is a 23 year old grad student from Ill.She heard my wife talking about bailing hay and she offered to help.When my wife told me about her I said "Don't let her get away". She came home with my wife on Friday night.She and I unloaded 2 loads of hay.She stayed over night,and,on Saterday we bailed just over 750 bails. By the end of the day it was all in the barn.I did have 2, 14 year old boys helping.The young ladys name is Emma and I don't think the 2 boys could have kept up with her if she was to press them. Emma did a great job.
Funny, the brother in laws(as of sat. night)fiance is from S. Dakota and is named Emily, same thing with her. My neighbors wife helped him unload 2 hay racks tonight, each with 160+ bales weighing close to 60# each. She just said give me a beer and lets go get two more quick. Contrary to what you would think they are also both smoken "Hot". My wife is a farm girl as well but she doesnt do the hay thing.
That's the beauty of having a 17 year old daughter- always a few teenage boys sniffin' around that I can have heave hay or hold something while I weld!
Neighbor stopped by yesterday morning and had two wagons he was looking to put someplace since he is starting to run out of storage space. I stacked in the loft and it about did me in for the rest of the day. Had to find jobs/projects that did not require much physical work.

I am not in the worst shape, but that kind of stuff works different muscles in ways we are not acclimated to. Course I am pushing 50 too.

Have a good day,

Smartest thing we ever did was hire the neighborhood hottie as a "nanny" during the summer- When we wanted a crew, just told her how many and what time as we left for work, and the boys would be there when we got home. She served cold drinks at the breaks, to kind of keep the interest level up. It helped that the local football coach was also a farmer, and the players could substitute, hour for hour, time they spent bucking bales for required hours lifting weights and conditioning. Made for a real willing work force.
I baled for a friend a few days ago, little over 1000 bales there was a young lady there named hannah, outworked all of the young lads there, had a smile on her face each time she came out to switch wagons. I later found out that she had just had her appendix out a week before.
Sounds about like my better half but shes a Ohio girl. Baling last year she was outworking my younger brothers friends and she loads wagons for her grandpa so she gets a lot of practice. Granted it was only about 500 bales that day.

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