O/T Let us pray


Well-known Member
Hello all,
I am sitting here tonight after reading a couple of news stories online and I just had to ask if you would all pray with me for our country, our world and our future. I'm seeing so much around the past few days and its really getting alarming.
I have been letting myself slip over the past year or so and I know I have to get myself back right as well.
We as a country and a world need to get God more back into our daily lives. I believe alot of the problems we are having today is the result of God being put second or third or even farther back in our lives.
I hope you will all join with me in praying for our country and our world and for those who might write negative comments about my post, you are the ones who should pray the hardest.
We need Gods help and blessings daily and I for one am going to start getting myself back in shape spiritually, its probably not going to all happen over night but I'm going to work on it.
Thanks to all and God Bless us all
You know I agree with all you say. I just wonder sometimes if, with 200 TV channels, satellite radio, 24 hour CNN, etc. If we just get overwhelmed, when in the old days, the same stuff was happening, we just didn't know it. And I dont mean the same stuff, but kinda the equivalent for the times.

I know things are truly worse, teen pregnancy, HIV, gay marriage, etc.

Sure makes you wonder doesn't it?

I do not always live as I should, but I love, respect and fear our Almighty God. Our country has turned it's back on God, and we are starting to see the results.. What amazes me are the people that deny, mock , and ridicule God, and then can go to sleep at night.. I only hope that they can see the Light and Repent, before it is too late..

Our country is going to see some difficult times, and God is the only way to get through them.
The govment's plannin a hostile takeover around election time. We can try to fend em off but they've had practice. I be prayin too!!
I agree with you. Just look at the people of California who voted a majority not to have gay marriage in their state and their state judges ruled against them and tossed it out. That's just one of the many moral issues facing this country today. A lot of people don't see how moral decline affects every day life.
after 9 11 there was bumper stickers every where that said GOD Bless America they should have read America Bless GOD. Gary I will indeed join you. ask your self was GOD trying to wake us up?
Amen, bro. I do not feel worthy under him, I really do not, because I have helped no one.

Oh WOE it be to those who think life goes on without him! They're blind... or they just don't care.
The state judges were right, discrimination is a bad thing regardless of what the public thinks or excuse that's used to cover it up with.
I think I'm going to be sick...

Nice speech Gary I'm sure the suicide bombers were thinking the same thing when they were pushing the button. Look around, God being held first is the cause of a lot of the problems. Otherwise those kids would be more concerned about getting laid, their school work, or even their career. Religious fervor has been the root of some of the worst nightmares in human history, nevermind current events or even this thread. How about getting rid of the God excuse and believing in each other. More understanding, acceptance, useful action, and less intentional blindness might be a good thing.
Since when? Religion in public schools, ten commandments on public land, Old monikers of God in everything, abortion clinic harrassment and murdering of doctors, and I won't get into the marriage thing and you think america has turned its back on God? It's never really been all that gone, just beaten back a bit, but we really need it gone before we kill each other over it. Religion and democracy are not compatible just like capitalism and democracy aren't. Two are dictatorships one isn't, guess which one isn't and its not religion.

If you've lived in the world at all you'd realize if there is a god the mock and ridicule is well deserved. And deny, or even just don't know or don't believe. When you grow into an adult you leave behind childish things. You become more than what you're taught and reason for yourself, learning independently. The evidence of the world speaks for itself.

Truth is your comment is scary because that same point of view also exists in the middle east. It's why we are having so much trouble.
I'm agreeing with you Gary in TX. I think we're in for a tough row to hoe. Also think this might turn into some kind of poll.
A man who does not wonder about all the wonders of the earth is stupid.Night and day, the seasons, rainfall,a sun to warm the earth, plants that grow to feed us,cattle that can live on grass.Which came first the chicken or the egg?A human baby is helpless for a long time. No one has all the answers.When I plant corn and potatoes I am doing what god intended for me.Goverments are the problem.What man would leave the comforts of his wife, home, children and farm to go and be slaughtered in warfare if not forced to by so called leaders.I do not have any particular brand of religion but do beleive in the creator of all life.
The best thing to do is turn off the TV or radio. God gave you the power to make decisions. You are getting a very one-sided view of things from the slanted media and you need to take some action on your own. Again, God gave you a mind and the ability to use it.
There's nothing wrong wiht prayer until it turns into a "Woe is me." whine.
Praying and all that is good, I do it myself, but the best thing is to turn off the g*&^&#@%$@#! news. The news wallows in tragedy and general negativity. Especially TV news. They have been predicting doomsday for centuries it is a growth industry that never goes away. For example, I'll bet it loked like the end of the world in the 1930's, our economic system appeared to have failed, crazy weather, dust storms, etc. dictatorships in Europe, a world war coming on and all the predictions were that the next war would end civilization, etc, but we made it thru that and had good times since. good ol; American grit (with help from God) saw us thru,. No sense crossing fences that aint been strang up yet, just cross 'em as we come to 'em and keep the faith.

I commend you for boldly coming forward and encouraging others to get back the good graces of God. For those that think God is the reason for people going wrong, "WRONG ANSWER" the one that leads people astray is Satan. I agree with you 100% on this subject. Only one was perfect and He died for our sins that we might have a relationship with our Father in Heaven.

God does answer prayers.

I just completed an 8 state 4,143 mile road trip mainly all the way up from Arizona to montana and back. Let me reassure you what I saw of rural America looks good and the people I talked to were all good folks. So as we head into our Fourth of July weekend lets all sing out.

If you happen to read this, I have one question I'd like your viewpoint on. When you die, if you find out there is a God, and he asks you why He should allow you into his heaven, what would your reply be? When I die, if I find out there is no god, no heaven, no hell, I really don't loose anything having lived my life expecting to meet an Eternal Creator. But when you die, if you find out there truly is a God (which you will find out), you'll be in a position to loose everything by spending eternity in a place where many will be, but NO ONE will enjoy. Just something to think about. I wasn't going to reply to this post, but I feel like this is something you may want to consider.
I am with you 100% Gary. The Lord has blessed my family and I so much,but sometimes you fail into the trap of taking it for granted. I agree that world world affairs as well as U.S affairs are in a mess. This is speaking in reagard to government. However, if you believe the bible, it predicts terrible things to come in the end times. I don't know if these are the end times are not. It also states that Satan has been given power over the earth(John 1;13,14;30) The bible also calls Satan "the god of this age" (2 Cor 4:4). With that said, bad things are going to happen. Believers must help and encourage each other as well as spread the Good News to those who don't know and pray for those who don't believe. OK, there's my soap box sermon for the day. You boys have a good day and god Bless America!
Problem with listening to the news is sometimes it is more shock value entertainment than actual news.

I say a prayer anyways.
If anyone has any doubts about the state of the union, read II Timothy chapter three. It accurately depicts what we have today in the US. Nuff said Henry
In the late 30's and at the start of WW2 our country was united everyone was working together. Now we have people going in two different directions, and actually dividing our country. Just look at some of the decisions being made by state judges. calif. is a good example. When God is out of the big picture this is what happens. Stan
Paul - as a man of logic and reason, how do you explain the fact that it has been statistically proven by at least 4 leading mathematicians, (one being Murray from MIT) that the possibility of life simply "happening" is statistically impossible.

Another scientist, forgive me I don't remember his name, did a study on the earth's magnetic field. Records on the magnetic field have been kept for over 100 yrs. These records have absolutely shown the magnetic field is decreasing at an exact rate. Once you know that, then you can accurately determine what the magnetic field was 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, etc. This scientist extrapolated the field back 6,000 years and determined that more than 6,000 years ago the field would have been so strong, life could not exist.

Another example - I'm sure you've heard scientists speak of carbon dating. Every element has a deterioration time frame called a "half life". Granite contains an element whose half life is such, that if the earth were more than 6,000 years old, it would not exist.

Lastly, the qualities you propose we exhibit to each other are all God-like qualities which He asks us to use with each other.

Yes, you are correct that religious fervor has caused a great deal of woe. But, if you study these carefully, you will find that what those people did in God's name was their idea and did not follow God's teachings. Only Allah demands that those who do not believe in him be put to death. God's words states that if someone will not hear His word, we are to walk away and take His message elsewhere.
Paul - as a man of logic and reason, how do you explain the fact that it has been statistically proven by at least 4 leading mathematicians, (one being Murray from MIT) that the possibility of life simply "happening" is statistically impossible.

Another scientist, forgive me I don't remember his name, did a study on the earth's magnetic field. Records on the magnetic field have been kept for over 100 yrs. These records have absolutely shown the magnetic field is decreasing at an exact rate. Once you know that, then you can accurately determine what the magnetic field was 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, etc. This scientist extrapolated the field back 6,000 years and determined that more than 6,000 years ago the field would have been so strong, life could not exist.

Another example - I'm sure you've heard scientists speak of carbon dating. Every element has a deterioration time frame called a "half life". Granite contains an element whose half life is such, that if the earth were more than 6,000 years old, it would not exist.

Lastly, the qualities you propose we exhibit to each other are all God-like qualities which He asks us to use with each other.

Yes, you are correct that religious fervor has caused a great deal of woe. But, if you study these carefully, you will find that what those people did in God's name was their idea and did not follow God's teachings. Only Allah demands that those who do not believe in him be put to death. God's words states that if someone will not hear His word, we are to walk away and take His message elsewhere.
All, The Declaration of Independence reads of a government of the people by the people and for the people. How can judges change what the people have spoken on? It also says we are endowed by our Creator, last I checked that was The Lord God.Our founding fathers believed in God. They also did not want a state run church. The state should not interfear with the church. We all should be praying for this country, our leaders,others who are brought to mind. I know I could do a better job of this. Thanks for reminding me. I`ll start now thanks, John
We will pray for you Paul.
If you actually study the word, (follow) and (practice) its teachings the doubt will leave your mind.

Romans 10:17
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God
The problems we are having today are caused by PEOPLE (human beings)who most Christians believe were put on earth by God. God also gave these people the ability to think, reason, make decisions, both good and bad. The trouble is, t some of these people make some pretty bad decisons that cause trouble.
And I'm not going to take this any further and risk starting a religious war by getting crosswise of some overly fervent members of certain denominations. I just feel that humans cause our problems and that praying about it isn't going to do anything to help the situation.
""Another scientist, forgive me I don't remember his name, did a study on the earth's magnetic field. Records on the magnetic field have been kept for over 100 yrs. These records have absolutely shown the magnetic field is decreasing at an exact rate. Once you know that, then you can accurately determine what the magnetic field was 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, etc. This scientist extrapolated the field back 6,000 years and determined that more than 6,000 years ago the field would have been so strong, life could not exist""
That's why dinosaurs were so big back then, so they could overcome the gravitation pull.
Times are tough for a lot of folks but....God is still at the helm and people are still sinners.
In 5 months from now we are going to pick a president. You get 2 choices. Either a old white guy that trys to look 55 (not 70) and the other choice is a half breed African, with a terrorizing name.
I respect Mccain for his Vietnam record, but the elephants should have picked someone better.

The main problems with the USA are:

1. Taxes are too high, Federal, state, local.
2. Fuel costs are too high, due to greed.
3. The debauchery in the movies, on the net
and in magazines makes decent people sick.
4. The USA is being desensitized to Homos,
Abortion and Multiculturalism.
5. People want uncle sam to bail them out and
not be responsible for anything.
(no accountablity)
6. Everyone in the USA needs to turn their
face to GOD and repent.
It sickens me to see what this country has become.
When I was a kid prostitution was illegal, Gambling was only done in Vegas and commiting perjury was a felony. Now all you have to do is look in the phone book for a *ooker, Gambling is everywhere and politicians lie under oath--Real sad. Abortion was illegal (until 1973) and being a homo was a total abomination. But now the homos flaunt their disgusting behavior all over the TV, Abortion is on demand--they take Visa/Mastercard.
I hope the rapture happens soon.
Since the nature of blessings is that they are passed from the greater party to the lesser party, there is no way that America can bless God...unless you're saying that America is greater than God.

Jacob/Israel, before he died, pronounced a blessing on each of his sons; not the other way around. Jacob received a bl;essing from Isaac that was rightfully Esau's to receive. Neither Jacob or Esau pronounced a blessing upon Isaac. These are not the only examples of how the blessing flows from the greater to the lesser, but these are a quick example of how it works.
36 Coupe - Very respectfully. There is no draft. Everyone that is in the military now and in harms way, God bless them, has volunteered to do so. No one has forced them to do what they believe in. And I think it demeans their sacrifices to say they were forced by economic reasons, or any other, to do what they are doing.

Best wishes.
Gun guru,you said it,the Rapture!!I believe America is under final judgement,don't make any long range plans!!!
I'll be the one to say it. Paul, you're pathetic and don't belong here. Go away. We have become overly-tolerant as a society, and I think that is a big part of our problems. Politically correct thinking has replaced common sense thinking. Some things you know are wrong, and shouldn't try to make right. You don't believe in God, and you don't believe in the Constitution, and you will find none here who agree with you. Go spread your filth elsewhere, we need it not.
And we thought the Indians were backward when we took it over maybe we need to take it back no matter who you feel our maker is.IMHO
Hey IndianaRed,Paul has just as much right to be here as anyone else,reguardless what he believes!!I hope he might hear a word that would touch his soul and instill some faith that will minister to him or anyone esle who would read these posts!
some of you people remind me of the old All IN THE FAMILY sitcoms with Archie Bunker. I guess you all had better pray for me also if it makes you feel any better. nuf said
Men have been forced into battle since the beginning of time,The no draft bit is nuts.During the civil war you could pay someone to go in your place.The romans and the british used the draft.To defend our country on US soil is a different matter .Getting your legs blown off to protect oil company profits is another matter.Ask why US troops have presence all around the oil producing countries.
Paul The pastor of our church said one time he has been around a lot of people as they take their last breath. Some of the non believers go screaming. some of the believers leave with a smile on their faces. I wonder if they see something that is waiting for them? Something to think about. I will leave with a smile on my face. stan
I don't know what the future holds,but I know who holds the future!

God and the scientist:
God is sitting in heaven when a scientist says to him,
Lord, we don't need you anymore! Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning.
Oh, is that so? tell me...replies God.
Well, says the scientist, We can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breate life into it,thus creating man.
Well that's interesting. Show me.
so the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.
Oh no,no,no,...interrups God,
( I love this) Get your own dirt.
here here! My trip was not as long, but it went a LONG way in reconfirming to me that the fundamental principles of Christianity are still out there, and that MOST folks in this country will behave in an altruistic fashion when the chips are down......
As for the rest, well.... well let God sort 'em out in His chosen time, but well pray for 'em and mission to them none-the-less
There is no draft today. It's been 7 years since 9/11, 5 years since we went into Iraq. Everyone in uniform today enlisted of their own free will, or reenlisted, since all this started. Many have volunteered to return. How have they been "forced" to go? Explain that please. And don't changed the subject.
I, repsectfully, disagree. His attitudes are what is wrong with this country, and I for one will call a spade and spade, with no hesitation or remorse. 40 years ago a person would be ashamed to say these things out loud.
"How can judges change what the people have spoken for"... reminds me of the little social security card I got as a young person. On the card it says "not for identification". Right.
Do you know that for sure? What sources did you use to come to this conclusion?

I sir would much rather take the chance that there is a God (which there is), than to live life assuming there isn't and then find out there is. Hell is not where I wish to spend eternity.

Have you ever read the Bible?????
They also didn"t want a church run state. The church shouldn"t interfere with the state.
Your bias is showing. Don"t stop using your religion to beat up on people you disagree with. It"s wonderful when you realize you haven"t learned a meaningful thing in fifty years of cultural change. May the rapture of religious zealotry begin.
Our country and the rest of the world has plenty of problems, but there are also a lot of good things all around us that we need to make sure we don't forget about. A man could write an article based on the current state of the US, world, etc... that makes the state of things look like Hell on earth, and then could turn around and write another that makes it seem like paradise and both articles would be the absolute truth. It's all about perspective. As far as the doomsday stuff goes, I don't know if we are headed that way or not, and nobody else does either. I will agree wholeheartedly with the originator of the thread, though, that we need to pray more and focus on God. If we do that, a lot of the other issues will be taken care of.
I agree with Paul and Jay. And am proud to stand with them and all the things this country was founded on. Freedom of religion is part of the constitution, and that means we don't all have to believe in the same thing to stand together. Pray all you want or not. If I stand before a god at some point I sure will be pleasantly surprised.
Nancy you skipped alot opposing information for your few weak proofs.

1. Who says we didn't come from somewhere else? Statistics are only good at telling us more about what we already know and it's accuracy is completely dependent on how much we know. We know very little about the universe and only a little more about our own solar system and our own world. Viewpoints, boundries, and methods can also affect the results. I won't get into independent methods and findings that support the results that make it little more than conjecture.

2. Magnetic measurements for 100 years only tells us what has happened in those hundred years using what crude measurements we had up until recently. Projecting forward or back is not a certainty and doesn't take into effect of pole reversals or even simple shifts, material in the crust affecting the measurements, and solar causes.

3. I think your missing the meaning of half-life. Besides according to your own statement, if accurate, its just an element in granite, which is made up of several. If that element disappears the rest will go along just fine. Carbon dating also set the destruction of the dinosaurs, and the asteroid that was part of the cause, 65 million years ago. And the coming of humans to america thirteen thousand years ago. There has been a finding of even older, around 14,000 years ago (npr today). Kind of puts a few hole in the 6000 year earth history idea.

4. "God-like qualities"? Did you ever think that they're human qualities and that maybe we call them 'god-like' is because we want to see more of them.

5. The people that followed those individuals knew right from wrong and it didn't stop them from doing what they did in the name of God. Read the old testament, cities were destroyed for not believing in god among other things. I won't get into Noah and the flood. And Allah means "god" in arabic.

6. Now I have one for you. Notice we are having to worry about old diseases(tuberculosis,staff,etc) that older anti-biotics no longer work on. The anti-biotics haven't changed, the disease has, one for evolution. And it happened right in front of us, caused by us I might add.
History is kind of like evolution except when I see threads like this and think more toward de-evolution. By the way, if you won't ask the government for a handout then why ask god? And what about god's plan, if you pray for something and get it then what does it do to this supposed six thousand year old plan?(god's plan reference from George Carlin-doesn't make it less accurate)

There's a whole mountain of evidence of what really goes on right in front of us every day, don't ignore it just because it doesn't jive with your beliefs.I'm not trying to be insulting, just seen enough pain caused by people with the viewpoints in this thread to be blunt. Oh, just ask the early indians about mercenaries walking away when they told us no, if you can find any. Or nnalert during the inquisition. Just remember the winners write the history and we as individuals or as a people tend to see the world as we want to see it and not as it is.

By now, I doubt you'll see this as it's so far down the forum list but I thought should respond anyway.
Actually, due to gravity animals would have to be small or be crushed by their own weight. And yes I caught the joke.

Her comment though was magnetic fields and remember that's life to our point of view and are we so sure that life can't exist in high magnetic fields. Just because we haven't seen it doesn't make it true, we discover new life every so often where we didn't think possible.(Mars showing possibilities)
Besides, who says our definition of life is the only one?

"Jolly joke." -- Sgt Schultz
1,2, and 5 have some merit.
3. is just a joke.
4. Stop discriminating, besides who has fewer abortions than Homos? They have been around a lot longer than america, this discrimination is bad and going on too long. Abortion is the womans choice, its her body regardless of whats in it. If you'd stop harrassing clinics and killing doctors you might see your own hypocrisy. And multicultureism, nonsense, why do you think this country is called a melting pot.
6. Oh so now you're asking god for a bailout.
You sicken me.
When I was a kid things happen where ever and when ever you could get away with it. Prostitution, gambling, and politicians commiting perjury has always been happening. Just look at the McCarthy era for examples or even farther back. And let's not forget the 1920's.
I wonder how many women died or were injured getting illegal abortions through the ages, especially right before it became legal. It also isn't a new thing, almost as old as prostitution.
There are two buttons on the tv, one changes the channel and the other turns it off. No one's forcing you to watch.
I hope the rapture gets you too and don't forget the family so the rest of us can move forward to a better future.
I guess you are not a Chrisian huh?
To educate you a little bit.....Multiculturalism means in simple terms, nnalert and non-Chrisitians infecting America with bad Ideals and turning people away from God.
Crooks have been robbing banks since banks existed, its still wrong. Then and now.
End of arguement.
Dosent matter if the there is no draft today.I talking about the millions of men who have been slaughtered in the name of National pride.I worked for a vet who was on a navy ship during the Normandy invasion.He went ashore with supplies after the heavy fighting stopped.He said it looked like the entire US Army was lying there dead.He said many men drowned,never got to the shore.I lost a relative in the Korean police action.I would have been drafted into the Vietnam mess,my children were born in 59 and 60. They didnt draft men with children.A friend who was there said be glad you missed that one.He lost his hearing, got cancer from agent orange and got screwed when he needed medical care,It took 6 months to get new hearing aids .

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