What do you carry on your tractor to dispatch rabbits

I have a sweet browning semi-auto 22. How many gun owners are there on this forum. The supreme courts decision is the biggest news story right now and will last a long time. Please don't delete this . Just wondering whether i'm in the minority. Farmers and guns kind of like farmers and tractors, farmers and livestock, farmers and hats, we gots alot of them. LOL
Have a great day!!

Onboard - Carry a Marlin Mod. 60 - .22lr

Yes, the Heller decision is the biggest news in gun ownership today. But, the war is not over! It takes vigilence and determination to prove to the liberals that gun owners are RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS and just a bunch of "nuts".
Also keep in mind that 2 justices are due for retirement over this next elected presidential term - ie. if the Citizens of the USA enjoy ALL of the freedoms afforded to us via the US Constitution then we should vote accordingly come this November. The vote on Heller vs. Washington DC was won by ONE vote...5:4 and even the text from the decision did not spell out that DC was completely wrong...Stay tuned..we may have won the battle but we have not won the WAR.
If i read your post just as you typed it, I would agree that as a abundant myself, you might be responsible and still be nuts. Ive never seen the need to tote a gun on a tractor for rabbits or anything else and the image of guy in the original post blasting his gun from the tractor leaves me honestly frightened. there, sure to be interesting replys to this till the whole thing gets pulled.
my 7-ft sickle mower jumps the rabbits.

While raking hay a few weeks ago I came upon a fox that had no fear. I saw that it had mange. Had to go to house and dispatch with my Savage varmint riffle. I have to dispatch groundhogs more - 3 just last week. Don't like banging into big holes and hills with hay equipment. Rabbits don't really bother me.
years ago when we had ground hog problems, i had an old single shot bolt action 20 ga shotgun. that worked pretty good to get rid of em. but now with all the coyotes around here, rarely ever see a ground hog, only rabbits you see are in town. my neighbor ran a skunk thru the jd sts combine last fall, whew did that bugger stink. then last week he got another skunk with the batwing. mower is still parked behind the shed!!!!
I like the Supreme court outcome also. Isnt it funny that the court was split 5/4 in favor of gun rights. 5 Elephants and 4 jackasses.
I hope that the court ruling will be one more nail in the coffin of the gun-ban, gun-hating crowd.

About 80 million gun owners in the USA
And about 300 million guns in the USA.
Try to ballistic check, register, serialize all of them---They cant.
Sometimes when mowing 'down in the bottom', a rabbit or field rat may get 'flushed out'.

I rely on 'REX' one of many of our resident red-tailed hawks to help 'dispatch' these critters.

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On more than one occasion REX and others have followed me while I was mowing.

Last Monday afternoon one of them flew over the 'bottom' where I was mowing and perched in a nearby tree.

I rely on my dad's 45 caliber pistol as a 'side arm' to 'dispatch' the possible wild hog.
As a kid growing up in the 70s I can remember dad always carried a 22 to get rabbits and pheasants. Mostly carried it in the fall combining corn. He would section the field off and get them all coralled in the last few row. He'd only shoot a few for dinner. Mind you there were 7 of us little ones to feed.
Don't believe farmers made much money back then either. I know we were poor but at the time didn't know it. When i got back to minnesota to look around i know we were poor. But never went hungry!!!! Alot of fillers in the meals back then. I think we had goolosh at least once a week. God i hate goolash!!
The image of blasting off a tractor and slaughtering them all across the field is ridiculous. We kill food back then and i still do today. Everyone of us do just some of us hire it done for us. I butcher a cow everyother year and a couple of pigs and a few chickens everyyear. so does everybody else in this country, like i said some of us just hire it done , packaged neat at Walmart, then we don't have to think about it.
By the way I say grace at the table one for God and i also thank the animal for it's life so i may live.
Like i said at the top I had a wonderful life as a kid on the farm. Wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world.

BTW didn't want this to be political at all .

I've got guns,lots of em,and aint nobody especially some slick govment loving pension getting abundant agettin my shooters.Hitler took all guns and reading material from the public when he took over so no one could shut him down once he got going.Looked like that was the way this country was going.They have pretty much sold us out to overseas money to make themselves richer at our expense.This govt. cannot mind their own buisness and wants to take over the world.Hang on to your shooters,if not for yourselves for future generations.I know I ranted but I get riled at times!Viet Vet,,,Hoss
Around 'here', hunting from........or shooting from........ a vehicle, including a tractor, combine, etc. will get you a serious fine from the Wildlife Resources Agency.........from a judge, actually, but WRA enforces the laws.
Ruger MK II .22 with 10" bull barrel and target sights. Ignore rabbits, but hate the grounhogs, etc. because of the holes they make. Shoot hte occasional mangy fox or coyote too. Healthy ones don't get within .22 range.
I put a post on early this morning about the ruling. All it had was that the Court had ruled it was our constitutional right to own guns. I put no opinion, didn"t ask for any, it was just fyi and it got deleted from the forum.
I don't carry a gun on the tractor. Often wish I had one when walking--always see cats when I don't have a gun. I too have several shotguns, rifles, and handguns. Like the ruling, but 5-4 shows how close the liberals came to usurping the 2nd amendment. Should scare the pajabbers out of all of us, whether gun owners or not. Lock up the violators; I'm not a whipping boy for society's inability to deal with the criminal element.

Larry in Michigan
5 GOOD American Judges; 4 PINKO COMMUNIST anti-gunners. This decision gives me still a little hope for our nation. Like someone else posted, this drove another nail in the coffin of the gun=control nutcases. I, for one, will help driveany and as many of these "nails" as I can.
I spend a lot of time in the woods harvesting firewood. I'm always "accompanied" with one of my 2 .38 special snubnoses, or my trusty ol' .45 automatic. I'm a God fearin', patriotic, law-abiding citizen. Someone who, with out any provocation, seeks to disarm me must either severly maim, kill me, or loose their life in their effort.

Mr. Bob
Maw Brady will be dusting off Brady's suit and set him out to the world to see once more. Just how much does she get for every show??

$10 410 that looks like a gate pole holder works just fine for rabbits.
To whom it may concern:

Nancy has several guns and rifles.

Nancy knows how to shoot her guns and rifles.

Nancy also made me post this message at gunpoint!
Wish I would have had something when I ran over a deer two years ago with a tractor. City limits, though, and cops don't understand.
Don't usually carry anthing on the tractor, but I keep an old reliable 12ga single shot in the barn for groundhogs. Since I started doing that I haven't seen a one. Before I saw one within range once a week. Go figure. P.S. Just renewed my CCW today.
aint no government gonna take this boys guns away( thats because I dont have one, I dont need one, I dont want one) guns dont scare me, people with guns dont scare me, however your posts DO scare me
This is probably gonna hurt but I'll post it anyway.

Around here Ole Red might get the lead.

Ain't much fun going hunting for rabbits and qual or any other small game and see one of them sitting on a power line.

I think the qoute is S-S-S.
Most of the time when I am on the tractor, I don't take the time to shoot rabits. There are not that many round here anymore anyway. Some times if I am working in hay on the back side of the place I will put a Ruger P95 in the tool box or put the 30-30 behind the seat for song-dogs. Some times when I am disk'n and feel'n froggy I will carry a Ruger Mark II on tractor and plink black birds.

I will say this, I got married June 6th. The day we got married some one stole 150 gallons of diesel out of the tank at the house. With me have'n to work every other night, I got spooked wife got mad. She had shot with her dad when she was a kid and was not scared of guns. She wanted to learn how to shoot one of my guns to keep around while I'm at work. She went though and shot every gun I had. Was not comfortable with the pistols, shot gun kicked too much, 10-22 did not make enough noise, 243 was to slow. So I went to the truck and got out the mini 14. She shot it one time and said she liked that, what did she have to do to shoot it again. I said just pull the trigger, she did and said sweet. Wanted to know how fast it would shoot and I said as fast as she could pull the trigger, She un loaded the last 28 in about 20 seconds. She liked that, only problem was she could not see the ghost ring very well in the dark. Whats a man to do when your wife likes a mini14 and wants to use it to defend her property at night? Thats right, tracers ain't cheap but peace of mine is priceless. I made sure to call all my friends and family to tell them to call before they come over anytime after dark!!!!!!

Well I asked on here a while back what people use for a truck gun, guess I need a new one. Anyone one here ever had any dealings with a PC9?

Don't carry anything on the tractor. Around here, that's a good way to lose your gun. And your tractor. And whatever you have hooked on the back.

Besides, if I DID carry something on the tractor, it wouldn't be for rabbits. The bears I see at least once a week do a lot more damage.
Might want to read a little history; first disarm the populace, second disarm (control) the press, then force the people into submission. Germany, Uganda, Nicarauga(sp?), Venezuela, Cuba, China, IRAQ, want more ?? Check Amnesty International and see where the human rights are most abused.

Our town of Kennesaw, Ga passed a law back in '85 that anyone living in the city had to own a gun.Not heavily enforced but home break-ins are very rare and some years we have zero murders. Population now is about 17,000. I live in the country and most of my neighbors own guns as I do.
Town of 17,000 and there are only "some" years when you don't have any murders?

Closest city here has 50,000 and hasn't had a murder in over a decade.
He's pullin' yer leg - I don't have him at gunpoint. He's right that I still have several guns. I still have my 30-06 mauser bolt action deer rifle with Leopold 3x10 variable scope, 20 ga, .22 rifle with banana clip, S & W 41 mag with 8in nickel plated barrel & walnut grip (gift from my dad), .22 derringer with 9 shell clip (used to be my dad's) and James keeps the .45 in the bedroom. I had a Winchester 12 ga. varichoke, that I let the x keep when we split and a Remington 12 ga. auto that I later sold - wish I hadn't done that.

At the farm, we have his dad's 12 ga., his dad's .45 and a beretta (cal unknown).

So I guess we are well armed. I seriously doubt if this country will ever be invaded through Texas or Louisiana.
My 15' batwing seems to get plenty of them.

Yes.. supreme court finally got one right.. was bound to eventually happen at some point in history.

It looks like I am going to have to carry some kind of gun on my regular Morning hikes. I live in the appalachian Mts. and hike about a mile each AM in the woods. My farm is fairly isolated. In the past 5 years, I have had the occasion to run upon 5 bears in all. Some have been at a distance and others I have startled and they ran off tearing down bushes as they ran. Yesterday me and my two dogs were on the same trail we take everyday when we rounded a deep curve. Because of the curve we found ourselves face to face about 50 ft. from the biggest, fatest, heavyset black bear I have seen in those woods. The Bear, the dogs and I were all startled at first and nobody moved for several seconds. The dogs were even quiet as mice. We looked at the bear for several seconds and he just stood ther looking at us. He did not run. Finally he moves and starts walking. Not in the other direction but towards us. He was not charging , but just walking and sniffing. I dicided it was time to do something besides just stand there. I jumped in the air and started clapping my hands and yelling. That made the dogs start barking and running towards him. With all the commotion he turned and took of like a bullit with the dogs causiously chasing him. I called them off because I thought he might turn and smack them silly. I am sure keeping a closer eye out for those black buggers from now on when we take those trails.
Well the question was what you carry on the tractor.Lets put it as simple as I can my great grand dad had the first tractor in madison county up till then it was all by horse, any way he brought a H&R handy gun leagel [last one made 1932] you have to understand it was to put food on the tabel and that's what it did. My grandfather used it him self as I've have but the gov. said these are illegel. But it was carryed on a tractor and used by my forfathers and myself. OMG
It is not a law that you have a gun here, just most do. We have not had a murder conviction in the county in over 40 years,,,,,,,,,,

Don't know if it has more to do with the guns, people, or law enforcement,,,,,,,
I love it here anyway. Would not live anywhere else.
Well by golly, out of 30 posts only a few that choose not to understand how us farmers were raised. I'm always interested in other peoples lives. My door is always open to anyone that wants to see what it's all about.
Million of ads run everyday for the city people ,, move to the country, fresh air, get your own 5 acres, your kids are safe there. Small communities, good neighbors helping each other. Grow a nice garden.
I've got a couple of young friend that grew up terrified of guns. One in particular inherited 2 guns. One a nice browning 12 gauge and a single shot 22. Didn't know what to do with them. I basically gave them the basics of handling guns, like i'd been taught when i was 8 years old. You guys know the gun safety classes, my dad and grandfather taught me that stuff before there were classes. My friend now at least grasp somewhat of how I was raised.
Well gotta finish up chores. All the critters were looking at me when i got back from coffee.
All this talk of guns , I think i might shoot the 243 and see if she's still sighted in this morning.
One other thought boys, is the corn growing or what!!!!! Like 6 inches a night. I'll be combing oats in 2 weeks. North Illinois

Take care

Nope.......still illegal and can get your tractor and gun confiscated. I agree about the rabbits; when I was a kid, rabbits, squirrels and other wild game were often our only meat through the winter.
Just so you know every American male between 17 and 45 is part of the "militia".

10 USC Sec. 311
Subtitle A - General Military Law

Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

The militia act of 1792 is what laid the foundation for the federal government to have the right to call up the militia in what is commonly known as "the draft" or "selective service" today.
Bushmaster with 16" barrel, 6 position stock with trijicon scope. I don't shot the rabbits just looking for coyotes & pigs. It's so dry that they are out in the daytime now. Saw a coyote chasing my neighbors cows until the donkeys ran him off. Next day 2 300lb sows and about 25 little ones tried to tear up my pasture.
Taste pretty good over the BBQ pit.
A few years ago the famous Jeff Cooper coined the term "hoplophobia" defined as "mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons" or worded differently "the irrational fear of an inanimate object/s"

As odd as that may sound to some it couldn't be more accurate...........

Until people truly realize that it is not the gun, the knife, the golf club, the ball peen hammer, or the high-heeled shoe that is responsible for the violence they have witnessed but rather the human beings that have wielded those inanimate objects, sadly, there will be little or no accountability for the criminal..........and those of us who enjoy the ownership and use of our firearms will continue our uphill battle.............
Do you think crackheads will give up their guns if the law said they had to? The law says they can't have crack, but that doesn't seem stop them from having that. Fortunately common sense prevailed over abundant idiocy.
1. Because they're good to eat.
2. Because they eat my wife's flowers.
3. Wait a minute. I haven't seen a rabbit (or even mouse evidence) since I cut back on barn cat food.
What is there to be afraid of? The vast majority gun owners are responsible and eat the game they shoot. Responsible gun owners always look beyond their target so they don't hit something they shouldn't.

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