Got my oats raked and baled (pic, I hope)

David from Kansas

Well-known Member
Oats were good this year. Got them up with only a little rain on them. Made 4 5x6 bales per acre. Should be good cow feed this winter.

You hit that one just perfect! Yes, excellent, excellent hay!

Good job, Pard. Can I have some of yer luck? :>)

Do you know where I can get some bulk whole oats in KS? I noticed the elevator yesterday was buying oats at $3.00 for a 36#/bushel. I called asked if they would sell me a pickup load at a little over $3 market price. They said no, I would have to buy 50# bags at $22 a bag. I had just bought some 50# bags for $10 at another elevator. What a racket!
One thing about this forum, I get to learn a bunch!

Since we have never grown, harvested or baled oats, here"s my question - when you baled this, had you harvested the oats or are the oats still on the stalk? Since there"s lots of green, I suspect the oats are still on the stalk. Is this correct?
Each fall (late summer) before we wean calves, we start them on a creep feeder and we have just been buying whole oats in bulk and mixing a calf creep pellet (12%) at about 1/3 pellets, 2/3 oats ratio. We have been getting them at the Co-op in Ellsworth, but they are not cheap, and will probably be even higher this year due to the increase in price of all feed grains. I think last October, they were running about $10 bulk. Other than Ellsworth, I don't know where you can get them. I would check with your nearest Co-op. Where are you located?
Yep, oats are still on the stalk. You try to cut for oat hay when the kernals are fully formed, but not yet hard (called the "dough" or "soft dough" stage). That being said, you also have to dodge the rain, so sometimes its a compromise. If you start to lose the green color, you've waited too long. Makes good hay, kind of slippery so a little harder to bale, and mice just love it. Maddening in small squares, to have to keep splicing twine all winter to move the bales after the mice chew through them.
As the square bales were stack on edge in side salt was thrown on the oat bales. Guy was a horse man. Made some good money at a buck an hour.
I dont have any oats this yr. always like to have some , makes real good hay . Yours looks good and I like your rake .
I cut mine when they are at the milk stage.Oats this year cost me $AUD 16.00 per 40kg bag. $US1=AUD $1.07c
Said to contain arsenic,small quantity certainly makes a horse lively.

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